Hello everyone, I'm on and off here every blue moon but back with a question.
I've been dating 3 women for about 3 months now and they are all keepers.
One is a Taurus, second is a Scorpio and last but certainly not least the final lady is a Cancer.
Are Pisces women and Virgo men compatible?
I'm currently dating a Taurus woman and she is great, we spend a lot of time together and we have great chemistry. I can see this girl and I getting serious potentially in the future if things continue to progr
I met this girl and she is great! Never dated a Taurus woman before, so I am embracing the new experience. The only issue I have is that we haven't been dating long and she is already starting to reveal some things and it brings me cause for concern. She
I have a very close friend of mine that I've been friends with for about 5 years now. She is a Sag and I realized the other day no matter how long we go without talking and when I do my disappearing act she is always there. We have always flirted with eac
I met a guy in one of my classes Friday and his birthday is September 6 which is two days after mine. He is 31 and married to a Libra woman who is 34. I originally asked the guy about sports and somehow we got into a topic of women. I told him my ex was a
Libras, my question is, do you ladies think that it's best to be in a relationship with a Libra once she is older ? Closer to 30 ?
I know Gemini's aren't into being locked down lol but I'm starting to see the pattern with Libras too.
The three Libras I
Ive never understood Aquas at all, I dated one 4 years ago for about 5 months and we had absolutely nothing in common and if I didn't come up with things to talk about she would just be quiet. It ended abruptly when she tried to fake a pregnancy and told
My placements are Sun in Virgo, Moon in Sag, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra and Mars in Gem
I think that we are the most passionate lovers of everyone hands down, I think since we are very picky lovers, once we fall for you it's a wrap!
It takes me what seems like an eternity to move on from someone if I fall in love because of the investment.
I was dating this Scorpio woman for a little while and we got into a super small argument with her hanging up on me. I was over it literally the next day, she ignored me for a full week which I found funny.
So I decided I'll just be her friend, no more
So I'm trying to step out my comfort zone a bit here, my best friend is a Leo woman and we have been friends for 2 years now. When we first met I was with my ex girlfriend which I just got over her recently. So my Leo friend and I started hooking up for a
Why are Capricorns so unemotional?
I'm a Virgo and 4 of my best friends are Capricorn, there are people that say we are the heartless and uncaring ones but that's the furthest thing from the truth lol
All of my friends only care about money and themselv
We read all the time how Earth and Air signs are the worst fit together, but why is it that way?
My last three girlfriends in order were Aqua, Gem and Libra. After years of experience with them I learned that instead of loving what makes us different, w
I'm new to this forum but I prefer the advice of real people over a paid professional lol
My ex girlfriend broke up with me about 6 months ago after a 2 year relationship, I literally chased her all the way up to November. She is a Libra and I'm a Virg
So I know that compatible signs aren't always perfect for each other but I'm ready to try something new. I'm a Virgo and I've always been with air signs ever since I started dating. I'm ready to start pursuing Caps as I've heard we are perfect for one ano