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unbulleaveable joined January 07, 2013
40 years old female
"Sun - Taurus Moon - Gemini ASC - Cancer ""It takes the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."" --Aristotle Zodiac in degrees 0.00??Placidus Orb:0SunTaurus14.20??AscendantCanc



Posted by scorpchick76
He has been sleeping in the other room for the last 4 nights... We leave tomorrow night for the trip.
Funny thing... After his act Monday (where he was hanging with a male friend most of the night) I made plans with my girlfriend for last night. I got home to change and bumped into him about to have a shower, quick chat and then I say - see you later and suddenly he's all questioning about where I am going followed by whether I want him to grab dinner for me!
He also keeps going on about the 'right thing to do' as in sleeping in the other room, moving out... Always in response to my saying these things need to happen... It's a choice though, not right or wrong.
Btw- I'm not angry at him but I am angry at this place he's gotten us to.

I kinda like cringed reading your updates, hun. I see red flags popping up...
Mostly because I have pulled the same detached attitude on past bfs... which is not fun to admit...
The situation sounds all too familiar... down to sleeping on the couch...
I keep thinking about his venus in Gemini... I'm a Gemini moon Bull and I can run extremely hot and extremely cold... plus there are so many Gemini influences in the sky right now....
As I have more and more info from you, the more certain I am that he's no good for you as he is right now...
For whatever rationale he has, he is not into it... he's already convinced himself...
And to be honest, it seems like there is something he's not telling you.......
Idk I could be off-base but just keep your intuition and wit sharp.
You sound like a great gal and you can't waste your life waiting on him to get his together.
Hope your trip is insightful and fun!
Posted by moonstruckirongoddess

(Not sure if you're referring to me or Eris here, but at any rate...)
I went through a period of extreme disconnect with my watery intuitions, actually. One of the most beautiful things about my communication with this guy is that I feel no need whatsoever to filter or take pause of any kind in my responses with him. He says something/asks a question, and my response is nearly always 100% automatic and I say the precise thing that runs through my head the first time without feeling the need to check it. Likewise, I think of something, and I say it without any hesitation whatsoever. I haven't had that in a long while.

Sorry moonstruckirongoddess I was referring to the funny feeling from Eris.
How long have you been having this change in your communication?
Id think your Cancer + Virgo would give you a nice ability to use your heart and head together to express yourself.
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Posted by Eris
NM as more information came bad feeling could have been pertaining to something else... I can`t elaborate anyway... Just got a bad vibe as I was reading it. Maybe it was gas... who knows.

I'd trust that water sign intuition. They tend to be right when it comes to those unspoken feelings. Call it spiritual discernment maybe?
I rather enjoy reading what P has to say on matters, and so does the fishy I swim with Winking.... wise, honest and REAL ... I gotta respect that.
Posted by Eris
Posted by unbulleaveable
Posted by Eris
Unbulleavable, you are really pretty!

Thank you, Eris. (
I`m working at giving them out... lol
fishtail(question mark)

Hooray for personal growth! Lol smile in all seriousness, Eris, it is refreshing to hear from someone actively working to better themselves as well. I'm a LOT to handle and I KNOW this lol just ask my sweet fish (Pisces man) LMAO He has been helping me with my tendencies toward self-nullification. Best support I could ask for! Big Grin and please feel free to practice giving out all the complements you want to on me anytime! LOL Really though, that made my day. Thank you so much!
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Posted by scorpchick76
(excerpt) It went down hill from there when after the friend said something to the taurus I pushed to know what his response was in return. He told me to leave it til today and I couldn't... I'm blaming him and making him feel bad and shouldn't but it comes out sometimes as a reaction to my hurt.

scorpchick76, Taureans detest being pushed... and to be honest, 99% of the time, you're not going to get anywhere doing so anyway with us... we can be stubborn to the point of being absolutely immovable and no amount of... well, anything ... will force us to budge...
And I don't know if it's true of other Taureans but guilt trips=no bueno.... I personally am my own worst enemy in that department. I recognize and internalize my guilt to the point of depression at times; and the last thing I need/like to hear is my mate drilling away at that which I so clearly understand and deal with daily about myself. Most importantly, I have been very hurt by people who choose to use that guilt to manipulate me...
I hope any of this helps hun... stay true to yourself and if he doesn't readily see your inner light, he doesn't deserve you. Best wishes.
Posted by justknowthis42109
Being a Taurus, we like to know everything about our mates (or maybe that's just me). I would play mind games and he would play them right back.. it was so unhealthy.

Piscean partner NO NO's:
-MIND GAMES=EPIC FAIL! Pisceans detest people who try to play with/on their emotions, and dishonesty or secretiveness in a mate. There is a great chance anyway you are biting off more than you can chew if you think they can't see right through those games. Also, Pisceans have the ability to mirror other signs, so if you don't like how they are acting, you may want to self-evaluate your own behavior...
-show the fishy respect and space with healthy boundaries, like privacy... stay patient and they will tell you everything you want to know about them (verbally or non) when they believe it is time
-they quickly swim away from criticism and/or nagging
Pisceans feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken. These little tips are strictly from my experience with my Pisces man with whom I have learned so much (usually the hard way lol) and has been so patient with me in return.
Thank you to all for the sweet birthday wishes. It's the first birthday I can remember that it rained. And oh what a beautiful and cleansing day, showered with love and attention by my Fishtail. Big Grin
10:03 am so I get to be a TOTAL BRAT ALLLLL DAY (well more than usual anyway lol don't judge me!)
Happy birfday to all my other Bull buddies!!! :-)
Loving vibes sent out to you all!
Posted by thefish
Hmmm i quite agree with this whole description. I love getting so involved emotionally an physically that you almost pass through your partners soul. Theres always a little piece of them left with me and i always leave something within. I have to have a real connection with a girl to get there but if i feel her undeterred passion will ensue.

+1 thefish!
Posted by Eris
Unbulleavable, you are really pretty!

Thank you, Eris. (
Yeay! Birfday week! I mean, just birfday Winking Thank you! Enjoy the beautiful 4th! I will!

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