Posted by StardustmoppedYeah I notice I refuse to conform the way I present myself to the world. I always thought that was my sigma male in action there. And no you absolutely don't want Lilith in your 1st house. Believe me when I say that.
I don’t know that much about asteroids or points of the moon or whatever Lilith is.
A brief description is “areas where one refuses to conform”. It fits for me in my 10th house. I’ve always worked in male dominated fields
In the first house, do you refuse to conform in ways that you present yourself to the world? Your appearance or personal style ? Marilyn Monroe has it in the 1st house. I’m not sure how well that would work for a man since it’s more socially acceptable for women to be sexually provocative with their appearance and dress. Alternative expressions of sexuality.
Lilith sounds kind of polarizing. 10th house is hard enough. I don’t know if I would want it in my 1st.
I’d have to look into it more.
Posted by VenusStellium7Hm interesting
Lilith in Aries or Lilith in the 1st House people will have strong sex appeal. Some may even have model like looks. Think Luke Rockhold, Julia Voth,etc. These are the 2 I know that have Lilith in Aries.
Posted by MyStarsShineCare to elaborate on the situation? Are you sexually attractive, horny, got any fetishes you know stuff like that there.
I’ve Lilith in Aries in the first.
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterI’ve had no problems attracting men so I guess my sexuality shows 😄 … I’ve always had a very high sex drivePosted by MyStarsShine
I’ve Lilith in Aries in the first.
Care to elaborate on the situation? Are you sexually attractive, horny, got any fetishes you know stuff like that to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineLong haired men like thisPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by MyStarsShine
I’ve Lilith in Aries in the first.
Care to elaborate on the situation? Are you sexually attractive, horny, got any fetishes you know stuff like that there.
I’ve had no problems attracting men so I guess my sexuality shows 😄 … I’ve always had a very high sex drive
Fetishes ~ hair…..long hair on men and apparently I’ve been told I’ve talked in my sleep about it lol…🙃click to expand
Posted by PhoenixSagLol that sound more like the female version of that placement. I for one can't see me seducing a woman. I don't have the testicular fortitude to do that. But I can certainly dream about it.
Once I read about it being among most attractive people, those who instantly seduce others. Another time I also read about it indicating a person who tends to to seduce just for the sake of it, not really wanting to be with that person.
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterLilith is usually describing that feminine energy and seduction ways but it still manifests in men tooPosted by PhoenixSag
Once I read about it being among most attractive people, those who instantly seduce others. Another time I also read about it indicating a person who tends to to seduce just for the sake of it, not really wanting to be with that person.
Lol that sound more like the female version of that placement. I for one can't see me seducing a woman. I don't have the testicular fortitude to do that. But I can certainly dream about to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterThat’s just a bit too much hair even for mePosted by MyStarsShinePosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by MyStarsShine
I’ve Lilith in Aries in the first.
Care to elaborate on the situation? Are you sexually attractive, horny, got any fetishes you know stuff like that there.
I’ve had no problems attracting men so I guess my sexuality shows 😄 … I’ve always had a very high sex drive
Fetishes ~ hair…..long hair on men and apparently I’ve been told I’ve talked in my sleep about it lol…🙃
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Long haired men like this
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Posted by PhoenixSagEven when I have more masculine in my chart? I always feel like I'm feminine and look soft and feminine in the face with a masculine body. Or is all this balanced?Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by PhoenixSag
Once I read about it being among most attractive people, those who instantly seduce others. Another time I also read about it indicating a person who tends to to seduce just for the sake of it, not really wanting to be with that person.
Lol that sound more like the female version of that placement. I for one can't see me seducing a woman. I don't have the testicular fortitude to do that. But I can certainly dream about it.
Lilith is usually describing that feminine energy and seduction ways but it still manifests in men tooclick to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineYeah that is a bit too much for real. You can see his salt and peppa hair is draped over his shoulders like he's wearing a long mink and I don't think nobody can imagine how he really look with all that hair all over his face. He might just be a sexually attractive guy hiding underneath all that hair for all we know. But yeah I know the kind of long haired men you mean.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by MyStarsShine
I’ve Lilith in Aries in the first.
Care to elaborate on the situation? Are you sexually attractive, horny, got any fetishes you know stuff like that there.
I’ve had no problems attracting men so I guess my sexuality shows 😄 … I’ve always had a very high sex drive
Fetishes ~ hair…..long hair on men and apparently I’ve been told I’ve talked in my sleep about it lol…🙃
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Long haired men like this
That’s just a bit too much hair even for me
😆😂🤣click to expand
Posted by LostthoughtsYea somehow I always knew there's something Marilyn Monroe about me but I just can't pinpoint it.
Marilyn Monroe is a excellent example of lilth energy.
I once said its a placement that is karmic with the energy akin to a combination of mars, venus, and pluto together.
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterBirds of a feather kind of a deal?Posted by Lostthoughts
Marilyn Monroe is a excellent example of lilth energy.
I once said its a placement that is karmic with the energy akin to a combination of mars, venus, and pluto together.
Yea somehow I always knew there's something Marilyn Monroe about me but I just can't pinpoint to expand
Posted by LostthoughtsLol nah I didn't mean it in that sense it's pretty hard to explain what I mean because the only way to know what I mean by that is you'd have to be me to know 😄. My lilith is in scorpio so ain't no way I like to seek people's attention like MM Leo lilith. I'm a private individual.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by Lostthoughts
Marilyn Monroe is a excellent example of lilth energy.
I once said its a placement that is karmic with the energy akin to a combination of mars, venus, and pluto together.
Yea somehow I always knew there's something Marilyn Monroe about me but I just can't pinpoint it.
Birds of a feather kind of a deal?
Marilyn Monroe had a lot more going on in her chart. She is a Leo lilth.
Her back story was she was going for some mundane job and got scouted. She was a everyday normal person. Basically her lilth was brought out and cultivated through modeling and attention she got. She had Neptune in her 1st and 8th house pisces where her mars and Uranus is. From what I understand in was all a act, like a actress. However some didn't see it that way and she was exploited and turned to heavy drug use to cope. Her 8th house. She died of a OD.
North node cancer 12th house.
I have yet to read or hear of anyone real in her life looking out for her.
Sucky story. That is what you have to watch out for with expressing the shadow side of your lilth.
There is some one very close to me who has libra lilth very heavily aspected and very heavy in our synastery. I am very aware of the power of to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterNah, I'm talking about acting out the negative/shadow side of the sign.Posted by LostthoughtsPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by Lostthoughts
Marilyn Monroe is a excellent example of lilth energy.
I once said its a placement that is karmic with the energy akin to a combination of mars, venus, and pluto together.
Yea somehow I always knew there's something Marilyn Monroe about me but I just can't pinpoint it.
Birds of a feather kind of a deal?
Marilyn Monroe had a lot more going on in her chart. She is a Leo lilth.
Her back story was she was going for some mundane job and got scouted. She was a everyday normal person. Basically her lilth was brought out and cultivated through modeling and attention she got. She had Neptune in her 1st and 8th house pisces where her mars and Uranus is. From what I understand in was all a act, like a actress. However some didn't see it that way and she was exploited and turned to heavy drug use to cope. Her 8th house. She died of a OD.
North node cancer 12th house.
I have yet to read or hear of anyone real in her life looking out for her.
Sucky story. That is what you have to watch out for with expressing the shadow side of your lilth.
There is some one very close to me who has libra lilth very heavily aspected and very heavy in our synastery. I am very aware of the power of lilth.
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Lol nah I didn't mean it in that sense it's pretty hard to explain what I mean because the only way to know what I mean by that is you'd have to be me to know 😄. My lilith is in scorpio so ain't no way I like to seek people's attention like MM Leo lilith. I'm a private to expand
Posted by LostthoughtsAwe ok gotchaPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by LostthoughtsPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by Lostthoughts
Marilyn Monroe is a excellent example of lilth energy.
I once said its a placement that is karmic with the energy akin to a combination of mars, venus, and pluto together.
Yea somehow I always knew there's something Marilyn Monroe about me but I just can't pinpoint it.
Birds of a feather kind of a deal?
Marilyn Monroe had a lot more going on in her chart. She is a Leo lilth.
Her back story was she was going for some mundane job and got scouted. She was a everyday normal person. Basically her lilth was brought out and cultivated through modeling and attention she got. She had Neptune in her 1st and 8th house pisces where her mars and Uranus is. From what I understand in was all a act, like a actress. However some didn't see it that way and she was exploited and turned to heavy drug use to cope. Her 8th house. She died of a OD.
North node cancer 12th house.
I have yet to read or hear of anyone real in her life looking out for her.
Sucky story. That is what you have to watch out for with expressing the shadow side of your lilth.
There is some one very close to me who has libra lilth very heavily aspected and very heavy in our synastery. I am very aware of the power of lilth.
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Lol nah I didn't mean it in that sense it's pretty hard to explain what I mean because the only way to know what I mean by that is you'd have to be me to know 😄. My lilith is in scorpio so ain't no way I like to seek people's attention like MM Leo lilith. I'm a private individual.
Nah, I'm talking about acting out the negative/shadow side of the to expand
Posted by SnowBunny726I bet she get a lot of heads turning. Having a Scorpio lilith placed in my 1st house has a very strong presence. Everybody in the world can't help breaking their necks to look at me whenever I walk in a small room full of people or just walking anywhere just minding my own business. Having lilith in the 1st house can be pretty painful when you don't want to be seen as some alien from another planet. Even these dxp members will break their necks to look at me even if they say they won't.
My best friend has Libra Lilith in her 1H - strong sex appeal and overall beauty. A lot of women envy her for that. She also triggers a lot of people and makes them feel insecure without meaning to.
Posted by BumboklaatHm that's interesting to hear. Maybe I'm hot too and just don't know it. I am weird and embrace that aspect of me.
I have it conjunct my ascendant in Virgo within one degree.
I get lots of attention. Before for being weird. And now for being hot and weird.
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterYeah I bet. It's difficult to differentiate from all the Scorpio in my chart and the Aquarius which is all kinda rebellious but Lilith in the 1st is supposed to make you extra rebellious.Posted by Bumboklaat
I have it conjunct my ascendant in Virgo within one degree.
I get lots of attention. Before for being weird. And now for being hot and weird.
Hm that's interesting to hear. Maybe I'm hot too and just don't know it. I am weird and embrace that aspect of to expand
Posted by BumboklaatWhat does it mean to be rebellious?Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by Bumboklaat
I have it conjunct my ascendant in Virgo within one degree.
I get lots of attention. Before for being weird. And now for being hot and weird.
Hm that's interesting to hear. Maybe I'm hot too and just don't know it. I am weird and embrace that aspect of me.
Yeah I bet. It's difficult to differentiate from all the Scorpio in my chart and the Aquarius which is all kinda rebellious but Lilith in the 1st is supposed to make you extra rebellious.
My sex drive is extremely high tho, something I keep hidden in public (Virgo lilith) I used to have marathon sex days probably had a good 5 (mutual) orgasms within a few hours. It ends up being a prison of sorts, because the energy is insatiable (can't be satisfied) and I would say a bit depressing until the sex drive picks up again and I feel good again. Kinda like a werewolf to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterTo detest authority and control. I don't often recognize authority as others would. Rather I judge those who are armed/violent and those who aren't.Posted by BumboklaatPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by Bumboklaat
I have it conjunct my ascendant in Virgo within one degree.
I get lots of attention. Before for being weird. And now for being hot and weird.
Hm that's interesting to hear. Maybe I'm hot too and just don't know it. I am weird and embrace that aspect of me.
Yeah I bet. It's difficult to differentiate from all the Scorpio in my chart and the Aquarius which is all kinda rebellious but Lilith in the 1st is supposed to make you extra rebellious.
My sex drive is extremely high tho, something I keep hidden in public (Virgo lilith) I used to have marathon sex days probably had a good 5 (mutual) orgasms within a few hours. It ends up being a prison of sorts, because the energy is insatiable (can't be satisfied) and I would say a bit depressing until the sex drive picks up again and I feel good again. Kinda like a werewolf lol.
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What does it mean to be rebellious?click to expand
Posted by BumboklaatI don't know where to begin these crooked authorities in this world. This all sound to me like I don't abide by nobody's rules which is true. I don't even wanna get started with that.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by BumboklaatPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by Bumboklaat
I have it conjunct my ascendant in Virgo within one degree.
I get lots of attention. Before for being weird. And now for being hot and weird.
Hm that's interesting to hear. Maybe I'm hot too and just don't know it. I am weird and embrace that aspect of me.
Yeah I bet. It's difficult to differentiate from all the Scorpio in my chart and the Aquarius which is all kinda rebellious but Lilith in the 1st is supposed to make you extra rebellious.
My sex drive is extremely high tho, something I keep hidden in public (Virgo lilith) I used to have marathon sex days probably had a good 5 (mutual) orgasms within a few hours. It ends up being a prison of sorts, because the energy is insatiable (can't be satisfied) and I would say a bit depressing until the sex drive picks up again and I feel good again. Kinda like a werewolf lol.
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What does it mean to be rebellious?
To detest authority and control. I don't often recognize authority as others would. Rather I judge those who are armed/violent and those who aren't.
Authority for me is self imposed or given by those who totally respect you. And I kinda live by that to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterWhat sign is your first house sign? Where is the ruler of that sign located? They may give some hints.
Inspired by the who likes ugly more thread. In your super honest opinion how do you describe someone who has Lilith in conjunct 1st house Lilith? I was always wondering about this particular placement. I read one website say that they feel comfortable being butt naked but I can't relate to that one. But give me your own opinion of this situation.
Posted by ThatWomanLibra is in my 1st house and the ruler of it is located in the 9th housePosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Inspired by the who likes ugly more thread. In your super honest opinion how do you describe someone who has Lilith in conjunct 1st house Lilith? I was always wondering about this particular placement. I read one website say that they feel comfortable being butt naked but I can't relate to that one. But give me your own opinion of this situation.
What sign is your first house sign? Where is the ruler of that sign located? They may give some hints.
But if you are a man, I believe Lilith represents the woman who can always get her way around you due to her seductive skills or prowess. And she may mess with your concept of to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterMaybe you will meet her in Thailand and then you find her so exotic and sexy that you fall in love not only to her but also to her culture. Then you may feel as you began to integrate with her culture, you lose sense of your own identity as a caucasian man.Posted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Inspired by the who likes ugly more thread. In your super honest opinion how do you describe someone who has Lilith in conjunct 1st house Lilith? I was always wondering about this particular placement. I read one website say that they feel comfortable being butt naked but I can't relate to that one. But give me your own opinion of this situation.
What sign is your first house sign? Where is the ruler of that sign located? They may give some hints.
But if you are a man, I believe Lilith represents the woman who can always get her way around you due to her seductive skills or prowess. And she may mess with your concept of identity.
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Libra is in my 1st house and the ruler of it is located in the 9th houseclick to expand
Posted by ThatWomanTrue. I do like women of other culture and attract them far more than my own culture or even the same race. And speaking of race, I'm black. But realistically I wanna say I'm gray.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Inspired by the who likes ugly more thread. In your super honest opinion how do you describe someone who has Lilith in conjunct 1st house Lilith? I was always wondering about this particular placement. I read one website say that they feel comfortable being butt naked but I can't relate to that one. But give me your own opinion of this situation.
What sign is your first house sign? Where is the ruler of that sign located? They may give some hints.
But if you are a man, I believe Lilith represents the woman who can always get her way around you due to her seductive skills or prowess. And she may mess with your concept of identity.
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Libra is in my 1st house and the ruler of it is located in the 9th house
Maybe you will meet her in Thailand and then you find her so exotic and sexy that you fall in love not only to her but also to her culture. Then you may feel as you began to integrate with her culture, you lose sense of your own identity as a caucasian to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterOh.. thought you're a white man.Posted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Inspired by the who likes ugly more thread. In your super honest opinion how do you describe someone who has Lilith in conjunct 1st house Lilith? I was always wondering about this particular placement. I read one website say that they feel comfortable being butt naked but I can't relate to that one. But give me your own opinion of this situation.
What sign is your first house sign? Where is the ruler of that sign located? They may give some hints.
But if you are a man, I believe Lilith represents the woman who can always get her way around you due to her seductive skills or prowess. And she may mess with your concept of identity.
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Libra is in my 1st house and the ruler of it is located in the 9th house
Maybe you will meet her in Thailand and then you find her so exotic and sexy that you fall in love not only to her but also to her culture. Then you may feel as you began to integrate with her culture, you lose sense of your own identity as a caucasian man.
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True. I do like women of other culture and attract them far more than my own culture or even the same race. And speaking of race, I'm black. But realistically I wanna say I'm to expand
Posted by ThatWomanAre you a lilith person too? I was married to a native American/Indian woman and we got kids together.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Inspired by the who likes ugly more thread. In your super honest opinion how do you describe someone who has Lilith in conjunct 1st house Lilith? I was always wondering about this particular placement. I read one website say that they feel comfortable being butt naked but I can't relate to that one. But give me your own opinion of this situation.
What sign is your first house sign? Where is the ruler of that sign located? They may give some hints.
But if you are a man, I believe Lilith represents the woman who can always get her way around you due to her seductive skills or prowess. And she may mess with your concept of identity.
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Libra is in my 1st house and the ruler of it is located in the 9th house
Maybe you will meet her in Thailand and then you find her so exotic and sexy that you fall in love not only to her but also to her culture. Then you may feel as you began to integrate with her culture, you lose sense of your own identity as a caucasian man.
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True. I do like women of other culture and attract them far more than my own culture or even the same race. And speaking of race, I'm black. But realistically I wanna say I'm gray.
Oh.. thought you're a white man.
Cool. I'm married to one and I'm an Asian. It can to expand
Posted by Jumpin_JupiterMy lilith is in the 6th house Taurus conjunct my NN. So I think that lilith energy is directed more toward this dynamic of love-hate establishments regarding work, routines, and health. I have established bad habits regarding health and I often times desire to breakfree from the chain of being responsible in day to day life.Posted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Inspired by the who likes ugly more thread. In your super honest opinion how do you describe someone who has Lilith in conjunct 1st house Lilith? I was always wondering about this particular placement. I read one website say that they feel comfortable being butt naked but I can't relate to that one. But give me your own opinion of this situation.
What sign is your first house sign? Where is the ruler of that sign located? They may give some hints.
But if you are a man, I believe Lilith represents the woman who can always get her way around you due to her seductive skills or prowess. And she may mess with your concept of identity.
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Libra is in my 1st house and the ruler of it is located in the 9th house
Maybe you will meet her in Thailand and then you find her so exotic and sexy that you fall in love not only to her but also to her culture. Then you may feel as you began to integrate with her culture, you lose sense of your own identity as a caucasian man.
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True. I do like women of other culture and attract them far more than my own culture or even the same race. And speaking of race, I'm black. But realistically I wanna say I'm gray.
Oh.. thought you're a white man.
Cool. I'm married to one and I'm an Asian. It can work.
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Are you a lilith person too? I was married to a native American/Indian woman and we got kids to expand
Posted by ThatWomanNo apologies needed. At least your posts ain't as long as some particular users here who like to type a zillion words all in a bunch to give me migraine headaches and eye sores. You helped out quite a lot and helped me to understand this placement and I appreciate it.Posted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_JupiterPosted by ThatWomanPosted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Inspired by the who likes ugly more thread. In your super honest opinion how do you describe someone who has Lilith in conjunct 1st house Lilith? I was always wondering about this particular placement. I read one website say that they feel comfortable being butt naked but I can't relate to that one. But give me your own opinion of this situation.
What sign is your first house sign? Where is the ruler of that sign located? They may give some hints.
But if you are a man, I believe Lilith represents the woman who can always get her way around you due to her seductive skills or prowess. And she may mess with your concept of identity.
click to expand
Libra is in my 1st house and the ruler of it is located in the 9th house
Maybe you will meet her in Thailand and then you find her so exotic and sexy that you fall in love not only to her but also to her culture. Then you may feel as you began to integrate with her culture, you lose sense of your own identity as a caucasian man.
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True. I do like women of other culture and attract them far more than my own culture or even the same race. And speaking of race, I'm black. But realistically I wanna say I'm gray.
Oh.. thought you're a white man.
Cool. I'm married to one and I'm an Asian. It can work.
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Are you a lilith person too? I was married to a native American/Indian woman and we got kids together.
My lilith is in the 6th house Taurus conjunct my NN. So I think that lilith energy is directed more toward this dynamic of love-hate establishments regarding work, routines, and health. I have established bad habits regarding health and I often times desire to breakfree from the chain of being responsible in day to day life.
I don't think it relates directly to my husband's Lilith and Juno in Sagittarius 12th house although I do have 1st house sagittarius and he is a black man to settle here in Asia.
I think other modes in your chart and the other person's chart can really give a full scenario of how it applies.
Ps: Sorry to bother you with tmiclick to expand