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Oct 09, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 283 · Topics: 31
After the date so I'm not gonna push it... I'm the type that either you like someone or you don't...
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Oct 09, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 283 · Topics: 31
If any are curious, I dont have his time, but this is my Sunday dates birthday.
Sun Gemini 17.35
Moon Scorpio 7.25
Mercury Cancer 11.17
Venus Taurus 27.13
Mars Cancer 12.11
Jupiter Aries 22.19
Saturn Sagittarius 17.53 R
Uranus Sagittarius 25.02 R
Neptune Capricorn 7.09 R
Pluto Scorpio 7.34 R
Lilith Cancer 22.03
Asc node Aries 9.06
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Oct 09, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 283 · Topics: 31
Just curious if anyone can explain why Gemini men are drawn to me.
If anyone sees my previous posts, Ive recently become more active with my dating life and I tried a Sadge and it did not work out but the remaining constant has been Gemini men for the last year to now.
I have gone out with about...6 Gemini men. They werent looking for long term so I eventually called it quits because I am.
I have another date on Sunday, although physically not my type, I am already slightly enamored with him. He's looking for long term/marriage which is right up my alley. Unlike the other Gems, he hasnt mentioned many sexual topics (MUCH lol here and there) and hasnt asked for risque pics like the others.
Perhaps my chart can give insight?
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Virgo 10.08 Ascendant Aquarius 10.03
Moon Leo 23.30 II Pisces 19.16
Mercury Virgo 7.26 III Aries 24.57
Venus Libra 25.59 IV Taurus 23.54
Mars Capricorn 14.32 V Gemini 18.32
Jupiter Pisces 18.55 R VI Cancer 12.30
Saturn Sagittarius 3.39 VII Leo 10.03
Uranus Sagittarius 18.22 VIII Virgo 19.16
Neptune Capricorn 3.05 R IX Libra 24.57
Pluto Scorpio 5.14 Midheaven Scorpio 23.54
Lilith Gemini 20.59 XI Sagittarius 18.32
Asc node Aries 21.21 XII Capricorn 12.30
Just wondering.
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Oct 09, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 283 · Topics: 31
When PR wrote this - "None of the Sags I know do well with texting so I don't even bother unless it's to make plans. Period. They are face to face people. As a Scorp that works in your favour because you can get a sense of how he's feeling you."
It definitely rang through. The one I'm currently speaking with/gone out with is a horrible texter. He even tells me that he texts because he knows I like texting and that's about it. His preference is to talk on the phone all day or night so he can deduce emotion and intention etc. (or hang out but that's new with us).