This is how I see it. She is just insecure. She probably likes/needs the attention. You telling her you still maintain contact with an ex makes her feel insecure about where she stands with you. Virgos are very good at cutting ties when they want to. How you go about dealing with the issue is going to be really tough. Rather than calling her out on her hypocrisy right away, you might wanna reassure her that you love only her.I imagine it would be WW3 when/ you ask her about her exes. Because she is insecure she will feel like your attacking her about the issue (she might feel that she is innocent of doing anything wrong but doesn't trust your stated position with you ex).
Hope it works out. Hopefully eventually you will be the only man she needs to make her secure. If not...
That's so tru DMV. I realise all the saggis i kno have thick hip and thighs.
My Bestest Friend is a Sag too. This is great. I can't wait for them to meet. Oooh he's bringing me lunch! Can't wait to see him!
Sun Sagittarius 1.23
Moon Libra 10.09
Mercury Sagittarius 8.42
Venus Capricorn 17.30
Mars Scorpio 13.09
Jupiter Cancer 9.47 R
Saturn Capricorn 11.20
Uranus Capricorn 3.32
Neptune Capricorn 10.41
Pluto Scorpio 15.47
Lilith Scorpio 2.11
Sun Virgo 13.37 Ascendant Sagittarius 11.10
Moon Leo 20.13
Mercury Leo 25.40
Venus Leo 21.52 R
Mars Libra 3.31
Jupiter Leo 28.49
Saturn Aquarius 0.50 R
Uranus Capricorn 9.54 R
Neptune Capricorn 14.06 R
Pluto Scorpio 18.02
Lilith Capricorn 14.49