Hi hi, how you doing?
Lately I'm studying astrology, beside I kinda much doesn't take it seriously, i must admit that I really fit a LOT with the traits of my astrologic map.
Kinda much I always failed in have a nice romantic relationship. I believe is because I'm either a total lack in male traits that I'm always trying to work out. Basically a better version of me everyday and etc. But in the end I'm always ghosted, rejected. Always something like "You're so nice but I don't want to date you." I know the girls try to be nice with me but I would prefer a harsh, honest and the true, so I could work on it and etc.
Here my map:
Sun: Virgo
Rising: Taurus
Mercury: Virgo
Moon: Cancer
Venus: Leo
Mars: Libra
Jupiter: Libra
Saturn: Aquarius
Uranus: Capricorn
Neptune: Capricorn
Pluto: Scorpio
I ask to myself how much good or bad I'm. The sites about it are too vague imo.