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trashedbliss joined October 09, 2012
I am the stone that builder refused I am the visual The inspiration That made lady sing the blues I'm the spark that makes your idea bright The same spark that lights the dark So that you can know your left from your right I am the ball


Arrested Development. That's all

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@yamilette7410 - please keep us updated, I am very interested in how this turns out. I currently am weighing the option of becoming a FWB with a Gem that desires me physically and mentions not knowing what the future holds, but most us ladies know thats just comfort talk to get us into bed.
Long story short about mine - this Gem isnt one that I dated recently, we went out a few months ago a couple times and although chemistry nothing sparked so we each kinda went our own way. I reached out to him one day to find out what happened and we started friendly talking here and there.
Now I have this new issue of - to do or not to do...I would be breaking about 5 years of celibacy so Im just wondering how your situation plays out. Please let us know!
Posted by geminidude
I bet he'll be good in bed but not for long term relationship. You can keep him as your FWB.

Thanks for writing but as I said earlier we stopped talking. No chemistry. Also, we were never intimate lol just one date. Was just wondering why I seem to attract so many Gemini (male and female). Thanks though
My closest friends are Gemini and Leo smile
After the date so I'm not gonna push it... I'm the type that either you like someone or you don't...
Posted by AGemQueen
Posted by trashedbliss
Posted by WateryGem
Posted by trashedbliss
If any are curious, I dont have his time, but this is my Sunday dates birthday.
Sun Gemini 17.35
Moon Scorpio 7.25
Mercury Cancer 11.17
Venus Taurus 27.13
Mars Cancer 12.11
Jupiter Aries 22.19
Saturn Sagittarius 17.53 R
Uranus Sagittarius 25.02 R
Neptune Capricorn 7.09 R
Pluto Scorpio 7.34 R
Lilith Cancer 22.03
Asc node Aries 9.06

He won't be as flighty as other Gems. I have my Moon in Scorpio and My Venus in Cancer, with lots of Earth. He even has Moon conjunct Pluto.. he is a very watery sensitive person, he will want to settle down, I would think.
How old is he?

Hi there! Thanks all for replying. He's turning 28 Monday. He's extremely sensitive it seems and shy. We had our first date and at first I was my usual chatty self and he finally opened up a bit after about an hour. We hung out all night basically, about 6 hours. We text lightly, earlier today but nothing since then. I'm honestly not sure where/how he feels but I hope the feeling is mutual! I would sincerely like to go out with him again smile

Im very shy too at first once I get to know you I open up, you wouldnt say Im a Gemini the only time I show it is when Im with my Leo friend, Taurus bf (both Gemini moon) or family. If he is a homebody like me he must really love a lot of music and cooking ( venus in taurus) with your libra venus I guess you love that too. If you continue dating beware of the moods most times are not about you.
click to expand

Thank you for the kind words but I'm not sure about this one lol he suddenly has become withdrawn and not as chatty as before our meeting. I felt chemistry was off so perhaps it's for the birds.
I asked him if everything was ok with him and how he was doing and his reply was "really really busy"... My intuition is telling me that it's a curve so I'm gonna listen. My friend wants me to confront him and ask why he suddenly is being so distant (she's a Leo with all placements in Leo lol) and I'm just not so firey. I could tell something was off af
Posted by AGemQueen
OMG he has my chart was he born June 9th 87 , he is my male version I have a Virgo rising maybe thats why he is attracted to you.

Lol you're one day off lol
Posted by WateryGem
That whole talk about sex and send me pics, is so strange when you are trying to get to know someone and I LOVE SEX!! I'm not a prude but I'm not sending some random dude my pics. So weird!! I would immediately stop speaking to someone like that. That would tell me their only intention is to put their d in my P.

Girl yes (I hope I'm correct in assuming you're a woman) it was odd but slightly invigorating. I've been celibate awhile so some digital action isn't always declined but I've learned my lesson to only share with someone you trust!
Posted by WateryGem
Posted by trashedbliss
If any are curious, I dont have his time, but this is my Sunday dates birthday.
Sun Gemini 17.35
Moon Scorpio 7.25
Mercury Cancer 11.17
Venus Taurus 27.13
Mars Cancer 12.11
Jupiter Aries 22.19
Saturn Sagittarius 17.53 R
Uranus Sagittarius 25.02 R
Neptune Capricorn 7.09 R
Pluto Scorpio 7.34 R
Lilith Cancer 22.03
Asc node Aries 9.06

He won't be as flighty as other Gems. I have my Moon in Scorpio and My Venus in Cancer, with lots of Earth. He even has Moon conjunct Pluto.. he is a very watery sensitive person, he will want to settle down, I would think.
How old is he?
click to expand

Hi there! Thanks all for replying. He's turning 28 Monday. He's extremely sensitive it seems and shy. We had our first date and at first I was my usual chatty self and he finally opened up a bit after about an hour. We hung out all night basically, about 6 hours. We text lightly, earlier today but nothing since then. I'm honestly not sure where/how he feels but I hope the feeling is mutual! I would sincerely like to go out with him again smile
If any are curious, I dont have his time, but this is my Sunday dates birthday.
Sun Gemini 17.35
Moon Scorpio 7.25
Mercury Cancer 11.17
Venus Taurus 27.13
Mars Cancer 12.11
Jupiter Aries 22.19
Saturn Sagittarius 17.53 R
Uranus Sagittarius 25.02 R
Neptune Capricorn 7.09 R
Pluto Scorpio 7.34 R
Lilith Cancer 22.03
Asc node Aries 9.06
Just curious if anyone can explain why Gemini men are drawn to me.
If anyone sees my previous posts, Ive recently become more active with my dating life and I tried a Sadge and it did not work out but the remaining constant has been Gemini men for the last year to now.
I have gone out with about...6 Gemini men. They werent looking for long term so I eventually called it quits because I am.
I have another date on Sunday, although physically not my type, I am already slightly enamored with him. He's looking for long term/marriage which is right up my alley. Unlike the other Gems, he hasnt mentioned many sexual topics (MUCH lol here and there) and hasnt asked for risque pics like the others.
Perhaps my chart can give insight?
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Placidus Orb:0
Sun Virgo 10.08 Ascendant Aquarius 10.03
Moon Leo 23.30 II Pisces 19.16
Mercury Virgo 7.26 III Aries 24.57
Venus Libra 25.59 IV Taurus 23.54
Mars Capricorn 14.32 V Gemini 18.32
Jupiter Pisces 18.55 R VI Cancer 12.30
Saturn Sagittarius 3.39 VII Leo 10.03
Uranus Sagittarius 18.22 VIII Virgo 19.16
Neptune Capricorn 3.05 R IX Libra 24.57
Pluto Scorpio 5.14 Midheaven Scorpio 23.54
Lilith Gemini 20.59 XI Sagittarius 18.32
Asc node Aries 21.21 XII Capricorn 12.30

Just wondering.
When PR wrote this - "None of the Sags I know do well with texting so I don't even bother unless it's to make plans. Period. They are face to face people. As a Scorp that works in your favour because you can get a sense of how he's feeling you."
It definitely rang through. The one I'm currently speaking with/gone out with is a horrible texter. He even tells me that he texts because he knows I like texting and that's about it. His preference is to talk on the phone all day or night so he can deduce emotion and intention etc. (or hang out but that's new with us).
@bnr7013 late feedback is still appreciated feedback! Thank you!
There was definitely a crazy moment we had so I wouldn't at all be surprised if that caused a delay in meeting. Glad we both chilled and hung out though, I had a great time.
Hopefully nothing but good comes from the future! I'm definitely more "relaxed" now that we've met. That little hiccup of anxiety is gone and I welcome the experience/adventure smile

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Just curious if anyone can explain why Gemini men are drawn to me. If anyone sees my previous posts, Ive recently beco
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Hi there - So a little while back (about three weeks) I met a Saggie on OKC (online dating site for the newbs). Instan
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Hi King & Queens. Good morning. Brief history - leo & I (Virgo) met on dating/social app. Instant written chemistry. T
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What can you tell me about a person born with this chart? Sun Gemini 23.05 Moon Libra 24.26 Mercury Gemini 1.
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