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TrueLibraXO joined August 21, 2017



I'm in desperate need for some answers because I have completely lost my capricorn!

I met him about 5 years ago, and we have always been interested in each other..just could never "officially" take it to the next level because we live too far apart from each other. But anyways, he has always been a complete gentlemen to me, very sweet, romantic, understanding, and patient. Over the years I have really grown attached to him but i'm hard at expressing my feelings to him because I am a little insecure myself. He's never told me exactly how he felt over the span of the 5 years so I always assumed that he wasn't taking me too serious. He has brought me around his friends/family and he has driven hours multiple times to come pick me up and bring me to his city and actually, now that I look back, he always texts me when he is in my city to try to see me.

Long story short, this year got pretty hectic for me between school and working so I have stood him up on multiple occasions. Not on purpose, it just happens. He would get upset and say something to me about it but never just leave me cold turkey. I literally thought he didn't care that much about me because he never physically said it, so I wasn't that pressed to see him! We didn't see each other or speak for a while, then about 2 months ago, I found out I was pregnant by him. I got an abortion without telling him. He was shocked when I finally told him but he really tried to be there for me after it was all said and done. We got past that situation (at least i thought we did) and we had one more falling out about a month ago (I stood him up again) and it has not been the same since then. I would text him and get no response.. He eventually contacted me back about 2 weeks ago and said he was in town and wanted to stay the night and talk. He came over and we talked about things and I opened up to him and told him how I was feeling and this time when I saw him was literally the most vulnerable i had been with him in the 5 years that I have known him. I said everything i needed to say to him, we discussed feelings, and he said he forgives me, etc. When he left the next morning I was under the impression that we were at least back on good terms. I texted him about twice after he left and no response. Then he finally responded to my 3rd message that week and told me he had become emotionally detached and he expressed that he was trying to see me at certain times but I would stand him up. He said that got annoying to him and he doesn't really know what else to say to me. He ended the conversation with "take care." After he said that, I sent him 1 really long message about how i feel (because libras MUST tell you how we feel) I wasn't mean with how I said it, I basically just let him know that I take ownership for my faults, standing him up was inconsiderate, and I respect his wishes, but Im hurt. I also let him know how amazing he is and that I'll always be a phone call away, because I truly did care about him. And just as I expected, he did not respond to me.

We've had a rough 3 months and I didn't realize how important he was to me until now. I didn't realize he actually cared about me because he never verbally said it (but showed it in so many ways smh i feel so stupid now). I know that the drift in our relationship came from me not having it all together, but Im just curious...Have I lost him forever? I know that I have to give him his space, so I'm just being patient and hoping that he will remember the bond that we did once have.

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