What do you think of my chart? (i need help btw)

Posted by TheApparition
Posted by welpyikes
Posted by TheApparition

Under the Display & Calculation Options there's a setting labeled "% reduce/increase orbs"

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You may want to enter 70% or 80% to clean that up a bit.

Astro.com for their default chart settings has some of the widest aspect degree defaults out of (most) all of the other popular Astrology webites offering Natal Charts; therefore, it's not going to inhibit anything. In fact it's more accurate the tighter the orb value since it's not just throwing anything/everything into the mix.


No prob. You may want to repost the newly redrawn charts afterwards. Whenever they're cleaned up a bit you may get some hits on giving you feedback. It's just a little challenging whenever charts look like someone drew the aspects with silly string. 😅
click to expand

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