kongkear--my God, what is wrong with you?!!! Reading your posts, it sounds as though you're responding to a completely different thread! I couldn't believe it when I read your response, and I just had to laugh you off. You sound as though you have a sub-zero intellect, and that is being generous. Also, I get the feeling that you're about 12 to be honest. You have completely exaggerated the situation kongkear, and your response is completely unwarranted. There is nothing in venusian1's post that is at all threatening or sinister, unlike the response you provided, which gives the impression of an individual right on the edge and devoid of any sense of reason or rationale. Venusian1, I hope you have ignored this idiocy, and hats off to those of you who have defended venusian1.
Joe, you are absolutely right in everything you said. If I think about it, the 'charm' issue was the main problem in our relationship, and it manifested in many different ways. It's a strange paradox, the relationship between Librans and Geminis. I think the two signs get on exceptionally well. For Librans, the problems arise when (and I can only speak from my side, as a Libran) the Libran gets frustrated because they sense that there is something the Gem is not saying, always keeping hidden, and vice versa. We then expend all of our energies trying to figure out what's going on under that veneer of nicety that the Gem is a master of. If the Gem is unhappy, instead of confronting their partner or the situation, they silently plot their next move. In this sense, I would classify Gems as opportunists in love, waiting for the next best thing to turn up. Until it does, they will carry on giving the impression that 'everything is ok'. Having said that, my Gemini partner was so giving, attentive, thoughtful, engaging. Apart from his extramarital activities, we got on very well. Librans are just as guilty of deception. We too have an inability to face conflict, and will glaze over situations that we know are toxic. Librans have an amazing ability to rationalize an attachment, a relationship that is blatantly not right. I think one of our greatest flaws is our self-deception. However, (and this is something that most Librans don't want to hear), we can use other people to get what we want without even realising we're doing it. I'm sure if you talk to an older Libran, they will tell you that they have broken many hearts, but, funnily, they usually remain friends with their ex partners. Okay, I'm definitely rambling now--sorry!
Good grief! Is anyone else experiencing a rough patch because of the Moon in Taurus today? As a Libran, I feel absolutely exhausted, drained, lethargic, and have been feeling like this for a couple of days. If someone were to tap me lightly, I'd fall over--that's how tired I feel. Also, I'm in a really crap mood. All it would take is someone to say the slightest thing to me today and I'd snap. Please move on Ms. Moon, can't take another day of this!!!
I'd love your feedback guys on how this dastardly alignment is affecting you. I've noticed that everyone I've met today is really on edge!
Oh, and there's another thing I wanted to add venusian1. If your intuition is strongly suggesting that something isn't right--listen to it! As librans, we have a tendency to not trust our instincts, because we always want to believe the best in people. This can lead to us being manipulated and abused by others, because we always want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. If you're having bad feelings, don't turn your back on them like I did. I know it can be difficult when you don't have anything to work from, especially if your partner is as good at cover-ups as mine was. I know that this is probably eating you up (Libras focus all of their attention on their relationships, and when they're going wrong, we suffer...badly) Just listen to what your heart is trying to tell you.
Hi venusian1! I too am a Libran woman with experience of Gemini men, but I must stress that this is only me relating my personal experience, so don't take it too seriously ok? (know what us Librans are like!) Well, I just ended a marriage with a Gemini. We were together for 17 years, and boy did I learn some ugly truths (which he kept veiled so well, too well in fact). My husband was seeing other women throughout our marriage. I don't know what the tally is, that's the extent of his cheating. Nine years into our marriage, I found out that he had been dating a woman for 5 years of our marriage. He kept it all so well hidden, and was an expert at knowing how to cover up his escapades. I did have suspicions (Libran intuition), and confronted him about them on many different occasions. Each time I did, he told me 'What are you talking about?! I love you. I can't believe you would think such a thing!' He made me think I was going crazy. Of course, being Libran, I expected that what he told me was the truth (we can be gullible, oh yes, very) Then, one day, this woman appears at the door, and asks to speak to me. She told me that she had been seeing my husband for five years, and finally ended it because he wouldn't commit to her. She wanted me to know what was going on, because she said she thought I would never find out otherwise. Anyway, I've been rambling on too long. All I can say is that my experience of Geminis has been very painful. I never felt like I knew who he was, and he was so good at masking himself. I'd just like to point out as well that we had an active, adventurous sex life throughout our marriage, and that still didn't stop him from venturing elsewhere for his kicks. But, as I said before, don't take my experiences too seriously, as you can't judge them all through the follies of one.