I went through the same thing and i realized cancer men don't mean what they say. And the guy even accepted it.
I agree. I had to shout on him saying you senstive little boy i am not your mama.
You need a lot of patience with the Cancers. You need to deal with their past, their daily crying but at the end they somehow are so cute and adorable you will feel that they need you so automatically you will care for them/ compromise and so on. Trap trap full trap.
I am dealing with this cancer guy and all i will say is that too much emotional drama. They are always confused and they want to keep everybody happy which is very irritating because practically its not possible.
According to me, there is a particular type that we like, the type from whom you get a sexual vibes. We long for deep love and everything intense. We want a guy who speaks from the bottom of his heart and means every fucking thing he says. We hate indecisive men. THE CONFUSING PART IS who loves to dominate. Well the answer is we like the men to take the lead by keeping in mind all our needs and our priorities. If the man knows that i hate a particular friend of his and if he has invited that person, then yeah all cool, until the parties over. Also we hate men who can't keep their words.
We like loyal men and one advice too much honesty is not good with scorpio women because even if you tell her about something which you think might make her jealous then better never say it because even if you're honest we will still be very jealous and feel insecure. So just be loyal and be quiet about stuff (as in don't talk about your female colleagues and bla bla).
We don't have a particular body type that we like but yeah we like sporty guys whether be thin or masculine. I usually like guys whose arms are strong and who hug really well. We are extremist either yes or no. Nothing in between. So if you are a confused person and have difficulty deciding stuff stay away.