thanks everyone...i just never know whether to keep on truckin or get a reality check and realize im having feelings that will go nowhere...i've never been this crazy before...
would getting an aqua man to commit to an event a month a way be a good indication that he is perhaps "interested"? I know that everything else is last minute but I pinned him down for something a month in advance...good sign?
so maybe he DOES like me more than a "friend" so he's playin it cool? Cuz my other male buddies are different...
Thanks Antibling...
Yeah I guess I don't mean "return the favor" as much as I mean he rarely initiates anything like "hey I'm goin here..." which I would take to understand as "I don't ever think of you or want to hang out with you..." but when i invite him out he comes and we have a great time, so I get confused. I tend to think that people who want to see you will invite you out...geez i dunno. I dunno if he's just "shy" (even though we've been friends for a couple years) or "doesn't care" and I should get the hint...
if i keep inviting the aqua male to events/bars/parties and he takes me up on the offers but never returns the favor, should i keep calling for him to come hang out? Do they get annoyed? I guess I should know that they will do whatever they want to do but is it a good idea to keep extending invites in terms of trying to deepen a friendship/relationship? Or should I back off? Do they scare easily?
so your actual bonafide boyfriends give you hard time? geez. difficult!oh well, it's nice to know they are quite similar. im just trying to even figure out if i even got a chance with this one...i feel i would know if he'd just invite me out sometime. he has before but not as of late...geez. if they show up at bars and stuff and just talk to you for this a good thing or are they just chat machines?
I swear he seems to want to hang out and do stuff but they never actually call or make plans. I usually initiate things. Is this typical of an aqua or is it just a guy that is not interested? the long run Aquas aren't heroic enough? Aren't the knight in shining armor...? I analyze him to death. I know I shouldn't. I just wish I has a sign of reassurance to know that I it's ok to be obsessing over him. Why do us Virgo's obsess and make up false scenarios? How does everyone else curb that??
How do Aqua dudes feel about Virgo ladies...I know us Virgos gotta be patient with you guys...
Do you like Virgo ladies?? Any telltale signs that they are into you? Thanks!
So I've read about all the rules and the patience needed in dealing w/ Aquarian guys...but no one ever talks about the success of virgo females and aqua there any hope?