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windingcanyon joined June 24, 2015



Thanks for the replies.
Montgomery, I have her instagram and facebook but not connected to it. Luckily it is open to the public and I don't see any signs of a significant other. The times we spoke on the phone when she got home from work, I don't hear anyone but her 2 dogs in the background. I mean, it is always a possibility... I just wish she could at least provide some closure if that is the case.

wagtail, yeah 3 days isn't that long... but it feels like an eternity, I've been keeping myself busy with work... but not knowing really grinds me to death...
A TLDR back story.

I met a girl 3 weeks back at a friend's wedding. She was working at the venue and I was the best man. Eventually I approached her and asked her for her name and #. I was apprehensive at first, the number seemed fake. A few days later I tried it out, she picked up but couldn't talk much because she was at work. She offered to call me back, but I took the lead and told her that I would call her back instead.

I call her again 2 nights later, instead got her voice message. The next night I tried again, she picked up and we played phone tag for the next 5 minutes due to shoddy reception. According to her, she was asleep the previous night when I called (I called at 12am-ish). We added each other on a popular chat/messaging app.

From then on, we chat with each other while working as much as possible. We'll call each other from time to time. We got to the point where she would message me that she just got home from work. I would even call her to see how her night went. I eventually got around to knowing her, her work schedule and even planned to have a dinner date. The scheduling for the date took a lot of effort due to both our busy schedules. But we settled on a date.

So dating back 2-3 days. She's been missing. I was extremely concerned, considering she's not the type that would fall off the face of the earth like that. I see a sporadic update in her messaging profile today. And it's been 3 days. The last message I got from her wasn't any message of concern or negative. It was a tease from her about my botched attempt at a dish. We're supposed to meet in 4 days, we didn't settle on a time to meet yet... but I got the restaurant reserved and even ordered flowers for her.

I stuck to my schedule of saying hi to her every day and even asked if she was okay. Cause I genuinely care about her. But I wouldn't message spam her pass the messages asking about her welfare. She hasn't blocked me from the messaging app, which she could do and I wouldn't even be able to see her on my contact list. So what gives? I'm really really in to her, can someone give me some advice? Should I just back off completely? Did I unknowingly pissed her off after her last message to me? What did I do? I am afraid of calling her and "crowding" her. Maybe she's actually seeing someone already? I'm not afraid of losing her... if anything I rather have some closure to all this. Please help.
A TLDR back story.

I met a girl 3 weeks back at a friend's wedding. She was working at the venue and I was the best man. Eventually I approached her and asked her for her name and #. I was apprehensive at first, the number seemed fake. A few days later I tried it out, she picked up but couldn't talk much because she was at work. She offered to call me back, but I took the lead and told her that I would call her back instead.

I call her again 2 nights later, instead got her voice message. The next night I tried again, she picked up and we played phone tag for the next 5 minutes due to shoddy reception. According to her, she was asleep the previous night when I called (I called at 12am-ish). We added each other on a popular chat/messaging app.

From then on, we chat with each other while working as much as possible. We'll call each other from time to time. We got to the point where she would message me that she just got home from work. I would even call her to see how her night went. I eventually got around to knowing her, her work schedule and even planned to have a dinner date. The scheduling for the date took a lot of effort due to both our busy schedules. But we settled on a date.

So dating back 2-3 days. She's been missing. I was extremely concerned, considering she's not the type that would fall off the face of the earth like that. I see a sporadic update in her messaging profile today. And it's been 3 days. The last message I got from her wasn't any message of concern or negative. It was a tease from her about my botched attempt at a dish. We're supposed to meet in 4 days, we didn't settle on a time to meet yet... but I got the restaurant reserved and even ordered flowers for her.

I stuck to my schedule of saying hi to her every day and even asked if she was okay. Cause I genuinely care about her. But I wouldn't message spam her pass the messages asking about her welfare. She hasn't blocked me from the messaging app, which she could do and I wouldn't even be able to see her on my contact list. So what gives? I'm really really in to her, can someone give me some advice? Should I just back off completely? Did I unknowingly pissed her off after her last message to me? What did I do? I am afraid of calling her and "crowding" her. Maybe she's actually seeing someone already? I'm not afraid of losing her... if anything I rather have some closure to all this. Please help.

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A TLDR back story. I met a girl 3 weeks back at a friend's wedding. She was working at the venue and I was the best m
Joined: Jun 24, 2015 · Topics: 2 · Posts: 4
A TLDR back story. I met a girl 3 weeks back at a friend's wedding. She was working at the venue and I was the best m
Joined: Jun 24, 2015 · Topics: 2 · Posts: 4

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