Aquarian Women Icons

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by MellowDee on Friday, March 3, 2006 and has 22 replies.
Nina Simone
Does she wear a thong?
Dunno Librat but I wouldn't have thought so. Here's another cool Aqua babe
Yeah but I heard her prognosis is for a full recovery.
Another Aqua lady I admire, Heather Graham. I was watching her in the movie Sidewalks of New York last night - a very good and humorous movie, all about the sex lives of people and the confusion and dissatisfation that goes with it. It was pretty similar to some of the dillemmas that users post on here from time to time!
What was the name of the show? Whatever anyway I like her style . She's good at playing quirky
female characters, very much the stereotypical cerebral aqua female. I just reliased that
Edwards Burns directed Sidewalks of New York (an aqua 29th Jan) and also played one of
the characters. He is p-retty cute I hafta say. And Rosario Dawson is absolutely beautiful
but alas, not an aqua, but a Taurus lady smile
"I don't remember the show actually, it was on ABC, heavily hyped too. But it was cancelled after one show. Aquas are cereberal, but they don't always come off that way.
They always come off as total goofs IMHO."
Bran0913: every sentence you typed there was put in a cynical and dull manner. I will borrow your style of expression just to say that
IMHO I find a lot of Virgos to complain and criticise about 5 times more than any other sign and to moan much more than praise. You typify this
aspect of your sign perfectly. virgos are not known to be too cerebral themselves, probably because they are too busy pointing
but little minor glitches and problems to see the broader picture and thus have some useful perspective
on things.
Bran: If satire is what you have been attempting to achieve in your sullen comments then I'm afraid you have fallen far short.
Totally agree with you there aquaqi and a very apt description of bran as being a linear.
You seem to have a lot of anger and frustration pent up inside you bran. Suck my coccyx you vir(a)go w@nker.
Also branston pickle: it's rather feminine in man when he moans and whinges as this is normally something a woman does before she's about to have her period. You don't sound like much of a man yourself.
Totally off the mark again branston pickle, there goes your faulty linear thinking again....
Huh? I didn't know some virgos can be delusional as well.
You are a typo bran.
That was a bit below the belt. Sorry bran I don't want to get into a slagging match but I can't stand when you start whinging. Go do it in your own virgo boards if you just wanna mouth off and leave us goofy people to engage in some higher brain discussion.
Not really. ok I'm off to have a cuppa tea. Ciao.
Wow! can't leave you guys alone for a minute huh?
Sagit, hats off, you're hysterical! Winking
Go join my dinner party OK?
Sorry Bran, but the typo was too much. OUCH! Winking
Actually Bran0913 I am sensitive but not on this arena. I do find sometimes that nasty words can be hurtful if they come out of nowhere. I think it is due to the fact that people on a message board such as this don't have the inhibition of face-to-face confrontation to deter them from being blunt and hurling needless insults (I am guilty too) at other users. But I think that it indicates that the users who do engage in this behavior are probably the least socially adept in the "real" world.
But don't worry bran your silly jibes did not upset me in the slightest because what you said and the way you said it actually made me laugh - so maybe I should thank you! Winking
I am beginning to think you may be slightly delusional. Do they have patient internet access in asylums these days? That joke's getting a bit jaded. No bran men who are augumentative in your way do not turn me on at all. I am attracted to gentlemen, that is GENTLE _MEN_. So no sexual frisson there at all, that's just a figment of your strange mind.
SagiTAURies, on the other hand, is more on the lines of the kinda man that I would go for. He is friendly, has a sense of humour and does not moan just for the sake of it. He also has quite a wicked imagination I'm guessing Winking
Here's Kelly Rowland 11the Feb 1981. A pretty cool chick (GL I'm suddenly starting to use your word now!)

I like this song too.