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versacegirl joined August 08, 2013


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Posted by wagtail
well. I dunno bout that, my Cappy is 33 going on 8 sometimes. Kind of the old Sea-Goat aging backwards thing going on... =) which I love, lets face it.

Anyway, I gotta say as far as I can tell when Virgo is done- they are Done.
Why waste your time and energy on this when timing wise you have the potential to build the life you want with someone who matches that- ahead of you!?
You're only 23, I wish I was still 23... I'd ditch a few dickheads and focus on some worthies in hindsight now, I tell ya.

Ahh so you're with a cappy? Does he love you with the intensity of a bright shining star? smile so wagtail tell me again. Im a stubborn cappie and i dont like to let go of what i want. When a virgo says they are done, they are done? There is no hope?
Posted by wagtail
How long were you married?

Sadly not very long..Sad
Posted by TigerCap
How old are you?

Im a very mature 23 year old since caps mature when they are 5 years old smile and my love is 27
From my statement above, you can see how highly I think of him and how much I respect him. Should I move on as he suggested or wait in hopes that he has a change of heart towards me? Is their anything i can do to fix this? Please share what you would advise cappies.
Hi Cappies! Newbie girl here looking for insight and advice. I am a madly in love with a Virguy. I fell in love with him, almost love at first sight. We admitted our love for each other almost immediately. I just "felt" it. There was never any question in my mind. We eventually married and he has now left me. He feels I am clingy, needy, and overly emotional. He used to tell me he how much he loves me, kisses and hugs and all the things girls love and he made me feel like a rare sparkling diamond and a princess. He now tells me he "doesn't love me" and that he is not my husband. He tells me he is bored and for me to kindly move on. I see myself as beautiful, loving, affectionate, loyal and supportive to him. I like to tell him I love him every day, hold his hand, hug and kiss him, make sure he is comfortable, make sure everything is ok with him. The sun rises and sets in his eyes as far as I am concerned. I could sit at his feet and gaze at him or rest in his arms and be the happiest girl in the whole world. I like sincere and honest love and affection and romance and I guess I am an a-typical Capricorn in that I am warm and I love showing him affection and I am very open with it. I'm not afraid of it. However he seems to think this is needy and clingy and smothering. I admit I am possessive; I like to be involved in his life and what his is doing but I know he needs space as well to ???do his thing.?? However, I like him to communicate his feelings to me and give me his opinion on things because he is so intelligent. I see him as loving, adventurous, exciting, a bit of a daredevil bad-boy, with an extremely sweet side to me, very intelligent, spontaneous, extremely sexy, clever, romantic and a wonderful husband. He likes to be in control and I like him to be in control as well. It makes me feel safe and loved. He is everything I want and more. I struggle at times with giving him the "space" that Virgos need but I am trying. (Even though I would like to keep him in bed all day smile) hehe. I want to have a child or children with him as I am very family oriented, I need a tight nit family; family means everything to me and I think he would be the most wonderful father to a little boy or a little girl and they would see him as their "hero" daddy. I like being a wife, it suits my nature. So my dilemma is this; he has left me and has thus far not been open to reconnecting and I have been unable to "move on". From my statement above, you can see how highly I thi

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Hi Cappies! Newbie girl here looking for insight and advice. I am a madly in love with a Virguy. I fell in love with him
Joined: Aug 08, 2013 · Topics: 1 · Posts: 7

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