I just met this cappy who’s way older than I, and been single for the last 6 years, he’s a bit shady, doesn’t tell me what he does or anything about his job if he has one!!
I told him I can’t have premarital sex, and he keeps saying “ we’re just friends... you’re too young for me... I feel bad talking to you... I don’t want anything sexual with you, I’m old, HS dropout and from lower socioeconomic I don’t deserve you, you deserve someone younger “ yet he invites me to romantic getaways, suggest romantic hotels, mentions how I turn him on casually, describe his stuff in details and what he’d do to me when we’re intimately together!! so confusing.
If I don’t agree to meet him or accept help he’d get really upset and give me the cold shoulder, he’s very intense, wooing me, texts all day, calls, flowers, asks if I need him to give me a ride cuz I don’t have a car atm, offers to buy me stuff I need, and he already said I love you, you’re the woman of my dreams let’s get married so you don’t have to leave the country!! In just two days!!!
I am holding myself back from him and at first he said he didn’t like it, told me I should trust him more, I am very cautious because hey I’ve known him for two days only he was so reckless and this made me panic, today he started to mirror my actions kinda punish me if I don’t reply right away or answer his call!!
what are his intentions and can this man be serious and know when its the one. He says he’s not young and doesn’t wanna wait anymore ....? But there is something fishy about him worries me!
Here are the charts if that’s help
Sun in 6° 48' Taurus
Moon in 5° 51' Cancer
Mercury in 17° 36' Aries
Venus in 4° 7' Aries
Mars in 29° 33' Cancer
Jupiter in 6° 32' Libra (r)
Saturn in 28° 46' Aquarius
Uranus in 22° 11' Capricorn (r)
Neptune in 21° 8' Capricorn (r)
Pluto in 24° 37' Scorpio (r)
North Node in 14° 16' Sagittarius (r)
Chiron in 17° 16' Leo
Sun Capricorn 19°59’
Moon Gemini 22°46’
Mercury Capricorn 2°43’
Venus Sagittarius 3°21’
Mars Capricorn 22°18’
Jupiter Leo 5°50’
Saturn Virgo 13°40’
Uranus Scorpio 20°06’
Neptune Sagittarius 19°10’
Pluto Libra 19°11’
Node (M) Virgo 20°42’
Lilith (M) Leo 10°02’
Chiron Taurus 5°03’
Fortune Libra 4°51’