I love her my (Gem) partner but I know it may not work out and I don’t think she has my kids best interest etc I can’t seem to let go of her ☹️
What’s the best way to help a Gemini woman when she’s fed up with life and it becomes a routine/ what can I do to help her it’s a hard question as she has 2 children and the dad isn’t really involved at the moment. I just want to take her away from it .
Think I have come to the realisation that there isn’t a future there with my current partner I broke with my ex who is a female Sag and if you have been following my recent posts you’ll know all about my current relationship anyway my ex who is the mother
I know I post a lot on here but I would like some advice on this ?
My partner (Gemini) doesn’t want us to live together because of my daughter influencing her daughter so basically my daughter who is 11 has said she likes girls not boys but this has all
Hi fellow Sags
What would you say from a male Sagittarius point is the best match for us I.e friendship / relationship working together etc .
Hi gems
Just want to ask a question from a Gemini’s perspective? I properly already have the answer to however my partner had moved into a new house and wants everything decorated straight away she has had a lot of pressure on her with having to move jo
Moon Signs
What is the difference with Sun sign and Moon sign
On how you think in a relationship and feel ?
Hi all
My partner (gemini woman) has seemed a little distant lately like her head is not in the relationship I know she has a lot going on at the moment with moving house and things haven’t been great as we both have been living separately Not a lot of
I am a Sagittarius male and I have a Gemini lady as a partner I need to know if I have lost her she’s asking me to go to my mums and has said that I have lost her but in another breath told me she needs space because I have lied to her and I have held my
I am a Sagittarius male i am 28 years of age i have recently for the past two months been together with a 27 year old Gemini woman.
Here's my problem she has a Ex partner who is also a Sagittarius man and he was very mean to her in there relationship h
Gemini Sun Virgo moon Woman ) with (Sagittarius Sun Aquarius Moon Man interested to see if this would be a good match long term by the way we both are 28 and have our own children with past partners. What’s your thoughts ?
Does anyone have any ideas for a birthday right now in this lockdown as my Gemini partner has hers on the 7th I want to make it abit special 😊.
Relationships & Astrology
Let me know what you think the best star sign matches in a relationship.
Give me your top 3.
Do Gemini’s need a lot of space when in a relationship? I am a Sagittarius and when in a relationship I to do need a night off sometimes however I see my gemini GF quite a lot if I’m honest and she was very quiet yesterday as I suggested maybe she needs s
Do Gemini’s need a lot of space when in a relationship? I am a Sagittarius and when in a relationship I to do need a night off sometimes however I see my gemini GF quite a lot if I’m honest and she was very quiet yesterday as I suggested maybe she needs s
She is Gemini born on the 07/06/92 She is super mercurial, Gemini Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Virgo moon conjunct Jupiter. Little bit of advice for the does and donts with my new partner please.
My life couldn’t get any better right now we both feel that we are life long partners and I cannot wait to spend my life with her and marry her one day !! What a woman !!
Okay so I am a Sagittarius male I have based on my birthday 12/12/91 Pisces moon. My Partner however is a Gemini born on the 07/06/92 She is super mercurial, Gemini Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Virgo moon conjunct Jupiter.
Please can someone give me info on
I am a Sagittarius male i am 28 years of age i have recently for the past two months been together with a 27 year old Gemini woman.
Here's my problem she has a Ex partner who is also a Sagittarius man and he was very mean to her in there relationship h
Gemini and Sagittarius Compatibility
I can honestly say Gemini’s are amazing I am a Sagittarius male and I have never been with a Gemini female until now and I feel like where the hell has she been all my life !!! I have a Gemini sister and cousins and they are both lovely one is more advent
Gemini and Sagittarius Compatibility
I am a Sagittarius male i am 28 years of age i have recently for the past two months been together with a 27 year old Gemini woman.
Here's my problem she has a Ex partner who is also a Sagittarius man and he was very mean to her in there relationship h