Hey, My Leo has been down the past couple of weeks. We have been having a hell of a year with home renos and finances
If you had the day alone... no work... no kids... no partner... What would you do?
Everyone here knows my situation pretty much?? my leo is a wonderful man however very shy with emotions?? (my nice wa
So hot and cold, so intellegent, adventourous and fun!! So easy to look past the faults as there are so many posi
I am on a mission the past couple of months to really explore my self. Has anyone been on this journey? I have noticed
think!! When a leo man goes silent??... or maybe a man of any sign! My man doesn???t speak to me at all!! About
Hey Guys & Gals Just would like a bit of information on my leo man. I am just curious. I have read so much about le
Do leo's always have to be right?? My leo always does!! Even when he is wrong lol We hardly get any one on one tim
Anyone know anything about dreams?? I never remember mind however the past 2 weeks i have had 2 that have left me feeli
Interesting to see how others get there me time
Does anyone know a good book on astrology for a beginner? I would like to learn more then the basics I know now... than
If u could only have one for the rest of your life which would you pick?
To all!! Lord knows as a sagatarious we love to hump!!
Do you take it all in and go all introverted and not talk to anyone or do you share with your partner or friend what is
Hey Peeps!! My leo and I got into it a few weeks ago. because i push things and say things with out thinking. he fe
I am your typical Sag!! outgoing, whitty, fun loving, easy going chick. over the past year i have been having a hel
I know you people are probably all tired of my story and are thing to your selfs Treetrucking move on already!! However
well all of you have heard my leo saga. I love this man but yet again im getting the silent treatment. again i dont kn
Here is my chart and then my boyfriends chart. im so new to astrology have always found it intresting by i struggle to
My leo man and i have been together 2 years we live together now for 6 months. he is really angry with me right now and
hey everyone, I was always in shape and loved working out.. 3 years ago i gained 80lbs on a medication and stopped work
I sometimes find that my non stop mind gets overwhelmed. im always looking for a hobby to enjoy with in moments someti
Sorry everyone I need to vent before I explode????????. I love my leo boyfriend I really really really do??. Someti
What the heck is going on in November????? what a horible month it has been one thing after another after another. work
So some of you awesome Leo's know my story already.. with my Leo guy 2 years living together for 5 months awesome chemis
I have always had a soft spot for Leo men and woman. My boyfriend is a Leo.. i though i had you guys pegged lmao. but
I have been in 3 long term relationships in my life. my sons dad (10 years) my daughters dad (7 years) and my current p
Hey Saggies, I was hoping to get some advice or maybe just to have my feelings justified. So here is how the story
can someone tell me what all this means? I have no idea how to read my chart Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Time unknown
Do a lot of you have issues with Anxiety? im a Sag and i have noticed that me as a single woman am confident, whitty, f
I am 34 years old dating a 40 year old leo man. he is the love of my life. After dating 3 months of awesomeness he ende