I thought it was quite funny and playfull him making a nurse account
lol @peitho thats even easier .. just say what i did and you will be good friends with him. And if you are ambitious about anything dont hesitate to talk it through.
@peitho oh thats so Virgo saying you to go to schooland educate myself more. If he is educated then he probably sees you incomplete without education . You can ask any educated Virgo here he will most likely want to or prefer to be with a girl who is educated at par with him .
Yes virgos are critical of everything especially the ones close . Thats a very typical virgo trying to make things around him perfect . If you are starting school again thats a good choice but ofcourse you are doing this for yourself and not coz he said .
If he has suggested to go to school and I take it he is a smart guy himself then go him and have a chat about whether the subjects you taking at school are worth taking etc etc.. just involve him in that conversation and connect with him at that level.
He will appreciate this .
If you feel somewhere he has started talking something which bounces of your head then just go with the flow .. reach home off you go to google then next day you pick on that few points and continue the convo.
The worst thing you want to do to a virgo is sound uninformed or dumb in a topic/conversation in which he excels !
@peitho My question is did you accept the fake requests? Virgos can often be cynical or nagative about people and things surrounding them. This cynical nature created a lot of disambuiguity . I know I have been through phase of negative thinking on literally every aspect of life until one day I decided I had enought and gotta look at positive side of things. I started doubting everyone around me and was even if someone was being genuinely nice to me I was cautious and suspicious.
If you are going to be with a virgo you need a lot of patience but once you have him you will know it was all worth it because most of us are extremely loyal and fiercely protective of our loved ones.
And trust me I have taurus peeps around me , very nice easy going and assertive people. I found I was the notorious one who was dominating them with my thoughts. No matter how much aggressive I was to them they somehow reflected a very pleasant aura and for that reason I have a lot of respect for taurus.
He is probably adding you on fake account to check whether you accept those accounts. (I hope you didn't). He is probably tetsing you to see if you are the perfect partner for him . You know loyal and fit for him. I now many virgo mates of mine who are very picky and they do wierd things to test their partners.
If you really like him just be very upfront and honest and say to him ' someone stalking you with fake account ' and you are not someone who should be taken for granted.
But if he is one of those dirty virgos pls stay away .. pain and agony awaits.
oh yes she did . Thank you all wonderfull ladies . Have a good evening chat soon