Posted by tbird Oh it was just aqua's in said aqua's could never be in love period end of story. I thought that was all hogwash.
@T-it is hogwash@ They want to be loved and fall in love to, the thing is, you will never know, bcus they don't know. If they do not recognize it it is bcus they don't want to. They are scared/afraid to! My ex told me that himself!
Posted by WaterCup i've had loads of syncs eg. i have moments of knowing exactly what he is doing at the given time & i'll text him & ask if he was doing 123 & he'll like yeah. It doesn't creep him out coz he has had his own fair share of what he calls 'creepiness'. When i'm sad or stressed, he feels it. During our break up, there were days where i felt him in the room with me or felt him missing me. The head conversations are all in my voice, but i KNOW the answers are his. Do u all share those sexual lucid dreams(u dream of having sex with him & he also has the same dream at the same time)
I have syncs too! LOL. Oh, boy! I know when he will be by his moms (his parents live 5 houses down from me) I know when he leaves. I also know, if I happen to drive by his house, if he has a girl over. I feel her! Just like with his ex. In June and July I felt a strong feminine presence that wasn't mine, obviously. And after speaking to him, he told me he saw her every other weekend in June and July! HA! I felt it! My ex asked me months and months ago if I had signs. I asked him if he did, and he said yes. I told him I did to! I have not had the same sex dreams, but I do dream of him and I together. Or I feel his hugs and kisses.
Posted by WaterCup Yeah nikki i also get the 1st thing in the morning & last thing at night conversations. Do u also get the 24/7 thoughts of him, like no matter how hard u try to block them out, they pop right back in. I even see his face(or notice features that he has on them) in the faces of other men.
I thought I was the only one!!! You know how many times I have tried to GET HIM OUT of my head, thoughts, mind and heart and it never works! NEVER! I feel like pulling my hair out sometimes bcus he is always there! I did tell you I smell him right? Not his cologne, but HIS scent! Now, that was creepy! Can you smell yours?
Posted by WaterCup @bird..yeah everybody who is experiencing this ask themselves the exact same question-'is it me, am i crazy?'. If u read other's experiences then u won't feel like a nut, its just 1 of those things.The mind chats are crazy & can go on for hours.
Water-at first I thought I was crazy!!! I told one of my best girlfriends what was happening, and she is even a little psychic herself, but even telling her I thought I was losing my mind! It is nice to know others are experienceing exactly what I am!
@ Water- I sure wish I was on last night to see all that you guys have written! Our time difference must be pretty Big! All of the things you stated in your info overlaod Water are all true for me too! I like him a bit scruffy and "dirty"! I have even made love to him after a day without a shower. Also I am dating other men, but I feel empty. Non of them are him and never will be! He has even told me that no one will be me either! I battle with myself all the time, with my loving him, then having a disagreement, then backing off to loving him again, all in 5 seconds! I have told myself time, and again that I am not going on this ride again. This time I am trying like fire to stick to it! I just don't want to contact him again. I always do that first? Have you read anywhere about that? I do not eat red meat, I only eat chicken and salads. My diet has changed alot in the last 3 weeks! I am losing weight to, without even trying! My ex is a boxer, and he cut weight for his fight last month. He said he needed to put his weight back on, and normally when he gets heavier, I do. This time, I am getting smaller, so I beleive (since I have not spoken to him really, only hi how are you, great! I deserve to be happy crap kind of conversations) or have seen him that he could be sad/depressed/lonely/miserable and is losing weight. AGHHH! Its that sync thing again! And to top it off-I get chills ALL THE TIME! When we are "talking" in our minds too! I also think it is my grandma watching down on me. I ask to feel her as well when I am in need.
@nikki..sorry what i meant is not same-sex sex(as in lesbian sex), i meant dreams of u & him having sex & he also happens to have the exact same dream at the same time-shared dreams
@nikki..yeah i get the scent sumtimes, but it's usually a quick whiff, kind of 'ghostly'. Funny that u mentioned sensing female presence in his life & him telling u that noone's like u bcoz all those happened to me also. All these yrs i sensed when he was in a relationship & when it ended, even the current 1, i know she is not for him. Also the weight thing is so true, if u read other ppl's stories it pops up a lot. Do u get the LEGENDARY night time heart pulls?-the heart feels like it wants to jump out, followed by the feeling of breath being taken sorry if i'm scaring anyone.
@aquaj..oh ok now i understand, word up bcoz it's so true. Me & bird were discussing it the other day - it's like they need a woman who takes control bcoz they can't. The roles are reversed with libra males in relationships, sumtimes it's like they don't have a personality of their own eg. they like what the partner likes, talks & acts like their partners. LOL, I still love them though (my beloved is a leeb), i just wish they could grow sum real balls though instead of having cottonwool one's.
Signed Up: Oct 21, 2011 Comments: 91 · Posts: 2252 · Topics: 23
Posted by WaterCup It is also said that after 1 meets their twin there will be a gradual loss of interest in meat & 'red meat' eg.beef +lamb is usually the 1st to go. Have any of u experienced that? Now i can only stomach chicken or fish. When i red that, i was blown away.
HOLY HELL!!!!! OMG!!! YES! That's so scary!! He is the sexiest man on the planet to me and I met him on the dating site and had other dates lined up but when I met him I pretty much told the rest I'm not interested. No one can compare to him. I have yet to get pissed off at him so I can't comment on that one.
Signed Up: Oct 21, 2011 Comments: 91 · Posts: 2252 · Topics: 23
Posted by WaterCup And also that, hair & nails grow faster than before. Sensitivity to noise, waking up between 2am & 4am, energy rushes & chills throuout the body(usually the back & arms). Texts messages between the two of u sumtimes gets cut-off or miss,etc. Info overload, i'm done now!
I keep waking up and get the chills all the time... haven't noticed the hair or nails but I haven't been paying attention to that... I will have to start. Sometimes my phone doesn't vibrate when I get a message and I'll check it and he replied and I'm like wtf? I always feel it... that's been happening in the last 2 days.
Signed Up: Oct 21, 2011 Comments: 91 · Posts: 2252 · Topics: 23
on 11-11-11 I felt like my heart was going to just burst because it just felt so full... heart wrenching and I couldn't relax. I'm not like that and some points I felt like I couldn't catch my breath. I actually thought I was having a panic attack.
Hey bird welcome back. I saw it mentioned in many twin flame forums that, ppl who are destined to experience soul connectioms usually grow up feeling different (chosen). As children it is said that they usually felt like they were born for a purpose, like they had a greater mission to fulfill in this life. Unlike other children, there's a deep yearning for something that they don't even know. Acted matured for their age(old souls). It's so true for me, did u experience any of that while u were growing up? Out of curiosity since we seem to be on the same path.
Signed Up: Oct 21, 2011 Comments: 91 · Posts: 2252 · Topics: 23
Posted by WaterCup Hey bird welcome back. I saw it mentioned in many twin flame forums that, ppl who are destined to experience soul connectioms usually grow up feeling different (chosen). As children it is said that they usually felt like they were born for a purpose, like they had a greater mission to fulfill in this life. Unlike other children, there's a deep yearning for something that they don't even know. Acted matured for their age(old souls). It's so true for me, did u experience any of that while u were growing up? Out of curiosity since we seem to be on the same path.
Thanks Watercup! Oh God please don't say that to me! I always felt that I was destined for something greater....ever knew what though. I was always different... some people only understood parts of me, not to true me. I always acted older for my age...actually would hang out with my friends parents rather than my friends.
Posted by WaterCup @nikki..sorry what i meant is not same-sex sex(as in lesbian sex), i meant dreams of u & him having sex & he also happens to have the exact same dream at the same time-shared dreams
Water-I knew what you meant! LOL. I haven't experienced those to that extent that we "feel" the sex at the same time. Mine are more "out of body" dreams.
Posted by aquaj It's hard to explain but when I was dating a Libra, I didn't feel like I was dating a man, it felt like I was raising one. I had to bark orders at him to get him to understand what proper adult behaviour is in a given context and just generally act responsibly, and my mom felt the same way with hers. Like I'm all for acting silly but there is a time and a place and they just didn't seem to understand that. Furthermore, with my mom's ex, that was the one and only time I had heard a grown man of 50 years actually GIGGLE. And he would do it repeatedly. He was like a schoolgirl. I think that Libra guys sort of actually REQUIRE a woman/partnership to facilitate that process of growing up, and they don't until they have her. Which, as an independent sign I found a bit disturbing, tbh.
@AquaJ-My son's father is a Libra and not only do that act childish like your ex and your mom's but they also want the woman to take care of him, financially. And they are very secretive of their "extra curricular activities." My sons' father, when I broke up with him, told me he was breaking up with me anyway, and then proceeded to tell me we were in an open relationship. Unknown to me, I thought we were exclusive! Duh! LOL. Libra men sicken me!
Posted by WaterCup @nikki..yeah i get the scent sumtimes, but it's usually a quick whiff, kind of 'ghostly'. Funny that u mentioned sensing female presence in his life & him telling u that noone's like u bcoz all those happened to me also. All these yrs i sensed when he was in a relationship & when it ended, even the current 1, i know she is not for him. Also the weight thing is so true, if u read other ppl's stories it pops up a lot. Do u get the LEGENDARY night time heart pulls?-the heart feels like it wants to jump out, followed by the feeling of breath being taken sorry if i'm scaring anyone.
Water-You have gotten the "scent"! YEH! I am not the only one! I have only, once and like I said, it wasn't his cologne-it was HIM! It came and went when I was with a friend out for coffee. I asked her if she smelled it to, and she told me no. Its the same friend who "knows" things herself. Do you know how we can tap into our abilities? A book maybe, a video? Anything to develop our 6th sense would be greatly appreciated! No woman is meant for my ex, but me. I know it sounds very standoffish but it is sooooo very true! I need to read more on the sites you mentioned! Do you have anymore? As for heart pulls, I feel them, I beleive. My heart ACHES for him? Is that is? Otherwise I feel it hurting. Like it wants me to act/do something but then I don't. It physically hurts me.
Bird, before u mentioned that the twin flame forums were confusing to u, i find the site called 'spiritualforums' very informative & less complex. They discuss every single facet of this & many ppl there are going through this & many have more insight. Some of the things i said here about this topic i got them from there bcoz they resonated with my own experience. If maybe there's more that u seek clarity on, that site is a great start.
@nikki..the heart pull is like a tug, like it's being tugged out, some even described it as a banging against the ribcage(different from a normal heart beat). The 'abilities' usually happen on their own once the chakras have been activated. Read about 'kundalini rising', that's how it all starts(the abilities). Kundalini is a snake like spiraling energy(chills) starting at the lower back. The other signs to show if ur there yet or near, are the ascension & awakenment symptoms-check them out on google.
Water- I also said I was confused, but I beleive I "know". It is my time. I will check out the site you told Tbird...A little bit more broken down would help us all. You are so knoweledgable. How did you "know"?
@nikki..i can't explain it, its an inner thing that pushes u to go searching, when it's time then it's time. I just browsed through spiritual forums just now & they have topics that might interest u. PLZ GO CHECK IT OUT!
Signed Up: Oct 21, 2011 Comments: 91 · Posts: 2252 · Topics: 23
Posted by WaterCup Bird, before u mentioned that the twin flame forums were confusing to u, i find the site called 'spiritualforums' very informative & less complex. They discuss every single facet of this & many ppl there are going through this & many have more insight. Some of the things i said here about this topic i got them from there bcoz they resonated with my own experience. If maybe there's more that u seek clarity on, that site is a great start.
Yes that site made me feel like I'm doing calculus! lol Again thank you so very much aqua... my hororscope said a few female's will help me see the truth in confusing and trying situations and will be a huge asset to me this month. I believe you, Nikki and another cancer (on this board) are the women to help me through this "Am I crazy" stage lol
Posted by WaterCup @nikki..the heart pull is like a tug, like it's being tugged out, some even described it as a banging against the ribcage(different from a normal heart beat). The 'abilities' usually happen on their own once the chakras have been activated. Read about 'kundalini rising', that's how it all starts(the abilities). Kundalini is a snake like spiraling energy(chills) starting at the lower back. The other signs to show if ur there yet or near, are the ascension & awakenment symptoms-check them out on google.
Water-I have looked at ascension and awakenement. I do follow that! LOL. I need to find an easy to read chakra book. On how to cleanse, etc. What would you recommend?
@bird..bird i told u about the site - SPIRIT LIBRARY (which is a little bit difficul to understand). The site SPIRITUAL FORUMS is easier to navigate & is more insightful, plz check it.
@nikki..i'm still trying to understand chakras myself, but i know how each opens, what i still don't understand is what each chakra is for-the function of each. Google is always helpful
Posted by WaterCup @nikki..i'm still trying to understand chakras myself, but i know how each opens, what i still don't understand is what each chakra is for-the function of each. Google is always helpful
Hi Water-thank you for the feedback! I ordered a book on Chakras and I will get you the title as soon as I have a sec. Now I am stuck at work. YUCK! Thanks for all of your help!
Thanks nikki, have u received your book from Steve yet? It's a great book, 1 person mentioned that Linda Goodman had mentioned(on the book Love Signs) about writing a book on this subject, i think the name of the book is Goobers or smtg. I'll research it. Linda was great, so I'm sure that the book is also good. Mmm today i had a FANTASTIC day, my 'friend' (Mr Syncs himself, surprised me at work today lunch time. I haven't seen him since September 25th (his birthday). It's a 3hr drive to come to my province & another 3 to go back, so i appreciated the surprise. We had a great time. He was like a snake charmer bcoz i was just staring at him the whole 60 minutes, how embarassing! God, love can turn a person into a window licking mouth breather sumtimes. Have a nice day at work nikki.
That man is insane, he actually had a nerve to take me to sum underground Vietnamese restaurant (bcoz the ambience is serene, according to him), the place had rat meat as 1 of their starters for goodness sake. They also had 'normal' food on their menu, but i was beyond the point of caring at the time. I'm still traumatised. I've never been more nauseated in my life, i couldn't even drink their water. Disgusting! So we went to another place, where my coma began.LOL
Thanks God for my natural never ending questioning, bcoz when the couple sitting on the table next to us received their orders of what looked interesting, i went into aqua mode & started with the ?'s. I thought it was baby chickens or at least birds, NOT THAT! Beware of Vietnamese food!!!
Hey nikki, how's this for a sync? I put a reminder on my tv to watch a show about a missing girl. Her story fascinated me, well she went missing on january 25th (my birthday) & her 'remains' were found september 25th (his birthday), or maybe it's a coincidence...NOT! Shame the poor girl was murdered by a stalkerish ex- he crushed her skull with a hammer, froze her body & then shredded her into mince, he then threw the mush into a river. All they found of her was a bloody tooth in his basement & frozen blood in the freezer - the psycho confessed & told the gory details. Ppl are scary *sigh*
Posted by WaterCup Thanks nikki, have u received your book from Steve yet? It's a great book, 1 person mentioned that Linda Goodman had mentioned(on the book Love Signs) about writing a book on this subject, i think the name of the book is Goobers or smtg. I'll research it. Linda was great, so I'm sure that the book is also good. Mmm today i had a FANTASTIC day, my 'friend' (Mr Syncs himself, surprised me at work today lunch time. I haven't seen him since September 25th (his birthday). It's a 3hr drive to come to my province & another 3 to go back, so i appreciated the surprise. We had a great time. He was like a snake charmer bcoz i was just staring at him the whole 60 minutes, how embarassing! God, love can turn a person into a window licking mouth breather sumtimes. Have a nice day at work nikki.
Hey Water-Nope, not yet! It will not be here till next week and I am sooo excited! I LOVE Linda Goodman! I have all of her books! And I read them ALL THE TIME! He did? Awww, he came all that way to see you?!?!? Now that is the "heart" side we talk about in them but never see! The last time I saw my ex was 2 weeks ago this Friday. I went in, dropped off food, and went out. WhOOsh! Like air! HAHAHAHAHA. I get my heat in my body when I see him! All througout my body like I always do. Never felt it with anyone else! Thanks! Work is almost over!
Posted by WaterCup That man is insane, he actually had a nerve to take me to sum underground Vietnamese restaurant (bcoz the ambience is serene, according to him), the place had rat meat as 1 of their starters for goodness sake. They also had 'normal' food on their menu, but i was beyond the point of caring at the time. I'm still traumatised. I've never been more nauseated in my life, i couldn't even drink their water. Disgusting! So we went to another place, where my coma began.LOL
With the ambiance he was thinking! With the food, NOT SO MUCH! HEHEHE. Too bad! EWWW I beleive if I were you I would have thrown up! LOL. Good to see you tried to tough it out!
Posted by WaterCup Hey nikki, how's this for a sync? I put a reminder on my tv to watch a show about a missing girl. Her story fascinated me, well she went missing on january 25th (my birthday) & her 'remains' were found september 25th (his birthday), or maybe it's a coincidence...NOT! Shame the poor girl was murdered by a stalkerish ex- he crushed her skull with a hammer, froze her body & then shredded her into mince, he then threw the mush into a river. All they found of her was a bloody tooth in his basement & frozen blood in the freezer - the psycho confessed & told the gory details. Ppl are scary *sigh*
Yes, that is a sync indeed! My ex and I were texting last night, so obviously I had a hard time sleeping, but I felt a new sign. I feel him "take over" me! Is that strange! It's like he is miserable and sad, so he makes me "feel" that way. I found out some things.....*sigh* EWWWW ppl are so sick out there! I did not need to hear that after my lunch! Almost made me throw up in my mouth! YUCK!
@nikki..oops sorry nikki for being too graphic there. I love the nitty gritty stuff, so i always assume that others are the same. I have scorpio moon,mars,saturn & pluto-all in 8th house, i have tendencies to psychopathy- me is really twisted!. ANYWAYS..about the 'take over'. It is said that twin flames are c?nnected by a silver cord (like an umbilical cord) & that emoti?ns of both ppl bounce back & forth through the cord creating that bipolar feeling. That's why ppl can feel their twin's feelings.
Posted by WaterCup @nikki..oops sorry nikki for being too graphic there. I love the nitty gritty stuff, so i always assume that others are the same. I have scorpio moon,mars,saturn & pluto-all in 8th house, i have tendencies to psychopathy- me is really twisted!. ANYWAYS..about the 'take over'. It is said that twin flames are c?nnected by a silver cord (like an umbilical cord) & that emoti?ns of both ppl bounce back & forth through the cord creating that bipolar feeling. That's why ppl can feel their twin's feelings.
@ Water-No offense taken! I am a bit graphic myself. I love horror films! They are my fav. I just got back from lunch and read that, so that is why I was feeling a little sick! LOL. Yup, that is what I am feeling! I am feeling more things and "seeing" more things that are happening around me. To pin them, it is hard, bcus at the time I know, but now cannot recall. Isn't that weird?!?! I will need to write them down, so I can keep track!
Signed Up: Oct 21, 2011 Comments: 91 · Posts: 2252 · Topics: 23
The night conversations stop... does this mean anything? I tell myself I won't think about him but again signs come up. I'm just confused....maybe I was just crazy after all.
@Tbird-your night conversations will come again. Trust me! Mine have stopped for a few days now, but they always come back. I believe were are trying to make them stop & to stop thinking/feeling for them, to be normal in a way. Its a dif expeirence but I think we need to embrace it, not resist. Its supposed to happen this way! Im still baffled myself but now that I know what is happening, its not so bad nemore. The signs are everyway? See, its supposed to b this way. I always thought I was crazy too, bcus I saw signs every where too. I still do! So lets b crazy together!
Signed Up: Oct 21, 2011 Comments: 91 · Posts: 2252 · Topics: 23
Posted by NikkiMse1978 @Tbird-your night conversations will come again. Trust me! Mine have stopped for a few days now, but they always come back. I believe were are trying to make them stop & to stop thinking/feeling for them, to be normal in a way. Its a dif expeirence but I think we need to embrace it, not resist. Its supposed to happen this way! Im still baffled myself but now that I know what is happening, its not so bad nemore. The signs are everyway? See, its supposed to b this way. I always thought I was crazy too, bcus I saw signs every where too. I still do! So lets b crazy together!
The signs come everyday... every freaking fracken day. Yep they can throw us both in the looney bin together!
Posted by NikkiMse1978 @Tbird-your night conversations will come again. Trust me! Mine have stopped for a few days now, but they always come back. I believe were are trying to make them stop & to stop thinking/feeling for them, to be normal in a way. Its a dif expeirence but I think we need to embrace it, not resist. Its supposed to happen this way! Im still baffled myself but now that I know what is happening, its not so bad nemore. The signs are everyway? See, its supposed to b this way. I always thought I was crazy too, bcus I saw signs every where too. I still do! So lets b crazy together!
The signs come everyday... every freaking fracken day. Yep they can throw us both in the looney bin together!
click to expand
What are your signs? I will share more of mine if you are willing to share to. They are not bad, but frequent. All day, all night! He is the first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing I think of when I go to sleep. Looney bin, HERE WE COME!
Lol, rot in with the rest of us crazies. We are not crazy, we may think that we are crazy bcoz what we are experiencing is not 'normal'. What is 'normal' anyway? Once u peek behind the veil of normalcy, u then understand that reality(now, today) is an illusion. Ppl may laugh & think u crazy bcoz they don't understand what ur experiencing, don't worry, sum of the ppl laughing today may just get that wake up call 1 day & realise that they were the crazy 1's for laughing. We will keep the looney bin lid open.
A spiritual path is not a choice like other belief systems, it is forced upon u wheather u believe/want it or not. Nobody likes to feel insane, we don't like what we see/feel, but we have no choice. At least we see things clearer & are cured from blindness of what is believed by all to be real. Spirituality is a lonely & personal path, all that are on it don't experience it the same. The goal is to wake u up, but different methods are used to achieve it. Sum will see it through near death experience, meeting a twin flame, seeing spirits etc. In the end, self love, love for all without attachments, inner freedom, is achieved along the road. Who doesn't desire that? We are lucky to be chosen to experience all that.
U might notice seeing number 11 everywhere, looking at the watch & its always 11 o'clock or sumthing past 11- ur being connected to higher vibrations, its wake up time!