I want a horse. Maybe two. I got the space for them. Is there anything you could tell me in advice? Like start with the basics.
Meaning like the Sun, moon and rising. Like two or three on the same sign. Like I am a Libra moon and rising. Does this mean my Libra attributes are enhanced? Or if someone has triple signs. Anyone else a double or triple sign?
Who uses this site to find a date? How many stupid messages do you get like this? Please do share some if you don't mind.
"Hey sexy mama. let's meet up right now. come over. 220b north oak belton mo, 64012. Samuel..."
"Sit on my face"
Would you do it? Like a felon, DUI charges, drug charges and etc?
To me it does show bad character but I believe in second chances. But it would be harder for me to gain trust for the dude.
I know that anyone who is recruited into the military are awesome. However which signs would shine or come out on top in the military career?
The Man Cave
Why are you guys always fascinated with gross stuff?
Is there anyone who was born passed or before the expected due date given by your mother's doctor? Ever made a sort of chart that what would you have been when you are born on that expected date?
For me the expected due date was on November 21, 1983.
Well I want one or two. A sun tattoo on one shoulder with Sagittarius symbol and a moon tattoo on the other with the symbol of Libra. Anyone got astrology tattoos? I want to read what you did.
I got a massive cold sore on my bottom lip. It is huge and itchy. I tried putting abreva on it. But it isn't doing any good as the expensive stuff says it would.
Grab your bottle of rum and kick back on the couch. Season 3 coming up on Jan 23rd. Who gonna watch it?
I heard that Aqua's don't sleep well at night. Due to the constant thought processes. But I wonder what would it for for you to go to sleep?
Food & Drink
Anyone? What do you plan to consume? Any drink recommends?
Does it represent your dark side?
Are you really mean when drunk or just the coolest person ever to drink with? I'd like to get drunk with an aqua guy or girl or perhaps both and just talk about universe stuff with them in a drunken manner.
I can't seem to get help anywhere about this problem on this site. I try to upload a pic from both google chrome and firefox. But I keep getting this message. Your browser doesn't have Flash, Silverlight or HTML5 support. I contacted the people
Hello, Why do I attract a lot of aquas? I am a sagi sun with libra moon and rising. My chart is mostly Sagi's, libras and a couple of scorpios. Most guys who want to date me are Aquas. To be precise Sun Sagittarius 6°31'35 in house 3 direct Mo