Say this brief but powerful prayer to the Holy Spirit for your needs. Ask Him for help and you will receive help! May Go
The Holy Spirit gives us the strength we need, and will answer our prayers for miracles, even if they seem out of reach.
Ask your angels for help! They are here to help and serve, just ask! Light 3 white candles on a white plate surrounded
PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN (Never known to fail) O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor o
Pray this to Our Lady, Who loves and cares for you so much. Ask Her for Her intercession and help, and she will be there
Our Lady loves us and always stands ready to assist us, just ask Her. Say this prayer once, and then publish right away
Please have faith, things take time, I know how scary and painful and awful it can be, but please have faith! Pray in th
Here are two novenas for you in times of need. One is to the Holy Spirit, one is to the Blessed Mother. May God Bless Yo
I love praying to her! She will help you and guide your way, lighting the way for you, just ask. THis is a great prayer
St. Jude is the patron saint of things almost despaired of. Pray to him, he is waiting to help you! Remember that in God
To the Blessed Mother:She loves us, all of us, whether we are Christians, Catholics, Jewish, Muslim, whatever! Yes, even
Please hang on, hang in and have faith! Pray more! Try these: TO the Blessed MOther: Oh most beautiful flower of Mount
Hi! I really believe prayer gives us strength, and answers. It's not a letter to Santa, but it is asking for Divine Int
A beautiful strong role model for anyone! Said no to what was expected of her to follow her heart and serve God, selfles
Pray this novena nine times in a row, making the sign of the cross and your request each time. Publish right away, and b
She is such a comfort to me! Thank you, St. Claire! For hearing and interceding for me. Pray this in front of a lighte
Hello! I have been getting serious about prayer for a while, and these novenas really help focus me, and now I really fe
Say this beautiful prayer to the Blessed Mother, 3 times in a row, for three days and ask for her help and intercession.
THey're a great way to get yourself in a real habit of praying, not just for when you want something! Get used to commun
We all know about St. Jude, so powerful in helping procure miracles! He really is the Saint of things that seem so impos
Here is a beautiful novena to try. If you have time, read up a little on her life, it's quite interesting, an early sain
Say them and spread them! TO BLESSED MOTHER Say this prayer for three days, and publish or distribute. Believe in her
Trust in God's love for you, He wants you to be happy! Ask for intercession. Be blessed. NOVENA TO ST. JUDE May the mo
REally! It works! Focus your heart, and ask for help. It will come. TO the Holy Spirit. Say this for 3 days, and promis
I love this prayer! Light 3 white candles on a white plate. Place a glass of water besideit. Sprinkle sugar around the c
We have to ask for what we need and want, Divine Realm gave us free will, so even when they know what would be best, the
Pray these short but powerful prayers, try to make prayer a daily part of your life, however you feel good about it, wha
to the Blessed Mother Mary, our mother, mother of ALL who invoke her help. Please pray this beautiful novena, say it th
I know I publish it often, and truthfully, I feel I better understand prayer now, and it's not magic that only works i
our Beautiful Lady of Mt. Carmel is a great protector of families of ALL kinds, even if it's just you and your pets! Pra
I had almost given up on things that were really life and death important to me, but I felt so abandoned and at the end
Say all of the following with your intention/request then publish with the thank you. O Most Loving Jesus meek lamb
Say all of the following with your intention/request then publish with the thank you. O Most Loving Jesus meek lamb
She was a brave and devoted woman, and she will guide you and light your way, and help you in your requests. This pray
Here is a beautiful prayer to the Blessed Mother, to be said three days in a row, three times in a row. Oh most beauti
Ask for help! That's what they love! They, the angels, Mother Mary, God, the Holy Spirit, they love us and want us to be
Called the Express Novena! Say the Memorare, the petition, and the sign of the cross, nine times, and then publish. T
I believe in the power of prayers. I have experienced it, seen it, heard about it, it's real! Please pray, please give G
I didn't know much about Claire, but beyond being a saint who will help you and guide you, and loves us all here on Eart
We all need it! Ask for help, God, the angels, Mary, they won't interfere with your life unless you ask. But when you do