Third party personal horoscope without permission

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by DawnMan on Thursday, July 2, 2020 and has 47 replies.
I am seeing someone in the last 3 months, she knew my date and rough birth time. She used this info with a friend astrologer to get a personal horoscope about a topic I am dealing with and at some point told me the info (which I later realised based on my birth info including the birth time).

I don't feel comfortable about this. Especially that I told her that I normally do not tell my birthdate (without saying specifically not to use it).

Do you think she and the astrologer acted wrongly here by doing my personal horoscope without permission? and if so, what would be the best way to handle this with both of them? (I do not know the astrologer personally)
My gut feeling telling me she wants to find out a lot about you. That sound like a set up to me. I think your intuition should hint to you something weird about that too. You bucked up giving her all your birth info's. The first thing I would have done was ask why you wanna know (especially the time of birth thing). My suspicions would have grew more and more intense.

Lastly, did she even asked for all of this when y'all first met or did you just up and give her your birth info?
OP you said you only been seeing her for 3 months, so if you don't like what she did just dump her. Me personally I would be thankful she's trying to help out in the situation and my lib sun would try to 1 up the kind gesture.
She should have asked you first

She’s crossing a boundary line...
She was trying to help. She might have thought you trusted her with this information so she felt comfortable proceeding.

You telling her that normally you don't tell people your date of birth could make her infer that you trusted her and she took liberties thinking that you trusted her to do so. Ask her what other identifying information she gave to the astrologer. Also, this astrologer is her friend.

If I'm dating a woman and she's talking to her friends about me, I trust that she'll be careful about what she tells them, with the understanding that she's going to confide to them about stuff like sex, money, relationship problems, etc...

She knows you're dealing with something and she turned to a friend to help. Use your words and tell her how you feel about it. If she crosses clear boundaries in the future then she's not respecting you or them.

Re: This boundary

You decide what your boundary is. The only way I'd be concerned would be if another person was sharing my personal information with others, even with online astrological reports. Things like last name, address, first name depending on the situation, etc.

Finally, how is she supposed to know that this bothered you if you don't tell her?
She’s obviously invested and interested in you. Idk why that’s a bad thing when your dating her and interested in her as well.

The irony of coming to an astrology site to ask if running a chart is wrong. This thread has troll vibes all over it.
Posted by sagaciouscorp
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by sagaciouscorp

He’s lucky it’s not me

I’ll google ur name BtW public records all in the open n learn all before I decide to get with u.

Honestly this.

You should google yourself and see how much of your info is out there.

Right birthdate, criminal bankruptcy records. Ur lucky she even asked you lol I’d get that info without asking lol all public my dear and it’s not stalking it’s investigation lol I want to know if u married with kids an all lol
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Posted by DawnMan

I am seeing someone in the last 3 months, she knew my date and rough birth time. She used this info with a friend astrologer to get a personal horoscope about a topic I am dealing with and at some point told me the info (which I later realised based on my birth info including the birth time).

I don't feel comfortable about this. Especially that I told her that I normally do not tell my birthdate (without saying specifically not to use it).

Do you think she and the astrologer acted wrongly here by doing my personal horoscope without permission? and if so, what would be the best way to handle this with both of them? (I do not know the astrologer personally)

You should do the same, enter her data on a birthchart. Level up the playing field.
Posted by sagaciouscorp

Oh common Hippocrates. All u here in this astrology forum have run synastry charts without permission
Wrong! I don't even know how to do synastry. And when I wanna analyse someone's chart I ask to post their chart first and foremost.
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by LadyNeptune

She’s obviously invested and interested in you. Idk why that’s a bad thing when your dating her and interested in her as well.

The irony of coming to an astrology site to ask if running a chart is wrong. This thread has troll vibes all over it.

Yeah but wouldn’t respecting boundaries be the real way of showing you are interested/invested in someone?

Even if it’s not important to you if you know someone you care about has a really strong opinion on something you would want to follow that, right?

Otherwise it seems like self-interest.
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If he had been clear, than yes. But he mentioned that he wasn't specific in his op and all he said was 'I don't normally tell my birthdate'. But he told her, and didn't clarify that this sort of thing made him uncomfortable.

If anything the language he used implied that he was giving her permission because she was outside of the 'norm' since he gave her the info.

Now if he expressed that he was uncomfortable with this sort of thing and THEN she proceeded with making birth charts and discussing with astrologers, then maybe he would have a leg to stand on. But as it stands, since he didn't define his boundaries how would she know she's crossed them unless he opens his mouth and communicates.
Posted by Black-Mamba

This person is so close-minded if he's willing to throw a relationship cause she looked into his birth chart

good god I wonder what else he can't handle in life

are you a virgo, you're probably a serial killer?
My initial thoughts. Its only been 3 months so if your already looking for ways to be offended and exit the relationship, then do.

No need to get internet strangers validation. Just cut her loose and onto the next.
Posted by sagaciouscorp
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by sagaciouscorp

Oh common Hippocrates. All u here in this astrology forum have run synastry charts without permission

Wrong! I don't even know how to do synastry. And when I wanna analyse someone's chart I ask to post their chart first and foremost.

Your a gem
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I'm a gem as in being analytical? Or a gem as a Gemini? I'm just curious cus if it's the latter Geminis are smart when it comes to synastry. I'm just....well you can probably say slow and dumb.
Ok, this is definitely a troll thread.
Usually astrologers only use your first name and DOB. But since the astrologer is a friend, they may get to know your full name.

It doesn't mean that your full name and DOB will be found online, or even on the astrologer's computer, though.

It's OK to get the astrologer's phone number and ask them to delete your name and DOB, if you feel uncomfortable about it.
when she asked for your birth info did she mention why?

it does sound intrusive. she should have asked before sharing it with someone else.
you didn't give consent OP
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

My gut feeling telling me she wants to find out a lot about you. That sound like a set up to me. I think your intuition should hint to you something weird about that too. You bucked up giving her all your birth info's. The first thing I would have done was ask why you wanna know (especially the time of birth thing). My suspicions would have grew more and more intense.

Lastly, did she even asked for all of this when y'all first met or did you just up and give her your birth info?
she did not ask me, I told her, including rough birth time as it is reflected in my name (dawn)

what do u mean by setup?
Posted by exoskeleton_

when she asked for your birth info did she mention why?

it does sound intrusive. she should have asked before sharing it with someone else.
I told it from my own will in some context i do not remember (like my birthday was few days ago), also said the rough time of birth as it is reflected in my name (dawn)
Posted by Undine

Usually astrologers only use your first name and DOB. But since the astrologer is a friend, they may get to know your full name.

It doesn't mean that your full name and DOB will be found online, or even on the astrologer's computer, though.

It's OK to get the astrologer's phone number and ask them to delete your name and DOB, if you feel uncomfortable about it.
as far as I know if it was a friend, done on the phone, I am less concerned about this going public, but more the act itself or potentially doing it again
Posted by Isolde

Ok, this is definitely a troll thread.
it is not. why do u think so??
Posted by LibraSupreme

OP you said you only been seeing her for 3 months, so if you don't like what she did just dump her. Me personally I would be thankful she's trying to help out in the situation and my lib sun would try to 1 up the kind gesture.
i do not want to jump into something so harsh. i think it is too extreme but the question is what to do and what is the meaning of this. it is also separate for astrologer and the friend
Posted by sagaciouscorp

Oh common Hippocrates. All u here in this astrology forum have run synastry charts without permission
what is synastry charts? is it personal chart based on someone private details including time of birth? if it is done so much does it make it ok? i would also separate from hobby reader to proffesional
Posted by Piscis_Hominis

She was trying to help. She might have thought you trusted her with this information so she felt comfortable proceeding.

You telling her that normally you don't tell people your date of birth could make her infer that you trusted her and she took liberties thinking that you trusted her to do so. Ask her what other identifying information she gave to the astrologer. Also, this astrologer is her friend.

If I'm dating a woman and she's talking to her friends about me, I trust that she'll be careful about what she tells them, with the understanding that she's going to confide to them about stuff like sex, money, relationship problems, etc...

She knows you're dealing with something and she turned to a friend to help. Use your words and tell her how you feel about it. If she crosses clear boundaries in the future then she's not respecting you or them.

Re: This boundary

You decide what your boundary is. The only way I'd be concerned would be if another person was sharing my personal information with others, even with online astrological reports. Things like last name, address, first name depending on the situation, etc.

Finally, how is she supposed to know that this bothered you if you don't tell her?
if I told her that I usually do not tell to anyone, it should at least raise doubt if i am ok with it and therefore asking might be warranted.

she told her some things about my father. if the astrologer is her friend how does it make it ok??

it is not just about saying to someone info which I wanted to keep private, it is also the specific usage for astrology which i might be against to be used with my private info.

I told her now that it bothers me, but isn't it something she should have known ahead or at least check with me?

Posted by Piscis_Hominis

She was trying to help. She might have thought you trusted her with this information so she felt comfortable proceeding.

You telling her that normally you don't tell people your date of birth could make her infer that you trusted her and she took liberties thinking that you trusted her to do so. Ask her what other identifying information she gave to the astrologer. Also, this astrologer is her friend.

If I'm dating a woman and she's talking to her friends about me, I trust that she'll be careful about what she tells them, with the understanding that she's going to confide to them about stuff like sex, money, relationship problems, etc...

She knows you're dealing with something and she turned to a friend to help. Use your words and tell her how you feel about it. If she crosses clear boundaries in the future then she's not respecting you or them.

Re: This boundary

You decide what your boundary is. The only way I'd be concerned would be if another person was sharing my personal information with others, even with online astrological reports. Things like last name, address, first name depending on the situation, etc.

Finally, how is she supposed to know that this bothered you if you don't tell her?
if I told her that I usually do not tell to anyone, it should at least raise doubt if i am ok with it and therefore asking might be warranted.

she told her some things about my father. if the astrologer is her friend how does it make it ok??

it is not just about saying to someone info which I wanted to keep private, it is also the specific usage for astrology which i might be against to be used with my private info.

I told her now that it bothers me, but isn't it something she should have known ahead or at least check with me?

Posted by PhoenixStorm

Is this the same as asking for somebody’s birthday to look up their chart without explaining why you’re asking for their birthday?🤔 if so I am guilty af 😬 like 100x over.

Was she a Scorpio? 😆
it is quite far, reading a general chart like this has nothing to do with creating a personal chart based on exact date and time

Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter

My gut feeling telling me she wants to find out a lot about you. That sound like a set up to me. I think your intuition should hint to you something weird about that too. You bucked up giving her all your birth info's. The first thing I would have done was ask why you wanna know (especially the time of birth thing). My suspicions would have grew more and more intense.

Lastly, did she even asked for all of this when y'all first met or did you just up and give her your birth info?

she did not ask me, I told her, including rough birth time as it is reflected in my name (dawn)

what do u mean by setup?
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Please forgive my ignorance I meant set up by bringing harm to you. We got some crazy women that's into astrology and take it very seriously who doesn't like people of certain signs. But since it's you that voluntarily gave your birth informations to her you're in the clear and in good hands.

But on a serious note I'd probably been pissed off about someone sharing any information about me if I didn't give them permission to do so. That's an invasion of privacy. That's no different than some of these jackasses on this site posting other dxp users pictures without their consent is how I see that. And I say you bucked up (and notice I substitute f for a b in this case cus this is really how I talk in real life. I don't like to swear too much) by voluntarily giving her your birth info if the subject about it didn't come up. I mean I know somewhere down the line it'll eventually come up. Like I would just wait till that time come otherwise I would just keep quiet on that. But that's just me though.
Posted by LadyNeptune

She’s obviously invested and interested in you. Idk why that’s a bad thing when your dating her and interested in her as well.

The irony of coming to an astrology site to ask if running a chart is wrong. This thread has troll vibes all over it.
I think you do not make the differentiation between checking a match between two dates to creating a personal chart with a personal interpretation of a third party. it is something different
Posted by Black-Mamba

This person is so close-minded if he's willing to throw a relationship cause she looked into his birth chart

good god I wonder what else he can't handle in life

are you a virgo, you're probably a serial killer?
i did not consider that actually
Posted by Gobby

I think the issue here is that the woman the OP is seeing used a third-party without his consent. This isn't the same as the woman generating and analysing the chart herself.

@DawnMan, what's her sun sign? I'm guessing possibly fire...

no clue, I am not much into those signs and astrology
Posted by MrsElleCappysnatch

omg stop whining and get over yourself.

I am not whining. so u think this is ethical? how lovely
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll

What’s the topic you’re dealing with? Maybe we can help, we’re really good with general advice here.

User Submitted Image

I wrote what is the issue I am dealing with....
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Isolde

Ok, this is definitely a troll thread.

it is not. why do u think so??
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This thread reeks of it, plus I don’t buy that your name is Dawn and that’s how the conversation went.
Wake up at the crack of dawn man and...


1. Break up with her

2. Talk to her and break up with her

3. Talk to her and continue to date her

A real man...dawn man or noon man or dusk man...

...would talk to her and listen to her side and be fair in passing judgement, while being crystal clear about how he feels about it so that both you and her are on the same page.
Posted by Isolde
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Isolde

Ok, this is definitely a troll thread.

it is not. why do u think so??

This thread reeks of it, plus I don’t buy that your name is Dawn and that’s how the conversation went.
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dawn is a nickname resembling my name and I can just conclude that your smelling sense got it all wrong. I might be in the wrong forum to ask it one might argue as people here do not put much value to the astrologers' ethics but that is fine, hearing that kind of point of view is ok.
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Gobby
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Gobby

I think the issue here is that the woman the OP is seeing used a third-party without his consent. This isn't the same as the woman generating and analysing the chart herself.

@DawnMan, what's her sun sign? I'm guessing possibly fire...

no clue, I am not much into those signs and astrology

Dude, are you kidding me?! I suggest you find out ASAP or everyone's going to accuse you of being a troll...


Yeah it’s bullshit.
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I came here to get opinions not because i am into astrology.
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Gobby
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Gobby

I think the issue here is that the woman the OP is seeing used a third-party without his consent. This isn't the same as the woman generating and analysing the chart herself.

@DawnMan, what's her sun sign? I'm guessing possibly fire...

no clue, I am not much into those signs and astrology

Dude, are you kidding me?! I suggest you find out ASAP or everyone's going to accuse you of being a troll...


Yeah it’s bullshit.

I came here to get opinions not because i am into astrology.

Tell us your birthday and hers then. 😈
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From my understanding he's secretive about revealing his birthday. Which in a way I don't blame him. Tho it would be nice to know his sun sign at least. That's the question I think should be asked of him.

Posted by tiziani

I said it was wrong and unethical yesterday, but if you were already decided on the answer then why make the thread?

you can't control what other people do but you can with your own choices. You got involved in a relationship with her, it's up to you.

i had my preconception about it - true.

but was open to hear another opinion that might convince me otherwise.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Gobby
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Gobby

I think the issue here is that the woman the OP is seeing used a third-party without his consent. This isn't the same as the woman generating and analysing the chart herself.

@DawnMan, what's her sun sign? I'm guessing possibly fire...

no clue, I am not much into those signs and astrology

Dude, are you kidding me?! I suggest you find out ASAP or everyone's going to accuse you of being a troll...


Yeah it’s bullshit.

I came here to get opinions not because i am into astrology.

Tell us your birthday and hers then. 😈

From my understanding he's secretive about revealing his birthday. Which in a way I don't blame him. Tho it would be nice to know his sun sign at least. That's the question I think should be asked of him.
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Posted by Black-Mamba

I give you permission to eat my dick dawn

show it first and see if it is worth the effort
Posted by Black-Mamba

you make me want to puke dawn

you're a useless person dawn

why were you born dawn

to ask ppl retarded shit dawn

or just to troll dawn

go fuck yourself dawn

with a big fat pole dawn


Is it poetry day 🤡
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Isolde
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Isolde

Ok, this is definitely a troll thread.

it is not. why do u think so??

This thread reeks of it, plus I don’t buy that your name is Dawn and that’s how the conversation went.

dawn is a nickname resembling my name and I can just conclude that your smelling sense got it all wrong. I might be in the wrong forum to ask it one might argue as people here do not put much value to the astrologers' ethics but that is fine, hearing that kind of point of view is ok.
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Look you’re posing an ethical question but you heard the word Astrologer so you came to this site.

You could’ve easily have asked that question to your friends and get a gauge on whether this is a comfortable norm? Considering online stalking provides more data on a person than astrology does.

If your looking for opinions then this site is full of people that would enquire ‘when is it too soon to ask for birth time and place?’ And all the clever tactics they use on dates to slide in that question.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Isolde
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Isolde
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Isolde

Ok, this is definitely a troll thread.

it is not. why do u think so??

This thread reeks of it, plus I don’t buy that your name is Dawn and that’s how the conversation went.

dawn is a nickname resembling my name and I can just conclude that your smelling sense got it all wrong. I might be in the wrong forum to ask it one might argue as people here do not put much value to the astrologers' ethics but that is fine, hearing that kind of point of view is ok.

Look you’re posing an ethical question but you heard the word Astrologer so you came to this site.

You could’ve easily have asked that question to your friends and get a gauge on whether this is a comfortable norm? Considering online stalking provides more data on a person than astrology does.

If your looking for opinions then this site is full of people that would enquire ‘when is it too soon to ask for birth time and place?’ And all the clever tactics they use on dates to slide in that question.

It's a question of astrology ethics though. At least I'm giving OP the benefit of the doubt when he mentioned it's a professional astrologer (meaning they agree not to do this), but today I'm looking at it like it's just a sympathy thread.
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I’ve seen more intense deep search that some people do, going to astrologers, tarot and Psychic readers.

I’ve been on the receiving end of this many time myself but have asked them directly... I don’t like it and not to do it again. It’s really that simple.

Society in general is obsessed with acquiring data on people, voyeurism is trendy 😬

I would think someone is unhinged if they hired a private detective 😁 but that’s just me. The OP was looking for opinions, so I gave it.
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Undine

Usually astrologers only use your first name and DOB. But since the astrologer is a friend, they may get to know your full name.

It doesn't mean that your full name and DOB will be found online, or even on the astrologer's computer, though.

It's OK to get the astrologer's phone number and ask them to delete your name and DOB, if you feel uncomfortable about it.

as far as I know if it was a friend, done on the phone, I am less concerned about this going public, but more the act itself or potentially doing it again
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If you don't believe in astrology, shouldn't the "act itself", of doing astrological readings about you, be meaningless....?

Or are you afraid she's going to get your criminal records next?

Girlfriend, if you see this, JUST DO IT...."Records can be ordered online and the results can be emailed to you. Searches are processed by an exact match of name and date of birth" Winking
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by exoskeleton_

when she asked for your birth info did she mention why?

it does sound intrusive. she should have asked before sharing it with someone else.

I told it from my own will in some context i do not remember (like my birthday was few days ago), also said the rough time of birth as it is reflected in my name (dawn)
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i see. we've all run people's charts before, but she actually went to someone and gave your information so it seems more invasive. though she likely doesn't have bad intentions, i would ask her to respect your privacy in the future.
cc wtf lmao
e> Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by LittleStar_II
Posted by Gobby
Posted by DawnMan
Posted by Gobby

I think the issue here is that the woman the OP is seeing used a third-party without his consent. This isn't the same as the woman generating and analysing the chart herself.

@DawnMan, what's her sun sign? I'm guessing possibly fire...

no clue, I am not much into those signs and astrology

Dude, are you kidding me?! I suggest you find out ASAP or everyone's going to accuse you of being a troll...


Yeah it’s bullshit.

I came here to get opinions not because i am into astrology.

Tell us your birthday and hers then. 😈

From my understanding he's secretive about revealing his birthday. Which in a way I don't blame him. Tho it would be nice to know his sun sign at least. That's the question I think should be asked of him.

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