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xXCancer_LeoXx joined February 07, 2006
37 years old female from Lynchburg, Virginia, USA
"Hi! my name is Elizabeth, but you may call me Liz :) I am a Cancer/Leo and i came to this site with questoins about myself and i'm willing to answer anything that you need to know about my cusp. I am very sweet and sensative that is one thing that i
"Hi! my name is Elizabeth, but you may call me Liz smile I am a Cancer/Leo and i came to this site with questoins about myself and i'm willing to answer anything that you need to know about my cusp. I am very sweet and sensative that is one thing that i'm told alot, but it seems that others don't want to dicuss my fiery side! I am probably one of the sweetest poeple you'll ever meet, i DO have alot of pride which can be good or bad, i'm argumentative, very defensive (to myself and my friends), my life really is a roller coaster but those are just some bad things about me. I'm very fun to be with.. poeple love my ditzy and fun loving attitide, poeple have told me that they have never met a person with a personality quite like mine. I like interior decorating and i am a very good writer and i like to cook gourmet and soups and bake cakes pies, cookies ect. I'm a HUGE animal lover! i have a little 4 lb chihuahua, she is a first decante pisces and i seriously don't think that i could have a better dog. One very annoying thing about me is that i'm clingy! unless you like that in a person, i like hugs and cuddles whether its with the love of my life or a very close friend. .::My Leo characteristics::. Ruling planet: Sun Keyphrase: I WILL Keyword: Pleasure! ABOUT ME Pride Bossiness Brashiness I'm fiery I LOVE CHILDREN! i love luxury (big pleasure seeker here) i'm a fighter Bully i don't let poeple get in my way i have a tendency to brag even tho really try not to, sometimes i cant help myself i can be generous as long as i get the credit for it I hold my friends and loved ones up high i like to be watched from a distance I AM THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE! now don't get me wrong.. these characteristics are not bad when you seek the good in them. i really am a good person .::My Cancer characteristics::. Ruling planet: Sun Keyphrase: i feel Keyword: food Moodyness Sensitivity Loving Caring Sweet I LOVE FOOD, i eat when ever i'm bored, the weight gain has not hit me yet, but i'm told that it may later in life low self esteem security seeker i make others feel secure DEFENSIVE clingy i like to cook i like to pamper others i DO cary my home on my back when i leave.. i'll take half my closet with me for a weekend sleepover, my friend nathan was carrying my siutcase to my friends door and asked me if i had a body in my suit case! i seek comfort and sensitivity in poeple I AM THE MOTHER OF THE UNIVERSE! My best matches: Capricorn/Aquarius Aquarius/Pisces Overall I am very sensitive and i stand up for what i think is right and i dont let others bring me down. I take pride in what i have to show off but i really do have low self esteem about my past and the things i dont have that others do. i cant let go of my childhood and i must say "" if you are a parent raising a cancer/leo teach them self disciplin and show them how they are successful. make a chart with thier goals and show them how they achieved them. this will make your child very successful."" or a if you are raising a cancer ""PLEASE be nice to them, give them the attention, love and security that they need and defend them when others strike. cancers get picked on in school because others see the sensitivity in these gentle children and they want to take out there stress on them to watch there own pain come out of the cancer child. socialization is very important and especially activity. teach your cancer child that eating is not the answer for this causes obesity and a 'bad habbit'"" and advice for Leo Parents, "" teach your children that they must share the spotlight, and teaching them how to control there anger apropriatly is a MUST! fire signs can get violent! as they reach their teen years watch them! some like to go after pills."" well i just typed up alot of unecessary information for my profile but please let me know if any of this has been helpful to you! LizLove33"


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if he leaves his wife for you he will leave you for another. its a pattern. i dont think it matters how she treats him. its the fact that he will see it as an okay thing to leave one woman for the next.
hide my stomach? LMAO i dont think thats possible! have you ever bee pregnant mystic dreamer? i plan on breast feeding (every 2 hours or so) and i wont be able to work while doing that. ive given up on the job searching for now. i dont think its going to work with my plans for my baby. id spend an entire night pumping breast milk and not get any sleep if i had to work. i have started 2 new activities tho. brent is involved in 1 of them but i will hopefully be meeting some new people there. i watched some things about marriage on TV and brent and i have followed some of what the preacher said and it seems to be working. brent even told his friend that he couldnt hang out today bc he needed to spend the day with me! so far things have been improving since yesterday.
why do you ask if we're in love? does you that he no longer loves me?
I would like to thank those who have theyre very rude comments. i asked for answers not insults. if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say it at all. ive been nice to all but 1 person on here. id like to feel welcome to ask questions on this forum.
it would be really hard to leave him right now.. i want to try to work things out so badly. we have a baby on the way and he acts like its MY problem. do you suppose that he just the type that wants his wife to stay home and cook, clean, raise the kids while he works the job and has a life? he told me that he doesnt want me to get a job that he wants to do all the work. i actually have some activities lined up for myself. like sewing classes and parenting classes. he goes to parenting classes with me tho. we are both 20 and 22 and come from very difrent families. so i prefer that we learn how to raise our child together from professionals instead of fight over whats right and wrong and what we learned from our parents.
when i looked for a job a month ago he was all bummed, i could tell he didnt want any1 to hire me, well he got lucky, no1 did hire me i take it its bc im pregnant. he seemed relieved.
does he just want me to be a house wife?

do we have too much in common? i dont understand. would he treat anybody like an annoyance? he expects me to get out of our room when hes trying to sleep during the day when everybody else has got a day schedule. he knows he has a bed to sleep in downstairs where its quiet. should i really just leave my room until he wakes up in the afternoon? he threatens to make the computer off limits if i cant find sumthin quieter to do like read or draw. i dont mind if he hangs out with his friends but he just got outa bed today with out tellin me anything about todays plans and said he was taking his friend jeffrey out. i asked if i could come along and he said no bc i went last time. he talks to me like im a pain in his ass and when i told him that i have a life too he just said "i know you do" that was it. he half asses his effort into this relationship. i do my part, i refuse to do his. i make him do his own and when i feel that hes slacking i tell him and he gets mad. hes known for being lazy. he tells me i nag him too much but i dont think i nag unless sumthin isnt right. is it time for me to leave him? do you think hed be happier with out me?
Im right handed.
My fiance is a sun and venus pisces and he said that he just says "screw it! and move on! and you cant think about it too much thats all. he sais that you are right about detatching your emotions and you just wont feel anything.Relationships are what you make it."
Personally from my experience of being with him and breaking up and getting back together.. he does not want to let go completely. he never has let go of me for too long. i know that he has had a few gfs in the past that didnt last long and he does seem to not be able to get over sum1 very quickly but i respect that as long as he deals with it in his head and not his pants lol.
i grew up not knowin who my dad was. i met him when i was 18 and now i dont care much for him. my mom said she was just trying to protect me even tho he wasnt dangerous. i think she was being selfish but o well. it dont matter any more.
i dont know much about this girl but she is very nice. i met her in a parenting class a while back and she admits to making mistakes. she is a very good mom! if she wasnt then she wouldnt care who her childs father is.
I like how the men will tell you all their dreams and ideas like they are in la la land.
i heard one man talking about how he always dreamed (since he was a child)of filling a giant glass jar up with marbles. another guy asked him what he would do with it, the man said that he would just put it on the floor and look at it. it was funny bc he was so dreamy about it! i dont know whether he was pisces or not but he sure had the characteristic!
all she really cares about is knowing who the baby belongs to. She has a man.

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