What do you think of my chart? (i need help btw)

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by welpyikes on Friday, July 17, 2020 and has 6 replies.
so um yeah... this is my chart with the placidus system

btw i use both placidus and whole signs because both seem to match my life

like example placidus (moon in 6th; stomach issues, sun in 8th: transforming and bad relationship with father)

and whole signs (uranus in 3rd in pisces; my sister is a pisces rising with uranus in her 1st so yeah i find both pretty accurate)

Are there like any observations? i’m kinda worried about my future because i have upcoming exams. AND if i fail my upcoming exams im dead and that means i can’t travel for work ever. I don’t like living here. I recently moved out of my old place and moved into my hometown which i dislike a lot. I just need help of what careers are suitable for me and if there are any observations..? thank you in advance

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Under the Display & Calculation Options there's a setting labeled "% reduce/increase orbs"

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You may want to enter 70% or 80% to clean that up a bit.

Astro.com for their default chart settings has some of the widest aspect degree defaults out of (most) all of the other popular Astrology webites offering Natal Charts; therefore, it's not going to inhibit anything. In fact it's more accurate the tighter the orb value since it's not just throwing anything/everything into the mix.
Posted by TheApparition

Under the Display & Calculation Options there's a setting labeled "% reduce/increase orbs"

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You may want to enter 70% or 80% to clean that up a bit.

Astro.com for their default chart settings has some of the widest aspect degree defaults out of (most) all of the other popular Astrology webites offering Natal Charts; therefore, it's not going to inhibit anything. In fact it's more accurate the tighter the orb value since it's not just throwing anything/everything into the mix.

Posted by welpyikes
Posted by TheApparition

Under the Display & Calculation Options there's a setting labeled "% reduce/increase orbs"

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You may want to enter 70% or 80% to clean that up a bit.

Astro.com for their default chart settings has some of the widest aspect degree defaults out of (most) all of the other popular Astrology webites offering Natal Charts; therefore, it's not going to inhibit anything. In fact it's more accurate the tighter the orb value since it's not just throwing anything/everything into the mix.

click to expand

No prob. You may want to repost the newly redrawn charts afterwards. Whenever they're cleaned up a bit you may get some hits on giving you feedback. It's just a little challenging whenever charts look like someone drew the aspects with silly string. 😅
Posted by TheApparition
Posted by welpyikes
Posted by TheApparition

Under the Display & Calculation Options there's a setting labeled "% reduce/increase orbs"

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You may want to enter 70% or 80% to clean that up a bit.

Astro.com for their default chart settings has some of the widest aspect degree defaults out of (most) all of the other popular Astrology webites offering Natal Charts; therefore, it's not going to inhibit anything. In fact it's more accurate the tighter the orb value since it's not just throwing anything/everything into the mix.


No prob. You may want to repost the newly redrawn charts afterwards. Whenever they're cleaned up a bit you may get some hits on giving you feedback. It's just a little challenging whenever charts look like someone drew the aspects with silly string. 😅
click to expand

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• The Western Hemisphere is comprised of Houses 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9—the right half of the chart. People with the majority of planets in the Western hemisphere tend to be other-oriented and receptive rather than self-motivated. The needs of others are considered before taking action. It is in this sense that the lives of people born with this emphasis are thought to be more in the hands of fate. However, this is not actually the case, as people with either Eastern or Western hemispheric emphasis (and those with balanced charts in this sense) essentially have the same free will potential.

• The Southern Hemisphere is comprised of Houses 7 through 12—the upper half of the chart (above the horizon). This is the social, objective, and collective portion of the chart. People with the majority of planets found in the Southern hemisphere tend to be more objective, sociable, and concerned with “outside” events, whether they affect them on a personal level or not.

• Planets in Quadrant #3 (Houses 7, 8 & 9)


- A majority of planets in this Quadrant indicate that, in this lifetime, you are learning to become more objectively aware of others… their identity, as apart from your own.

- You yearn to “be part of” someone else and to do things in shared partnership. For success in this area you must begin to tune in to others and be willing to allow their values and ideas to help you grow. As you open to their energy and allow it to change you, your transformed energy will produce an opening in them.

- This process creates a “middle ground” that will actually be more satisfying for you than if you had gotten what you wanted without having gone through this transformation. You are destined for partnership this lifetime, so there will never be a lack of candidates.

- Close one-to-one interactions teach you how to refine your manner in a way that is more acceptable to others. Therefore, it is to your advantage to embrace others feedback, change your presentation and successfully link.

- If your commitment to the partnership is strong enough, you will be open to learning from him/her, which will allow you to develop and refine the expression of your own identity.

- As you grow, your horizons will expand and you will actually gain more than you may have imagined going into the union. You are learning the importance of finding out about – and honoring other?s values, what motivates them, their philosophies and different ways of viewing life.

• With a Virgo concentration, this can make you a great worker, super productive and efficient, and you want to feel productive and put to good use. You can have a great eye for the details and be very attentive to everything you work on. But you can also suffer from anxiety, worry, stress, and demand too much perfection of yourself, so you need to learn to relax. You need to find something that gives you lots to do but enough space to unwind

• 8th HOUSE: The 8th House stellium must be in control of one’s own resources and finances. If not, situations that seem totally beyond his/her control or upheavals seem to plague the life. Gaining control over the uncontrollable is important sc that studies in the occult, life after death, medicine, holistic health, financial planning are good outlets. In handling large amounts of money, the individual should always be personally in charge. Accountants and other financial planners can really mess things up.

- I believe that the 8th House rules all things totally beyond our control and our attitude towards such affairs. There is a pattern of taking control and then knowing when to release. Obsessions with the uncontrollable can greatly complicate the life. One individual with a stellium in Cancer in a financial planning yet he always feels out of control in his relationships because I have observed that he disempowers his relationships – he does everything and makes all the decisions, and then the other person cannot stand alone. This is a problem in knowing when to release. The healing talent of the 8th House is taking control, orchestrating the changes and repairs alone and then releasing it (to a client).

- There can be problems sorting out sexuality or a conflict between sexuality and spirituality.

• Use the following link to see what your dominant aspect, fixed-star Influence, Moon/Venus/Mercury Phases, and etcetera. It'll take the guesswork out in those less than common areas that aren't easy to see


This stuff may not be anything you haven't read already, but I thought I would at least try to post something since you took the effort to redo the chart for ppl.

Good luck getting the answers you were looking for.