Aqua male in love

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by NikkiMse1978 on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 and has 196 replies.
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I have seen time and time again, woman, including myself who are bewildered by Aqua men. How they lack emotions on the outside, are distant, walk away when pushed, need space, etc.
So how do they act when they really do love someone? And I mean LOVE!! HAHAHAHA
I get all that but when he pulls away from me. Then I do not. He ignores me, is cold, distant and then BOOM we start the same process over.
What I am asking is he will continue to do these things, correct?
He will not say "I cannot do this anymore" and walk away.
Beating a dead horse still
Posted by firewaterearth
Posted by NikkiMse1978
I get all that but when he pulls away from me. Then I do not. He ignores me, is cold, distant and then BOOM we start the same process over.
What I am asking is he will continue to do these things, correct?
He will not say "I cannot do this anymore" and walk away.

Is this guy the same one who had a girlfriend? Did they breakup? If I recall that girlfriend was challenging him in a way in which he wasn't used to, is that correct?
I think that he will keep playing this game with you until you put a stop to it...permanently. This is up to you. He is getting goodies i.e. ego boost, female companionship, and familiarity. He has no incentive to respect you until you give him one.
click to expand

Yes, it is the same guy who had the girlfriend, of a month by the way. They did break up. He told me he tried to break up with her several times, and even that day I went to his house for the first time in forever. I do not beleive it was challenging him, but if you say so, yes. That is the girl.
What game? Why does it have to be a game with Aqua's? That is a concept I know of, but will honestly never grasp. It has been two weeks now, since the last time weve had any contact. I told him I deleted his number (which I didn't) and I am leaving it alone.
One of the last things he said to me what that I was hard to read? Well now he can read/think/analyze to his heart (minds) content. I told you all I was doint me differnetly, and I am doing just that.
Can you explain "incentive to repect me until I give him one?"
Thanks! smile
@NikkiMse..i won't say much, but plz read sumthing on twinflames & soul connections(STEVE GUNN is great at explaining it) bcoz i feel that's the case with u.There's also a youtube video about stages of twinflame relationships-check out which stage ur on.
@Water- Ill check it out, thank you! smile
Posted by WaterCup
@NikkiMse..i won't say much, but plz read sumthing on twinflames & soul connections(STEVE GUNN is great at explaining it) bcoz i feel that's the case with u.There's also a youtube video about stages of twinflame relationships-check out which stage ur on.

Those site are a bit confusing... I don't know anything about twinflames and soul connections and they way they talk it's almost as if they assume you have some knowledge on the subject to begin with... any recommendations for beginners?
@bird..try googling signs of a soulmate or twinflame. Suzie Carr's signs are spot on, then take it from there.
Posted by WaterCup
@bird..try googling signs of a soulmate or twinflame. Suzie Carr's signs are spot on, then take it from there.

As always Watercup thank you so very much for being willing to help everyone.
Oh bird thanks, but don't let that fool u as i'm known as Godzilla the arsehole in real life, i'm just balancing karma here. LOL, j/k. I do have my off days like every1 else, but i won't come here & be a forum nazi. I'm too old to be an internet bully, besides being nice consumes less energy.
Posted by WaterCup
Oh bird thanks, but don't let that fool u as i'm known as Godzilla the arsehole in real life, i'm just balancing karma here. LOL, j/k. I do have my off days like every1 else, but i won't come here & be a forum nazi. I'm too old to be an internet bully, besides being nice consumes less energy.

That it does! They say to kill anger and evil with kindness! smile smile
I did look at the site, Water. Do you have any tips for me? It is a bit confusing-however, it does make sense. smile smile
Which part is confusing u?
@Water-i ordered the book so i am hoping it will give me more knowledge & insight. smile
im confused because i beleive it could be my situation, but i could also be wrong. He could be my twin flame but he or i has more "growinf" to do before it is a complete union...? Or bcus its not supposed to happen in this lifetime?
Are you an Aqua yourself? Have you found your twin flame?
Yes to both questions. It's an eye opening journey, goodluck with yours.
Twin flame relationship are ingeneered to get u in touch with u, self love (I AM), the other person is just a compass that is used to get you there. Don't worry about being together, work on yourself & the rest will fall in place. If that's the case with u, u'll learn all that with time. The guy i had this with, we were separated for 5yrs (he is now back in my life ). During the 5yrs we both learned things about ourselves. We both knew about each others lives without 'normal' contact, but by telepathy (the head conversations u also mentioned ). We both got operated( 3 wks apart) on the same foot for different reasons. Many syncs. It's a lot of hard work, but it's all worth it.
@nikki..also google the term Alien Lovebite, it's the same thing (same symptoms), but it's explained in an E.T (alien stuff) point of view. Compare both theories & choose what makes sense with your logic
No(i wish), i married sumone else during our 5yr separation, we just got back in touch a few months ago.
We were almost married, i still wear his engagement ring on my right hand. Life can be so cruel in ways that i can't explain, it's just 1 of those things. Maybe sumday (he believes so) or in another life.
Posted by WaterCup
Twin flame relationship are ingeneered to get u in touch with u, self love (I AM), the other person is just a compass that is used to get you there. Don't worry about being together, work on yourself & the rest will fall in place. If that's the case with u, u'll learn all that with time. The guy i had this with, we were separated for 5yrs (he is now back in my life ). During the 5yrs we both learned things about ourselves. We both knew about each others lives without 'normal' contact, but by telepathy (the head conversations u also mentioned ). We both got operated( 3 wks apart) on the same foot for different reasons. Many syncs. It's a lot of hard work, but it's all worth it.

So that might be why I am not taking this as hard as I have in the past! (not crying profusively, not angry, not sad all the time, not depressed, not-not eating, or being isolated, etc.) All of those things I have done before. This time, I feel sad but not to the point where I am closing myself off. I am even dating other people!
I I have told myself a few weeks ago I am going through a transformation and I was right! A transformation to do ME differntly. To take care of ME!
Your wisdom is so refreshing to me! Thank you for taking the time to clear the veil for me. smile smile I very much appreciate it!
Posted by WaterCup
@nikki..also google the term Alien Lovebite, it's the same thing (same symptoms), but it's explained in an E.T (alien stuff) point of view. Compare both theories & choose what makes sense with your logic

Water, I will take a look at this as well. I am excited to get my book in the mail too! I am self improving myself for sure. 3 weeks ago, when I "felt" my transformation, I started ordering self help books! YEH!
Posted by WaterCup
We were almost married, i still wear his engagement ring on my right hand. Life can be so cruel in ways that i can't explain, it's just 1 of those things. Maybe sumday (he believes so) or in another life.

One part I did pick up on is that you could find/meet your twin in this lifetime, but you or the other may be with someone else. It happens I guess. I love how you still wear his ring. A ring is a circle with no end, so maybe that is a sign of what he already says is to come. smile long have u guys been together? I'm glad that ur feeling great, but the pain always returns with vengeance (it's an on/off thing). If u read experiences of other ppl going through this, u'll find out that sum still go through all that after decades. But ofcoz every person's growth is different. Keep on going strong & don't let the little fall backs get u down, it does get better with time. Plz read heart & soul connection from hub-pages on the net, it explains the separation pain, with other ppl's stories. Goodluck Nikki.
Meeting a twin after a person is married or committed to another is a hallmark of these relationships, but it is adviced not to leave a current spouse in hopes of starting a relationship with a twin as that will create bad karma & therefore intesify those push/pull situations associated with this.Don't try to take matters in your own hands by speeding up the process, but let the universe/destiny take control
Nikki u also strike me as being awakened since u mentioned noticing the telepathy. Check out also the awakenment & ascension symptoms on google- u'll be surprised. Plz tell me what u think about that.
I got my wake up call in 2008. 1 day i just came in from work & turned on the tv to watch a soap opera & the 1st words that 1 actor said to the other as i turned on the tv were - call...(his name). A few months later i went to a grocery store & as i entered the store intercom announcer was calling sum guy named...(his name again) to the office. The final 1 was the 1 that really woke me up - i went to a doctor & i was sitting in the waiting area with a couple who had a sleeping baby (about 9 mnts old) in a pram. The child woke up & started crying with his hands held out to me. The mother was embarassed, but i said it was ok so i held him. I mentioned that the baby was cute & i asked them his name & his name turned out to be...?! Coincidence? I think not.
Not to step on your toes Nikki... let me know if I am... I wish not to offend anyone...heck I am a mermaid!
I read Suzi's blog which scared the wholly hell out of me... I think this Aqua may be my soulmate or twinflame I'm trying not to get ahead of myself but I had a dream 6 months ago and he did the exact same thing. I just meet him about a month ago and it feels like we known each other forever. There is a 6 year age difference and I pick up his vibes. On 11/11/11 (go figure) the head conversations started and I'm thinking I'm going crazy I'm going crazy and I hear like this echo and it's my voice I'm hearing but it's saying your not crazy but this is weird. And I will think something to myself and I will hear an answer. Freaked me out. I haven't had anymore of the conversations but when I think about him really deeply he seems to contact me, but I know when he does so I'll check my inbox and as soon as it opens his message appears a second later.
I still pick up his vibes to this day. We are both in the same place in our lives, hugely different backgrounds but we agree on 99% on everything. The 1% we both state our case and move arguments or problems. It's like we just fit together like puzzle pieces. Never had that happen before. When I first saw him in person I almost did a face plant onto the floor, the man is just... he just is.
Oh yeah last week we went to a sports game and the very next day I turn on the tv and guess what's playing?! The EXACT game was playing that we attended. We were both watching a show together and it was talking about we are both scientists and that we should be together because we both see the world differently that others (he's a engineer and I'm going to school to get into the science field... both of us are bonkers about science). Then it talked about if your souls are compatible why is it out of the question to talk to each other in your mind. I was blown away. It took everything I had to not to shout what the hell is going on! lol
Posted by WaterCup long have u guys been together? I'm glad that ur feeling great, but the pain always returns with vengeance (it's an on/off thing). If u read experiences of other ppl going through this, u'll find out that sum still go through all that after decades. But ofcoz every person's growth is different. Keep on going strong & don't let the little fall backs get u down, it does get better with time. Plz read heart & soul connection from hub-pages on the net, it explains the separation pain, with other ppl's stories. Goodluck Nikki.

@Water-we have been on and off for 3 years. It seems he always seems to leave me when he feels an overwhelming sense of love. It is the same cycle now for 3 years! At first, I did my fair share of trying to "break" it off but always ended up back to him.
I do beleive we are meant for one another and we are supposed to be togther! Most people think that sounds extreme, or it's not meant to be, but I just KNOW! I don't know how I do, a feeling maybe? I just do!
Thank you! I will keep on going strong! I will seek out hub pages-heart and soul connections! Thank you! smile
Posted by WaterCup
Meeting a twin after a person is married or committed to another is a hallmark of these relationships, but it is adviced not to leave a current spouse in hopes of starting a relationship with a twin as that will create bad karma & therefore intesify those push/pull situations associated with this.Don't try to take matters in your own hands by speeding up the process, but let the universe/destiny take control

Push/pull? I totally relate to that! That is what we seem to do every single time! IT is SCARY! LOL. I have accepted it though, he hasn't. He says we fight too much. UMMM, no! LOL. Fighting is yelling and screaming. We talk/communicate.
Posted by WaterCup
I got my wake up call in 2008. 1 day i just came in from work & turned on the tv to watch a soap opera & the 1st words that 1 actor said to the other as i turned on the tv were - call...(his name). A few months later i went to a grocery store & as i entered the store intercom announcer was calling sum guy named...(his name again) to the office. The final 1 was the 1 that really woke me up - i went to a doctor & i was sitting in the waiting area with a couple who had a sleeping baby (about 9 mnts old) in a pram. The child woke up & started crying with his hands held out to me. The mother was embarassed, but i said it was ok so i held him. I mentioned that the baby was cute & i asked them his name & his name turned out to be...?! Coincidence? I think not.

Have you just heard his name or have you had "other" signs! I have heard him call out to me, saying my name very loud, but only once, clear as day. And I have had other signs as well. Like seeing Superman (on Tshirts, tv, song, etc.) or have heard our song on the radio at the opportuniested of times. Also, smelling him. Not his cologne but his SCENT! I also, in the last week have "talked" to him when I first wake up and right before I go to sleep. It is very strange! I am glad I am not the only one!
Can you tell me more????
Posted by tbird
Oh yeah last week we went to a sports game and the very next day I turn on the tv and guess what's playing?! The EXACT game was playing that we attended. We were both watching a show together and it was talking about we are both scientists and that we should be together because we both see the world differently that others (he's a engineer and I'm going to school to get into the science field... both of us are bonkers about science). Then it talked about if your souls are compatible why is it out of the question to talk to each other in your mind. I was blown away. It took everything I had to not to shout what the hell is going on! lol

Tbird-You are not stepping on any toes. I just didn't see this post getting this far out there if you will! LOL.
I am glad to hear the stories of you and your guy! Read mine, I just posted it to Water. I hear voices and talk to him too! Oh boy! We are nutso!
Posted by NikkiMse1978
Posted by tbird
Oh yeah last week we went to a sports game and the very next day I turn on the tv and guess what's playing?! The EXACT game was playing that we attended. We were both watching a show together and it was talking about we are both scientists and that we should be together because we both see the world differently that others (he's a engineer and I'm going to school to get into the science field... both of us are bonkers about science). Then it talked about if your souls are compatible why is it out of the question to talk to each other in your mind. I was blown away. It took everything I had to not to shout what the hell is going on! lol

Tbird-You are not stepping on any toes. I just didn't see this post getting this far out there if you will! LOL.
I am glad to hear the stories of you and your guy! Read mine, I just posted it to Water. I hear voices and talk to him too! Oh boy! We are nutso!
click to expand

Oh yes... so when you talk.. is it his voice you hearing or your own?
The first time I heard his, after that it is a mixture. smile
Posted by NikkiMse1978
The first time I heard his, after that it is a mixture. smile

Ok... I've only heard mine but it's only happened a few times.
damn... another sign
Yet another sign... what's going on!!
I told myself I'm getting a bit too attached to him... I'm gonna back off of him and now I'm being bombarded with all these signs... this is so creepy.
Posted by tbird
damn... another sign

Lol, yup! I get signs everwhere! He even told me once he sees them to & asked if i do to. Obviously i said yes!
Posted by tbird
Yet another sign... what's going on!!
I told myself I'm getting a bit too attached to him... I'm gonna back off of him and now I'm being bombarded with all these signs... this is so creepy.

&T, why did you block your other post? I didnt get to read it. A good friend of mine told me to do ME differently. & thats what im doing. Lets look for the love we have for ourselves and as Water says, the rest will follow. smile have faith, signs & all. I do! Alot of people have opinions and thats fine. We are all entitled, but only you know whats in your heart. smile)
Oh it was just aqua's in said aqua's could never be in love period end of story.
I thought that was all hogwash. i've had loads of syncs eg. i have moments of knowing exactly what he is doing at the given time & i'll text him & ask if he was doing 123 & he'll like yeah. It doesn't creep him out coz he has had his own fair share of what he calls 'creepiness'. When i'm sad or stressed, he feels it. During our break up, there were days where i felt him in the room with me or felt him missing me. The head conversations are all in my voice, but i KNOW the answers are his. Do u all share those sexual lucid dreams(u dream of having sex with him & he also has the same dream at the same time)
Posted by WaterCup i've had loads of syncs eg. i have moments of knowing exactly what he is doing at the given time & i'll text him & ask if he was doing 123 & he'll like yeah. It doesn't creep him out coz he has had his own fair share of what he calls 'creepiness'. When i'm sad or stressed, he feels it. During our break up, there were days where i felt him in the room with me or felt him missing me. The head conversations are all in my voice, but i KNOW the answers are his. Do u all share those sexual lucid dreams(u dream of having sex with him & he also has the same dream at the same time)

I think I have... it's like your awake but not really... it's so strange... we haven't been intimate... close very close to that point but we both stopped because it's too soon in both of our eyes so I haven't ask him...hey did you have a sex dream of me last week! lol
Yeah nikki i also get the 1st thing in the morning & last thing at night conversations. Do u also get the 24/7 thoughts of him, like no matter how hard u try to block them out, they pop right back in. I even see his face(or notice features that he has on them) in the faces of other men.
Yeah bird, its like ur half awake, but ur aware & everything feels real.
Posted by WaterCup
Yeah nikki i also get the 1st thing in the morning & last thing at night conversations. Do u also get the 24/7 thoughts of him, like no matter how hard u try to block them out, they pop right back in. I even see his face(or notice features that he has on them) in the faces of other men.

24/7 thoughts oh yes...I'm in college and even during tests he will pop up and I'm like not now but I can't help it.

Posted by WaterCup
Yeah bird, its like ur half awake, but ur aware & everything feels real.
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yeah I woke up and I felt really drained. I had to stop and think... did that happen? So so strange.
When I do the mind conversations I wish that I can get to the point of knowing it's him and not just me being treetrunking crazy!
And bird its true that when u try to back off or to forget, the syncs intensify & go to creepy levels. But when ur accepting & ok with it all then they turn down to like once a day or every now & then.
@bird..yeah everybody who is experiencing this ask themselves the exact same question-'is it me, am i crazy?'. If u read other's experiences then u won't feel like a nut, its just 1 of those things.The mind chats are crazy & can go on for hours.
And when ur together u get the obsessive urges of wanting to touch him all the darn time. Even touching him is not enough, u just wish u could jump inside him. Even when he isn't conventionally handsome, but to u he is the hottest thing that ever lived. And when u trying meeting other men, u just feel empty(or bored) with them bcoz nothing compares to him/being with him.
U know when they make u angry & u tell yourself that u don't ever wanna see them again, then 5mins later ur back to loving them, then u get angry for being its like split personality disorder. There also a tendency to feel sad out of the blue & u start to cry then as soon as the sadness came, it vanishes & gets replaced by another emotion, all of that in 5mins flat. Kind of like bipolar. Yikes!
It is also said that after 1 meets their twin there will be a gradual loss of interest in meat & 'red meat' eg.beef +lamb is usually the 1st to go. Have any of u experienced that? Now i can only stomach chicken or fish. When i red that, i was blown away.
And also that, hair & nails grow faster than before. Sensitivity to noise, waking up between 2am & 4am, energy rushes & chills throuout the body(usually the back & arms). Texts messages between the two of u sumtimes gets cut-off or miss,etc. Info overload, i'm done now!