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waterscorpgirl joined November 20, 2006
mysterious (obviously)
mysterious (obviously)


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ok patterns i've seen live and in person:
gemini's: haven't known enough gemini women but the men i've come across all Love to talk, especially on the phone.
aquarius: haven't known hardly any aquarius men, but all the aquarius women i've come across have been messy as far as how they keep their living spaces!
capricorns: men- good conversation, witty and good sense of humor
women- distant, not very engaging
taurus: women a bit vain the ones that i've come across, really concerned with their appearance, but have good taste.
virgo: women- smart with their verbal and written expression, creative use of words.
scorpio- both men and women hard to get to know
pisces- both men and women i've come across seem to be "bleeding hearts" so to speak, nice and friendly and the women easily emotional over something; kind of absentminded/spacey
cancer- the women i've come across have come off as closed.
the men- hard to pin down as to what they are thinking/feeling
just silly patterns i've witnessed, by no means do i imply that all are like this. also, i think the sign you are affects how you view other signs.
i'm sorry to hear about your dealings with these scorp women, it seems unjust. maybe you've come across the wrong types of scorps, the more badly-aspected ones- afterall people are people and no positive aspects of a sign can make up for someone who is immature.
it does seem from your descriptions that pisces and scorpio are very alike, especially if you're talking about mature people, i think immaturity is the groundwork for most problems between people- some maturity and respect would probably allow any signs to get along.
when you made that statement about scorpios liking cancers haha i could not agree more, scorpios always go for cancers. its ridiculous how often this occurs.
the only reason i think scorpios are often around air signs or fire signs like you mentioned (gemini's,etc) i believe its because either:
1) these people bring out the playful side of scorpio so their not always soo serious or
2) the air and fire signs pursue us.
its wierd b/c i have always tried to look for people who i might have a real connection with, someone more like myself, and it seems that the people i'm always surrounded by end up being the air and fire signs- and i know in my case its because these are the more outgoing people and they have always been very comfortable pursuing me and becoming my friend, i'm more just passive about it. i realized a little while ago that maybe because water signs are more internal, more sensitive and careful its harder for them to pursue someone they think they might have something with, and instead they end up being the one pursued by others, because the ones they think they might be similar to are also ones who are probably not easily the kind to pursue you.
perhaps your scorp who opens up to you and then gets mean is again doing so out of defense- she may think that she gave you a lot personal information, she let herself be vulnerable and now she's got to back off to get back the balance in the relationship. who knows, maybe your relationship with these scorps will improve somewhere down the road- after all time allows for wisdom and growth, maybe with some time they'll come to learn from their behavior. one can only hope! i think the best you can do is show them that you are mature and beyond their games, that will probably make them feel embarressed for their behavior. good luck! smile
uh! my hehe (though the natural response) went right under your hehe, how redundant !
hehe Winking
which brings me to another point: scorpios are very sensitive and are always careful with who they trust and/or care about.
for a scorp, once they decide they care about you its a HUGE deal, that means they care about you completely, they've let you in, they are admiting that you mean so much to them and therefore you now have the power to hurt them.
and scorpios hate being hurt, they hate giving someone this power over them, they are all about defending and protecting themselves. that's why they only love a few and are selective- they don't want to open themselves up to too much pain, so they must choose carefully the people who they think won't hurt them.
so, again, don't take offense if a scorpio doesnt get involved with you or acts as if they don't care for you- it may just mean they like you and really wish that they could like you even more but something has made them feel that their emotions would not be safe with you, and i think its that whole "lovimg easily" statement you made that i addressed above.
and its not possible to be intense with many people, they're only able to do this with a few.
its funny because, and i mean no offense, but in my dealings with pisces, the pattern i've noticed is that pisces are not critical enough, they seem to accept too easily without knowing people well enough and without knowing what they are accepting- to a scorp this feels unsafe. when you say you "love easily," to a scorp this sounds unsafe and temporary, they think: if this person can love so easily and accept so easily, what makes me different from anyone else to this person, who is the next person they are going to love, to the scorpio that i am, pisces seems unstable and unpredictable, and too easily flip-floping with their emotions.
again, no offense, i have known many pisces and they are all very nice and sweet, caring people, and i respect that about them, but as far as getting into a more intimate relationship with them, me as a scorp would never feel secure.
hi OBPisces,
that's interesting about your experience with scorp women. i have to say that i can see what you mean, i can agree that i do this. although, its not for the reasons you believe, so while i can't speak for all scorps, i believe i can speak for certain types of them.
being a scorp means noticing everything and being very critical, not just on others but on oneself. its hard to constantly be aware of this, its exhausting and irritating to oneself. it also means that WE don't know how to show an emotion that we don't feel. if i'm not interested i can be civil and polite but i DO NOT know how to Pretend, in other words, to scorpios- acting like you are happy, sad, etc when you are not, or acting as if you like someone when you don't are all an indication of not being genuine, and not being true to oneself, and i think that scorpios hold that to be the most important thing: to be true to oneself. they're not good at small talk, at socializing etc they like to get right down to it and talk about the things they believe are important, and they are better at more intimate relationships rather than social ones. scorps see it like this: because they are so critical and as well curious they try to get a sense of people as soon as they feel they can, and once they decide they know enough about you to decide whether you are compatible with them or not, they won't waste their time so to speak- if they believe you two are not compatible, they won't make an effort to know you much more, and if they think you are, they will. you shouldn't take this personal, its just common sense to them: if two people aren't alike they most likely will not make good friends, and so they think: why waste your or their time.
that's why they come off as having standards as you said, but its really not about standards- its just that scorpios know that they work better with more intimate relationships, they may be social but they are really interested in knowing people very well and closely, and they do this with a limited amount of people, as obviously its hard to know many people very well, so they stick to a close set who they can know intimately, and the way they choose those people is really just by common sense and/or emotion: they either believe or feel that that person is similar to them or has common ways of thinking or whatever other reason that is of value to a scorp. they are all about intensity, and that's why they seem exclusive.
agreed miss morals, i have a line of tolerance, i can stand only so much pathetic, woe- is-me behavior, once that line is crossed there's no getting me back to my good side- i'm through with the whole thing.
miss morals i agree with you completely about the boulevard of broken dreams- very scorpio
sorry i posted that without rereading it, its a bit jumbled
i agree with alana as well. scorpios are curious by nature and the fact that you write her a note saying you wish her well with the other, but do it in a way that doesn't sound like you are being sarcastic, but instead you show that you are mature and able to move on will intrigue her. scorpios like to be intrigued, but they hate it too, they will want to figure out why you are behaving the way you are. i think that scorpio women do not like clingy men or men that act as if they cannot live without them, to a scorpio this is like revealing a weakness, and scorpios don't do that unless they know you feel the same for them, otherwise they are critical this in themselves and will definitely be turned off by this in you. scorpios like confident not arrogant though) people who show that they can take care of themselves, and that they are mature. but if you can't and you're not, scorpio will see through this eventually, and might even feel that you manipulated or tricked her into getting back with you.
of course i've got to say, if she considers it over, its better for both of you if you try to move on. it doesn't hurt to keep good relations, if you are capable of doing so without pushing for more or being hurt. but otherwise, you should focus on yourself and getting past this relationship.
so what songs do you know of that the lyrics for some reason or other make you think: how scorpio!
for example, i don't know why, (well wait actually i do know why..) but the mary j. blige song "No More Drama" makes me think of scorpios.
"Broken heart again
Another lesson learned
Better know your friends
Or else you will get burned
Gotta count on me
Cause I can guarantee
That I'll be fine... more pain
(no more pain)
No drama
No more drama in my life
(no more in my life)
No one's gonna make me hurt again"
(and yet the song itself is so dramatic...)

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Joined: Nov 20, 2006 · Topics: 3 · Posts: 33
so what songs do you know of that the lyrics for some reason or other make you think: how scorpio! for example, i don
Joined: Nov 20, 2006 · Topics: 3 · Posts: 33
so, in your dealings with people of all signs (or maybe you haven't dealt extensively with all signs, or known which sig
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