Third party personal horoscope without permission

Posted by Piscis_Hominis

She was trying to help. She might have thought you trusted her with this information so she felt comfortable proceeding.

You telling her that normally you don't tell people your date of birth could make her infer that you trusted her and she took liberties thinking that you trusted her to do so. Ask her what other identifying information she gave to the astrologer. Also, this astrologer is her friend.

If I'm dating a woman and she's talking to her friends about me, I trust that she'll be careful about what she tells them, with the understanding that she's going to confide to them about stuff like sex, money, relationship problems, etc...

She knows you're dealing with something and she turned to a friend to help. Use your words and tell her how you feel about it. If she crosses clear boundaries in the future then she's not respecting you or them.

Re: This boundary

You decide what your boundary is. The only way I'd be concerned would be if another person was sharing my personal information with others, even with online astrological reports. Things like last name, address, first name depending on the situation, etc.

Finally, how is she supposed to know that this bothered you if you don't tell her?
if I told her that I usually do not tell to anyone, it should at least raise doubt if i am ok with it and therefore asking might be warranted.

she told her some things about my father. if the astrologer is her friend how does it make it ok??

it is not just about saying to someone info which I wanted to keep private, it is also the specific usage for astrology which i might be against to be used with my private info.

I told her now that it bothers me, but isn't it something she should have known ahead or at least check with me?