
Topics by communicator

What are the signs a Taurus woman from a dating app is into you? She calls quite often, she listens, but doesn't ask any personal questions.
Joined: Nov 29, 2016 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 195
I have 3 Scorpio relatives and unless we call them they don't call us. When we call, they are loving, warm, and sweet. But if we don't call, they have nothing to do with us. Finally, I stopped! Then my aunt Jackie spread through the family that I don't lo
Joined: Nov 29, 2016 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 195
I am in awe at the naivety of my female friends. Boyfriend does not mean exclusive monogamous relationship that's called marriage! A verbal understanding is only to make you feel better about having sex with a single man. The federal government refers to
Joined: Nov 29, 2016 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 195
Signs a Scorpio Woman Online is "into you". Since we are online, can't see the eyes so can't see the stares. Scorpio women how do you act when you meet a new acquaintance that you are into. Do you email, text, call, or sit back observe and slowly come for
Joined: Nov 29, 2016 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 195
Is it just the Scorpios I know, or do you all have trouble initiating communication? Is reaching out considered weak to you? I know a Scorpio woman who will not initiate communication with her own adult son. Please explain...
Joined: Nov 29, 2016 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 195
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Joined: Nov 29, 2016 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 195
Joined: Nov 29, 2016 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 195
I can't speak for all Libras, but getting women is as easy as breathing, but I met this amazing Scorpio woman crippled by the pain and loss of losing her mother and spouse recently and I am at odds. I can stay by her side and wait until the loss subsides,
Joined: Nov 29, 2016 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 195