My best male friend is a Capricorn, and I'm surprised to hear Capricorn males described as "vampiric". It is true, he does try to compete with me on an intellectual level, but he openly admits that I have the upper hand in all things of the mind. He is eager to learn from me, but I don't see this as an attempt to overtake me, but, rather, just him using me as a role model for himself.
The virgo you are speaking of sounds much like myself. As sv said, we Virgos can never win. If we take time to ourselves to think over our situation, we're being too distant and not expressing ourselves; I can already hear the stereotypical lies about Virgos being "frigid" and "heartless". Yet, when we act true to ourselves, and perhaps come on a bit too strong, we're equally as bad. Someone has to make up their mind as to what they want!
My natal chart:
Rising Sign is in 15 Degrees Libra
Sun is in 07 Degrees Virgo.
Moon is in 20 Degrees Aquarius.
Mercury is in 08 Degrees Virgo.
Venus is in 03 Degrees Leo.
Mars is in 11 Degrees Libra.
Jupiter is in 14 Degrees Libra.
Saturn is in 26 Degrees Aquarius.
Uranus is in 18 Degrees Capricorn.
Neptune is in 18 Degrees Capricorn.
Pluto is in 22 Degrees Scorpio.
N. Node is in 07 Degrees Sagittarius.
Her natal chart:
Rising Sign is in 03 Degrees Aries.
Sun is in 23 Degrees Sagittarius.
Moon is in 14 Degrees Aquarius.
Mercury is in 02 Degrees Sagittarius.
Venus is in 15 Degrees Sagittarius.
Mars is in 00 Degrees Scorpio.
Jupiter is in 14 Degrees Aquarius.
Saturn is in 03 Degrees Sagittarius.
Uranus is in 18 Degrees Sagittarius.
Neptune is in 02 Degrees Capricorn.
Pluto is in 06 Degrees Scorpio.
N. Node is in 08 Degrees Taurus.
We fight all the time and I wonder what our natal charts say about our relationship. I know just her sun alone in Sagittarius does not bode well for me as a Virgo male, but look at how many times that singular sign shows up in her chart!