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virgoddess1 joined September 05, 2012
33 years old female


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This is how I see it. She is just insecure. She probably likes/needs the attention. You telling her you still maintain contact with an ex makes her feel insecure about where she stands with you. Virgos are very good at cutting ties when they want to. How you go about dealing with the issue is going to be really tough. Rather than calling her out on her hypocrisy right away, you might wanna reassure her that you love only her.I imagine it would be WW3 when/ you ask her about her exes. Because she is insecure she will feel like your attacking her about the issue (she might feel that she is innocent of doing anything wrong but doesn't trust your stated position with you ex).
Hope it works out. Hopefully eventually you will be the only man she needs to make her secure. If not...
Posted by DMV
if its not a big deal and u dont care, whyd you bring it up? its almost like your reassuring yourself. i mean this in the nicest way possible.
are you sure his past is behind you?

Hmmm.... thinking about I think I just felt inspired by his story and experiences that's y I wanted to share.
Posted by DMV
if its not a big deal and u dont care, whyd you bring it up? its almost like your reassuring yourself. i mean this in the nicest way possible.
are you sure his past is behind you?

I'm really not sure why I brought it up. Maybe someone could identify with it. Idk. It is behind me though. We've talked a lot about his past and mine. I don't care to judge him to harshly for what he did when he was a teenager (back then he was just misunderstood and fought with his emotions a lot). I was never a saint myself. His thing was weed mine was alcohol (I grew up fast...I'm way older than my 21 years). It's really fun to share stories though. Illegitimate children? lol. That would be the least of things to hide from me. No. I don't think/feel he's holding back
hehe... you bet!
I find my Sag guy's honesty and openness really refreshing. But I guess I wasn't prepared to hear that he was charged with murder at sixteen! He was innocent and it turned out that the persons death was accidental and he was not to be blamed for it. The charges were dropped. It appears he has struggled some to become the man he is today after having lived a kind of been there done that kinda life... weed, parties, fights and so on.
The man I know is so different from the boy he describes. I am grateful for his honesty and it has allowed me to learn so much about him. I feel so much closer to him. I really love my Saggy! Dang I feel like shouting that to the world. lol. Ima go call my
It may be your Pluto in Scorpio.
"Pluto in Scorpio is ruled by strong emotions. Not only do they react according to their own emotions, but they can understand how others feel as well. They are drawn to activities that will involve them emotionally. Intensity is the key word for them."..."Scorpio Pluto may tend towards dark thoughts. They naturally filter out the good and happy things, focusing on the darker, secret motives of those around us. They may feel that they know best in every situation. On the other hand, individuals born with Pluto in Scorpio may try to remain positive so strongly that they find themselves in denial, finding out when it is too late about all that was happening right under their noses."

Right now Pluto is in Capricorn.
That's so sexy Boom!
That's so tru DMV. I realise all the saggis i kno have thick hip and thighs.
Posted by DMV
Posted by virgoddess1
My Bestest Friend is a Sag too. This is great. I can't wait for them to meet. Oooh he's bringing me lunch! Can't wait to see him!

sooo venus in cap bringing you lunch.
look for him to do all that shit. tangible displays.
click to expand

He's quite expressive verbally too. He likes to touch me and loves playing in my hair. I love it when when he kisses my forehead then holds me close.
Yep I'm sure. He won't have to keep score cuz I like to spoil my mates too. Something about seeing them happy makes me happy too.Big Grin This is one virgo who doesn't do routine... blah, boring. I often have to keep myself in check cuz I can be so random sometimes. (lots a adventures and interesting stories) It must be my Sag rising.
My Bestest Friend is a Sag too. This is great. I can't wait for them to meet. Oooh he's bringing me lunch! Can't wait to see him!
Sun Sagittarius 1.23
Moon Libra 10.09
Mercury Sagittarius 8.42
Venus Capricorn 17.30
Mars Scorpio 13.09
Jupiter Cancer 9.47 R
Saturn Capricorn 11.20
Uranus Capricorn 3.32
Neptune Capricorn 10.41
Pluto Scorpio 15.47
Lilith Scorpio 2.11

Sun Virgo 13.37 Ascendant Sagittarius 11.10
Moon Leo 20.13
Mercury Leo 25.40
Venus Leo 21.52 R
Mars Libra 3.31
Jupiter Leo 28.49
Saturn Aquarius 0.50 R
Uranus Capricorn 9.54 R
Neptune Capricorn 14.06 R
Pluto Scorpio 18.02
Lilith Capricorn 14.49

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Unpredictable is what sums me up. But I only have one Virgo aspect in my whole chart. Mostly fire and air signs.
Joined: Sep 05, 2012 · Topics: 7 · Posts: 38
I find my Sag guy's honesty and openness really refreshing. But I guess I wasn't prepared to hear that he was charged wi
Joined: Sep 05, 2012 · Topics: 7 · Posts: 38
I met this sag a month a go and we connected right away. He's smart funny, generous, sexy and we have great conversation
Joined: Sep 05, 2012 · Topics: 7 · Posts: 38
Astrology Houses
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My mom is a Gemini. We never really seem to be on the same wavelength. I get frustrated/angry when I constantly have to
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So I recently met this girl who we had so many things in common it seemed quite impossible.It just so happens that our b
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Virgo and Sagittarius Compatibility
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