Or is that a forbidden question on an open forum? If you want you can post your selfies here. I wanna see your beautiful faces ☺️
Or do you learn to love them?
In my mind I have idealized placements that I wish I had. Maybe they would help me be more social, less emotional, more adventurous, more confident. At the end of the day, I can't really change too much of who I am, some of
The Powder Room
What sign makes you crazy?? I'll go first, I'm a cancer and I love me some Aries, Scorpios & Sagittarians males & I think cancer, taurus, and libra females are beautiful. How about you?
I think I got ghosted by an aries? I was talking to an aries (m) long distance for 6 months now. Before the holiday season he was going on a trip to where he had no service so I was already expecting to not hear from him until the first week of January an
Aries Men
Hi! So this is my first post on this website but I've been reading along many forums looking for a situation as similar to mine as possible, but I figured, why not put it out there for any tips/advice.
First off- might be a long read, will include a TLD