Scorpio any of you use sex as a weapon?. If you do you'll know what I mean, and what it feels like to do this.
This post/topic is about the Virgo, and his/her freedom. I personally am a HIGHLY FREEDOM LOVING PERSON, and If I don't have the freedom to come or go, to relate, and understand; I hate life. I like to have people/things at my fingertips, and only because
Yo Lions....when you guys hit that dance floor, and that ONE SPECIAL SONG of yours starts to play.....does the inner fre
I don't want to be rude so I'll introduce myself properly first, VIRGOEXALTED, or VE as I've been called....I actually c
I've been putting qute a bit of thought into why I originally came here to this site, and I've found out upon recollecti
Hey everybody!! Just listenin' and preparing my 'Old School Skate' track list lol Listening currently to Millie Jack
These are the GODS/GODDESSES among men to me in no particular order of preference: 1.Sesshomaru....he is the
Hey....I've gotta, do you struggle with grudges, and soul poisoning anger/emotions? If so, how do you guys r
Hey archers. I've been wondering something; a keynote for Sagittarius is Optimism, and I gotta say it's a great trait to
I know that as far as the zodiac wheel is concerned, that Virgos karma is to 'serve', I've been doing that for qu
This V girl was interested in hooking up with me, and she brought the idea of hooking up with me to my attention in a hy
Had a dream I was being burned alive....but I didn't look like I was suffering....I mean, fire is pretty damned painful.