Relationships & Astrology
I think it's more common to analyze Synastry charts because it can show immediate attraction, but how much weight do you put into Composite/Davison charts?
I just started analyzing them on a deeper level and some are scary-accurate...especially in cases
I was thinking about some families where I know everyone's signs, and a good % of them had kids with different elements than their parents. Obviously, you'd have to expand this into moon/asc and other signs to get a better picture of a trend, but I wanted
Fire = reality-based, acting on feelings (passionately)
Earth = reality-based, acting on thoughts (practically)
Air = idealistic, diving into thoughts (logically)
Water = idealistic, diving into feelings (deeply)
Am I onto something here, or am I reg
My opinions, but most are close and some I might be off on...
- For Libra: Sagittarius > Leo (From personal exp...Leos can be too much, Sag and Libra balance each other out)
- For Scorpio: Capricorn > Virgo (I've seen both, but I think Cap is a lit
Do you find that the girls/guys you're attracted to align with the traditional astrological sentiment that men are usually attracted to girls that align with his Moon/Venus signs and girls are usually attracted to guys who align with their Sun/Mars signs
Type #1: The "fixer upper". The Virgo wants to fix this person (often a Cancer), and take care of them. They want to feel needed and they know that this person will need them. They can have the upperhand/control in this relationship, and thus they won't l
Relationships & Astrology
Any experiences from you guys?
I try my best to steer clear of drama, but the Pluto chemistry here is stirring up quite a bit in me.
- Her Pluto in Libra conjunct my Mars (1 deg)
- Her Pluto in Libra conjunct my Sun (2 deg)
- My Pluto in Scorpio
Hey guys, long time lurker here.
Her: Virgo Sun and Mars / Leo Moon / Scorp Rising / Libra Venus / Libra Merc
Me: Libra Sun and Mars / Virgo Moon / Scorp Rising / Scorp Venus / Virgo Merc
I know Virgo girls (and guys too) hate to be thought poorly