Shady Capricorn

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Bee93 on Friday, January 17, 2020 and has 22 replies.

I just met this cappy who’s way older than I, and been single for the last 6 years, he’s a bit shady, doesn’t tell me what he does or anything about his job if he has one!!

I told him I can’t have premarital sex, and he keeps saying “ we’re just friends... you’re too young for me... I feel bad talking to you... I don’t want anything sexual with you, I’m old, HS dropout and from lower socioeconomic I don’t deserve you, you deserve someone younger “ yet he invites me to romantic getaways, suggest romantic hotels, mentions how I turn him on casually, describe his stuff in details and what he’d do to me when we’re intimately together!! so confusing.

If I don’t agree to meet him or accept help he’d get really upset and give me the cold shoulder, he’s very intense, wooing me, texts all day, calls, flowers, asks if I need him to give me a ride cuz I don’t have a car atm, offers to buy me stuff I need, and he already said I love you, you’re the woman of my dreams let’s get married so you don’t have to leave the country!! In just two days!!!

I am holding myself back from him and at first he said he didn’t like it, told me I should trust him more, I am very cautious because hey I’ve known him for two days only he was so reckless and this made me panic, today he started to mirror my actions kinda punish me if I don’t reply right away or answer his call!!

what are his intentions and can this man be serious and know when its the one. He says he’s not young and doesn’t wanna wait anymore ....? But there is something fishy about him worries me!

Here are the charts if that’s help


Sun in 6° 48' Taurus

Moon in 5° 51' Cancer

Mercury in 17° 36' Aries

Venus in 4° 7' Aries

Mars in 29° 33' Cancer

Jupiter in 6° 32' Libra (r)

Saturn in 28° 46' Aquarius

Uranus in 22° 11' Capricorn (r)

Neptune in 21° 8' Capricorn (r)

Pluto in 24° 37' Scorpio (r)

North Node in 14° 16' Sagittarius (r)

Chiron in 17° 16' Leo


Sun Capricorn 19°59’

Moon Gemini 22°46’

Mercury Capricorn 2°43’

Venus Sagittarius 3°21’

Mars Capricorn 22°18’

Jupiter Leo 5°50’

Saturn Virgo 13°40’

Uranus Scorpio 20°06’

Neptune Sagittarius 19°10’

Pluto Libra 19°11’

Node (M) Virgo 20°42’

Lilith (M) Leo 10°02’

Chiron Taurus 5°03’

Fortune Libra 4°51’
trust your instincts and stop drinking the koolaid
Too old in his 30s?
Posted by MyStarsShine

Too old in his 30s?
He’s 40
Posted by Vicktoria

You know he's way older than you so what is it that you want from him? Why are you even entertaining creepy Mr. Burns?

You've only known him for 2 days and...

"...he already said I love you, you’re the woman of my dreams let’s get married so you don’t have to leave the country!!"

"what are his intentions and can this man be serious and know when its the one."

"I told him I can’t have premarital sex."

So you're withholding sex so he'll marry you cause you want to stay in the country.

Aha, pot meet kettle.
No no no

I didn’t suggest the green card idea and I’m not even interested in staying here, I wanna go back home the moment I finish my studies.

The thing is I really like him, we have these long deep conversations and I’m okay with the age difference but I’m not sure if he’s serious or just playing and showing what I want to see

Also I’m not withholding sex to manipulate him, no I really can’t have sex with just anyone
Posted by Vicktoria

Have you asked him what he does for a living?

Sometimes he changes the subject and sometimes he says “ well I do some investments here and there and other things “ I’ve noticed that he gets very insecure when I bring it up and say something like I’m not rich like your family but I can take care of you

I’m a postgrad student and I don’t work my family supports me completely and he seems envious

the age difference tho …
Posted by MissKrabs

He sounds very creepy, regardless of his sun sign and age.
Yes, well dodgy....
is this Gemitati's husband jk lol
Posted by Phangus

This is how people end up getting sex-trafficked.

Well deep down this is what I feel
“I don’t want anything romantic from you”


“Let’s get married”

Lol boy byeeeeee

Thank you for your insights !!

I was legitimately thinking he’s serious about me ( not looking for a sugar daddy or a sponsor I swear ) 🤦🏻‍♀️

I Just called and canceled on our “ date “

He got really ugly and nasty and said He can’t believe I still don’t trust him, if sending his ID and plate number would help he’d do it

How he thought I was different but.... 🙄

Uh.. I think I’ll have to stop going to the gym until he disappears

Posted by Phangus

This is how people end up getting sex-trafficked.
My thoughts as well.
He’s 40......what age are you?
Posted by MyStarsShine

He’s 40......what age are you?
I’m 26
What country are you from? Be extremely cautious and wary of predators like him. Foreigners like you are the easiest targets.
I don’t think you need planets to answer this question. The non astrology answer is hes old, creepy, insecure and doesn’t know what he wants. Run away.

The astrology answer is moon and Venus in flighty mutable signs, Pluto square sun and mars, moon opposite Neptune, sun Conjunct mars in cap (was surprised not to see any Uranus aspects) controlling deceitful behavior and detached from reality .. run away.
Posted by Bee93
Posted by MyStarsShine

He’s 40......what age are you?

I’m 26
click to expand
Does he often go for much younger women?

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Bee93
Posted by MyStarsShine

He’s 40......what age are you?

I’m 26

Does he often go for much younger women?
click to expand

When I asked him about his exs, he only told me about the last one and how she got really ugly towards the end of their relationship because she wanted to get married as she was getting “ old “ probably she was the same age, which made him feel like he doesn’t wanna be with a woman anymore!!

I don’t wanna talk to him anymore but he just won’t let go... kept calling and texting me nonstop since I cancelled on the date.
Posted by Bee93
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Bee93
Posted by MyStarsShine

He’s 40......what age are you?

I’m 26

Does he often go for much younger women?

When I asked him about his exs, he only told me about the last one and how she got really ugly towards the end of their relationship because she wanted to get married as she was getting “ old “ probably she was the same age, which made him feel like he doesn’t wanna be with a woman anymore!!

I don’t wanna talk to him anymore but he just won’t let go... kept calling and texting me nonstop since I cancelled on the date.
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Ewwww he is a creep

Tell him if he doesn't leave you alone, you'll report firm. He could become a real nuisance 😬
Posted by SassyKiwi

What country are you from? Be extremely cautious and wary of predators like him. Foreigners like you are the easiest targets.
I’m armenian.

I’ve always been super cautious and paranoid but he was the sweetest talker ever, caught me off guard
Posted by Bee93
Posted by SassyKiwi

What country are you from? Be extremely cautious and wary of predators like him. Foreigners like you are the easiest targets.

I’m armenian.

I’ve always been super cautious and paranoid but he was the sweetest talker ever, caught me off guard
click to expand
Predators often are good at sweet talking 😲