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victoriagemini joined January 30, 2016


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@shellyd238 thank you :-)
Posted by BullShit
Posted by UmiSays
Happy b day smile

2nd this

Happy burfday!!
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Thank you
Posted by UmiSays
Happy b day smile

Thank you babe
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by victoriagemini
@moonartist umm how many posts u done? Let's count...point is this a forum for venting..but I'm guessing u should know that

Probably a lot of posts since I've been on dxp for a few years, but none of them have been redundant threads whining about some guy, or anyone else because I don't entertain or keep around those kinds of people in my life. You specifically posted this thread with a question which suggests you wanted advice, not a bunch of pats on the back for "venting". Also, venting is different than whining.
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Like I said...I never suggested what it means and if anything. You just probably don't get he didn't complety disappear from my life
@moonartist yeah other advice before was way more meaningful than this. You just don't get it and I guess you find it odd he's still in contact with me.
@kissmygrits ummm i remember i don't think I like u
Girl be careful most girls here just attack and try to make themselves feel better
Damn this board just makes you feel worse...some of you need to smell the daisies. I'm out

Sorry misunderstood...but I don't come here EVERYDAY..unless this board is really dead and that's why you think that? Haha
Posted by thinktoomuch
Posted by victoriagemini
Good 2 heartless bitches can leave this topic ..just what I wanted.
I'm not throwing a pity party...the original start to the thread was why did he wish me Happy bday when we are nothing and all of you are saying stop obsessing?,

He wished you a happy birthday, because it´s your birthday. Probably facebook reminded him or whatever.

When you have calmed down and matured, you´ll realize, that it means next to squad that he wished you a happy birthday. I mean it´s friednly but that´s about it. It´s not some elaborate plan.
This is just gonna be a hard time for you, and that´s just how it is. We all grow stronger from hard times, and we never learn anything when we do everything right, so you have to make mistakes to evolve and learn.
Come back and read this in about 10 years and you´ll see why everyone is telling you, that you´re obsessing.
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Stop with the mature BS. You're mature yes? So how come you say you're like me? Immature grls have boyfriends. I'm not saying wow maybe this is a sign I'm saying IF he didn't choose me because he lost interest why all this energy with liking, still following me and sending me a wish?
@moonartist umm how many posts u done? Let's count...point is this a forum for venting..but I'm guessing u should know that
Posted by thinktoomuch
If you talked to him in a calm manor about all of this, maybe you could get a little growth. To tell him, that you thought the two of you had something going and now you feel stupid and hurt. That´s perfectly allowed. Right now you´re letting this thing with him totally ruin you and your birthday. Go spend it with some nice people and think about this later.

Umm you misunderstood babe. I NEVER talked to him about that I said I feel stupid for falling for him only to have almost had sex then he rejecting me. And fuq that I'm not going to be reading this in 10 yrs who knows if I will even make it to that point.

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Anyone had Venus opp Pluto with someone? Or any Venus Pluto connection? If yes how did it feel like? Is it really karmic?
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
Is normal for a cancer man to be in to you saying miss you again not talk to you for while? We live 5hrs away from each other
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
So its my bday and crab boy posted on Facebook Happy Birthday Darling Victoria. Wtf...I feel like its so formal.No private text like before he had the g/f. Should he have said happy bday anyway? He broke my heart
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
So crab boy made it official with that other lady that they are a couple. :-( Anyway I'm happy for him I'm really trying to be BUT thing is he's attacking me with likes on Instagram like never before! Every damn photo he likes now. I'm not reacting...I'm
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
Relationships & Astrology
I call bullshit! I have strong synastry with someone I went out with but they lost interest.. Only wanted sex. We have obsessive contacts and Saturn and nn too. Bullshit!
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
Fuq them....fuq men... Thank you
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
Bloody hell.......I found out he lost interest in me and found a new girl but she's 38 like him which surprised me. This crab man used to date younger women like myself. Which makes the whole looking for a mother thing true. No offense 38 is not old I'm j
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
Can someone help interpret my chart. I was t to understand why I keep attracting men that don't want me seriously. SunGemini3°50'  Ascendant Taurus20°10' Moon Leo3°17'   IIGemini15°52'MercuryTaurus18°37'  IIICancer2°59'VenusAries19°39' Â
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
Fuq me! Fuq the crab men. How can one say I miss you while I find out he's flirting with other women. I'm tired of falling for these men who show strong interest and when I actually show I like them too he begins the slow kinds fade sense textin
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
Girls! Just bake shite for your cancer man to get him back, keep him interested or if you have a cancer man keep him feeling loved! Hahahahaha
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
What if Cancer men just love to romance a lot of women and that's why there are a lot of heartbroken girls on here??? The guy I wrote about is a freaking Taurus moon and cancer Venus too so I was shocked he only wants sex from me. Well he didn't really te
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414
Relationships & Astrology
I have this with someone with my moon in his and his moon in my 12 house. We just met. Anyone else experience this? What would it mean?
Joined: Jan 30, 2016 · Topics: 26 · Posts: 414

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