How would Lilith 1st house/Lilith conjunction look

Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Lostthoughts
Marilyn Monroe is a excellent example of lilth energy.
I once said its a placement that is karmic with the energy akin to a combination of mars, venus, and pluto together.

Yea somehow I always knew there's something Marilyn Monroe about me but I just can't pinpoint it.
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Birds of a feather kind of a deal?

Marilyn Monroe had a lot more going on in her chart. She is a Leo lilth.

Her back story was she was going for some mundane job and got scouted. She was a everyday normal person. Basically her lilth was brought out and cultivated through modeling and attention she got. She had Neptune in her 1st and 8th house pisces where her mars and Uranus is. From what I understand in was all a act, like a actress. However some didn't see it that way and she was exploited and turned to heavy drug use to cope. Her 8th house. She died of a OD.

North node cancer 12th house.

I have yet to read or hear of anyone real in her life looking out for her.

Sucky story. That is what you have to watch out for with expressing the shadow side of your lilth.

There is some one very close to me who has libra lilth very heavily aspected and very heavy in our synastery. I am very aware of the power of lilth.

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Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Lostthoughts
Marilyn Monroe is a excellent example of lilth energy.
I once said its a placement that is karmic with the energy akin to a combination of mars, venus, and pluto together.

Yea somehow I always knew there's something Marilyn Monroe about me but I just can't pinpoint it.
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Birds of a feather kind of a deal?

Marilyn Monroe had a lot more going on in her chart. She is a Leo lilth.

Her back story was she was going for some mundane job and got scouted. Basically her lilth was brought out and cultivated through modeling and attention she got. She had Neptune in her 1st and 8th house pisces where her mars and Uranus is. From what I understand in was all a act, like a actress. However some didn't see it thst way and she was exploited and turned to heavy drug use to cope. Her 8th house. She died of a OD.

North node cancer 12th house.

I have yet to read or hear of anyone real in her life looking out for her.

Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Lostthoughts
Marilyn Monroe is a excellent example of lilth energy.
I once said its a placement that is karmic with the energy akin to a combination of mars, venus, and pluto together.

Yea somehow I always knew there's something Marilyn Monroe about me but I just can't pinpoint it.
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Birds of a feather kind of a deal?

Marilyn Monroe had a lot more going on in her chart. She is a Leo lilth.

Her back story was she was going for some mundane job and got scouted. She was a everyday normal person. Basically her lilth was brought out and cultivated through modeling and attention she got. She had Neptune in her 1st and 8th house pisces where her mars and Uranus is. From what I understand in was all a act, like a actress. However some didn't see it that way and she was exploited and turned to heavy drug use to cope. Her 8th house. She died of a OD.

North node cancer 12th house.

I have yet to read or hear of anyone real in her life looking out for her.

Sucky story. That is what you have to watch out for with expressing the shadow side of your lilth.

There is some one very close to me who gas lilth very heavily aspected.

Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Lostthoughts
Marilyn Monroe is a excellent example of lilth energy.
I once said its a placement that is karmic with the energy akin to a combination of mars, venus, and pluto together.

Yea somehow I always knew there's something Marilyn Monroe about me but I just can't pinpoint it.
click to expand
Birds of a feather kind of a deal?

Marilyn Monroe had a lot more going on in her chart. She is a Leo lilth.

Her back story was she was going for some mundane job and got scouted. She was a everyday normal person. Basically her lilth was brought out and cultivated through modeling and attention she got. She had Neptune in her 1st and 8th house pisces where her mars and Uranus is. From what I understand in was all a act, like a actress. However some didn't see it that way and she was exploited and turned to heavy drug use to cope. Her 8th house. She died of a OD.

North node cancer 12th house.

I have yet to read or hear of anyone real in her life looking out for her.

Sucky story. That is what you have to watch out for with expressing the shadow side of your lilth.

There is some one very close to me who has libra lilth very heavily aspected and very heavy in our synastery. I am very aware of the power of lilth.