Aquarius & Cancer

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by looneybird on Sunday, March 19, 2006 and has 73 replies.
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In this pairing, Cancer will be much more reserved than the open and friendly Aquarius partner. Cancer has a need to know an individual prior to opening up and "getting cozy," being inherently suspicious of new people. On the other hand, Aquarius is positive and outgoing, being totally unconcerned with the "who" or "what" or "why." By nature, Aquarius natives are gregarious and light-heated...basically open personalities who are far from cautious. Since this is an water/air combination, it fails to bode for a good mix. Cancer will likely find the impatient and idealistic Aquarius partner to be more than he or she is able to handle, while the Aquarius individual may find it hard to sense any excitement in the relationship, given Cancer's sensitivity and vulnerability. Essentially, therefore, these two will have very little in common, excepting perhaps that the friendly and normally interesting Aquarius subject tends to hold much attraction for the cautious Cancer, who will be intrigued with the display of openess and spontaneity.
The differences in character here are almost overwhelming. Cancer is possessive, Aquarius is independent. Cancer is emotional, Aquarius is rational, even aloof. Cancer is a homebody, Aquarius is at his or her best in a group of people. Thus, beyond the intial attraction, this combination stands little chance of survival, unless the Aquarius partner is willing to settle down into the "safe zone" offered by Cancer, in which event, this union could turn into a very loving and somewhat adventurous relationship. At the end of the day, however, Aquarius may well be too much of a dreamer for Cancer to handle and Cancer may be too emtional and sensitive for Aquarius to deal with. These two will find little to talk about since Aquarius is looking for intellectual stimulation while Cancer simply wants to chit-chat. Aquarius, with his or her knack for making new friends, adapts easily to career changes and the other demands which come with such a situation, finding the transition to new surroundings much less stressful or difficult than does Cancer, who is inclined to live in one place for a long time. Cancer is also more concerned with having financial and material security, inclined to worry if circumstances are not stable and secure. In short, Cancer needs a level of emotional bonding and nurturing that Aquarius may well be incapable of providing.
actually... i am a cancer and my boyfriend is an aquarius, and although i do agree with many of the differences in the two signs, we have been able to make it past that and get over our differences. we have learned from each other, and became better people because of learning from each other's differences/negtive qualities.
Yes, the moods swings are what ruined what was a very very hot thing between myself and a cancer guy....and his inability to communicate what he was feeling. we are still friends and he admitted he had sucked at communicating but he wasn't willing to just sit down and say 'look, here's how I feel.' I think he was disappointed I couldn't read his mind. But now that we're friends, he does a much better job at telling me what he's feeling. I don't get it, but I'm glad we can still talk. And I miss being with him. Sad
I find that the aquarius that I was with was too hard to handle. He seemed to be on another planet while we were together. I broke it off, because I didn't believe he really loved me (he was so detached!!). I find out now (from his friends) that he really did love me and spoke of me often, but I just don't understand why he didn't even try to get me back... I miss our night strolls.
primegen, I agree, aquarius/cancer relationships are quite rare. I just hope that my old aquarius and I will be able to get another shot, because I can't just be his friend.
Oh and primerib? It's crabcake, not carbcake. Big Grin
"I agree, aquarius/cancer relationships are quite rare. I just hope that my old aquarius and I will be able to get another shot, because I can't just be his friend."
Hi crabcake, I personally dont know of any aqua/cancer relationships but with communication and understanding should resolve differences,.Good Luck: )
"I don't know why but I always seem to find aqua men and cancerian women getting attrated to each other. And they break up too. And get back together. And so on."
I hope you're right sb, I really want things to work out between my aquarius (not that he's mine) and me. Oh, and about the aquaius men and canserian women getting attracted to each other, absolutly true in my case. I suppose I have a weak spot for men who treat me like ... a monarch butterfly...
Opposites attract, then repel... then attract
I Am a aquarius woman, an I have an cancer boyfriend. Fun fun fun lol Aquaius you know that I mean. Anyways it can work between a aquaius an a cancer if one bends for another if you really love em. It aint always easy but hey what is. Ive been with my cancer for 2 years. Yea 2 years. Were good at the moment but something is bound to piss the cancer off lol or a mode swing is gonna come. I'm not takin sh*t cancers. I just don't understand cancers. It's only my opinion which aquarius are very good at giving out lol. i come in peace lol
i am cancer (female) and my significant other is aqua (male)... and i am living proof that it can and does happen. it takes a lot of work and effort, but if you love someone enough you make it work. as different as i am from my aqua man, i love him very much. and i am very grateful for our differences at times, b/c i have learned to become a better person and let go of a lot of my weaknesses.
to all you cancers that are dating aquas... DON'T take anything personally and DON'T have an attitude for no reason!!! just a little advice from someone who has been there...
That's good advice moonchild8, but it's SO hard for me not take anything personally. The smallest things he would do, I would question and wonder if that's his way of telling me he's annoyed with me. Perhaps in the later future I could learn to be more detached.(and have less of an attitude)
i think that when you learn to not take things so personally, it is like a weight is lifted off your shoulders. you will realize how much happier you are as a person. it is difficult to do (especially for us cancers), but once you don't take things so personally, life will be that much easier and you will start to realize that you have a greater sense of self worth. it all starts with self confidence though. you have to have that to realize that people aren't always against you.
you should take some time for yourself, and get to know yourself better. chances are, you will strengthen your relationship by doing better things for yourself. and he will begin to see that in you, and respect you more for it.
moonchild8, that was such a beautiful suggestion. I will truly consider doing that.
what is the status on you and your aqua man? do you still talk to each other? let me know...
o ya i agree wid onefineaaqua.... cancerianz r gr8 people but their mood swingzzzz r SCARRRRRRRRy.... im sorrounded by cancerz.. my mom, best friend and colleagues.. they r sweet poeple i have to admit
yes OFA...
i agree with the mood swings. i have them pretty bad but my aqua man is the moodiest person i have ever met! it's tough...
I'm a Cancer woman and was with an Aquarius man for about 5 years, with two short breaks during that time. He was more removed than I'd have liked in terms of wanting to put his career first and such, but whenever I got upset, he was extremely emotional and nurturing. I think he might have cried more than I did! In the end, we couldn't get past our differences in terms of finances/responsibilities (I didn't think he was responsible enough and too much of a future-looking dreamer, while he felt I worried and dwelt on the past too much), but he meant the world to me. We're currently not in contact on purpose because I really want to move on, but I know I could still call him up at any time if I wanted. Very caring man.
wow...that doesn't sound like a typical aquarius man at all. although 5 years with two short breaks sounds like the road i am headed down with my aqua!!! LOL
you ARE being very sarcastic when you say that, right kris?
i am a cancer female with an aquarian, and we are very different...but i like it that way b/c we can learn from each other. and trust me, the relationship NEVER gets boring! and yes, physically we are amazing together!!! i mean AMAZING!
our major problem is also the communication thing. seems like it is a huge obstacle for us. either he doesn't want to communicate about our relationship, or the words don't come out right (on my part). it is impossible sometimes!
i am a cancer
how long have you two been together?
how old are the two of you...are you older or younger?
what are your friends like? the aqua male/ cancer female couple. what makes them a "perfect couple"??? how do they get past all the obstacles that are naturally there due to differences in thought/ opinion/ emotion, etc.??? i am curious to know...
see, i am six months older than my bf...and i think that has something to do with our relationship issues at times. he is very mature for his age, but he is also very into hanging out with the guys, and doing guy stuff... i.e. dirt biking every weekend! he hasn't exactly grown up in that department, and that's ok, but sometimes i wish he would invest more time and effort into me and our relationship, rather than spending so much time with the boys!
cancerchic i absolutely agree with you they are very emotional and nurturing and also very very caring! about the financial differences thanx God we dont have that problem but ur right sometimes they are honestly too much of a future dreamer and it can become a problem, but considering how much of a dreamer cancers are i cant complain smile))
i think all physical, emotional and intellectual connection between them is amazing or at least from my experience!smile Aquarius man are super intelligent and very creative always find a way to get done whatever they have set their mind to!smile and cancers are pretty similar too, except those famous mood wings...moonchild8 i got them too...pretty badsmile)) but thankfully Aquariuses are so grounded they would bear with us till were smiling again!
i meant mood swings lolsmile
Popular indeed...but not built to last. The stars MUST align.
best decription I could find on this union....
Cancer and Aquarius
You and Aquarius are of a different breed. You will have to work extra hard to overcome the basic problems you'll encounter within this relationship.
Aquarius live life like research scientists, gathering data and making rational conclusions. Cancers, on the other hand, know from experience that their hearts always steer them in the right direction. Cancers know that everyday facts can be deceptive depending on how they are presented, so they've come to rely on their gut reactions. As a water sign, Cancers have a more highly developed intuition than Aquarius, and this instinct will work especially well for you.
The Aquarius aloofness will trouble you. It may initially attract you to this mysterious and alluring loner, but in time he or she could break your heart. You are warm, engaging, compassionate and tender. When your Aquarius doesn't call or respond wholeheartedly, you will compare his or her behavior to your own under the same circumstances. This may not make you feel any better. The trouble is, Aquarius has a blind eye when it comes to passion and has trouble feeling like part of a twosome. Aquarius will love your capacity for deep emotions, but he or she simply doesn't feel things as deeply. This puts you forever in the role of the giver.
You want family, closeness, and commitment more than anything else in life. Aquarius want freedom, independence, and a chance to explore and understand their own identity. Aquarius resist marriage for this same reason, feeling it will impinge on their needs. In time, you may be able to reassure yours enough to get him or her to commit, but your Aquarius will never give you the warmth you crave. Aquarius find you too moody and easily slighted, whereas you find them somewhat cool and crusty at times.
But Aquarius have the most beautiful eyes and tend to be light in color. Their gaze can convince you to agree to practically anything. In bed, they will dazzle you with their electric lovemaking. Aquarius can send you to another world, but it's all fun and games, because in all the other areas that matter to them, they'll know you two don't click. And so will you.
Cancer is traditional in outlook; Aquarius cares nothing about the past, is only interested in the future, and loves to break rules. They march to a different drummer because their role in the Universe is to question all preconceptions. As a Cancer, you may find this hard to deal with over the years. In time you may ask yourself if you can sacrifice so much of yourself to their personality. You are more flexible than fixed sign Aquarius, so you are the one who will have to make adjustments. Sooner or later you could find yourself worn out.
You may be nodding, seeing the writing on the wall. If you love your Aquarius, possibly you have the moon or other planets in a highly compatible relationship to their Sun. We are only studying the Sun sign here, so have your custom chart drawn up and decide what to do about your relationship later. You need time together before you make any serious decisions.
I'm very domesticated, want marriage and kids, and I'm very emotional. don't we all want this at some point? are we not made of the same emotions? idk *shrugs*
Oh man ! did you hear about the dude that had a baby?! he's having his second now - wow ! ok apparently he used to be a woman - hehehe...
Anyway imo, heavily charted Cancer (or any other heavy water chart) and heavily charted Aqua (or any other heavy air chart) is not aligned like ladyM says for long term - it's draining to work out differences on basic outlooks and way of expressing - the feeling is the same BUT expressing so diff...Water will end up being the one flowing, merging, changing, fitting, twisting, turning while Air flits about unchanging...I izz an offspring from a similar draining union - someone will suffer the consequence...
It's obvious from a lot that come here wondering about guys...a lot of the questions are just...erm...huh? you know should be a move on time is obvious...
There's a lot to be learned from the other but can also be done in friendship, flings, then move on but due to the nature of the sign, you can the see mutating/clinging even from threads - good qualities but not when wasted... relationships should be natural, relaxing and erm other stuff but what do I know? I'm tired of thinking Tongue
Await more cancer/aqua threads...
I am Aquarius and I really loved my Cancer guy, very passionately. Had to dump him though, as he loved his bank account more than me. Otherwise - perfect man.
As I said one evening to my wonder-crabby.." Look, let's get one thing straight. You are heart FIRST and I am heart LAST."
It was the ONLY thing we ever agreed on.
I totally agree with that comment cancers do think with their heart i just broke up with my cancer boyfriend for the third time. He broke up with me this time because i seemed like i didn't love him enough which wasen't true I was just doing other things and had things on my mind.
Dont sweat it, there for the birds.
i guess i still love him i just don't show it in front of him
wow i just found this thread...i'm completely infatuated with a man that's a cancer...and i'm very much an aqua girl....and i told him "we're not supposed to be pursuing this---its not a match"...and right now we are friends..not even in the same town but i just know its the distance that is keeping us fresh etc. But if i were to take this to another level unless i'm commited and wear boxing gloves its doomed right????
Well Ronald & Nancy Reagan were Aqua-Cancer couple. one thing, the sex is superb.
lol - it's funny how many times I've seen the Reagans used as examples for this sign combo on dxp smile
oh for pisces its Paul Newman and his wife.
lol! yea I remember - when he died, someone mentioned that combo in his memorial thread...
"Well Ronald & Nancy Reagan were Aqua-Cancer couple. one thing, the sex is superb."

I cant get that out of my mind now!!!

I never did the cancer, so not sure.
well i'm living proof it can work, i've been married to my aquarius man for 8 yrs. since i was 17 i'm now 25 and we have 4 kids together....anything is possible....we are still happy and living life....we have problems but what relationship doesn't, just make the best out of it....also it would help if u were bi that's a big plus....hehe good luck....
I need some help in fact ALOT of help....well im an aquarius female and I've know this cancer guy since we were in grade 7. In the 8th grade he transfered to a different school and I never saw him again. So maybe about 3-4 years again we finally see eachother and its like we were juss connecting unno figuring out whats up with each other what have we been up to unno catching up. So he adds me on msn (this was when we were in grade 11) and we begin talking and getting to know eachother even more. So finally we continue to "talk" eachother for months and it juss all started from there. Finally when my prom came he was my date but it was really like he was distant like i had absolutely no clue what it was. Until I found out from my best friend that he was talking to another girl on the side and I was extremely upset and i CUSSED him out and he has quite a mouth on him nd he couldnt get a word out lol. But 2 months later I saw him again at a gathering with all of my friends. two of my friends were sitting in a car with him while i went somewhere wit another friend. my best friend told me that what he said was "I was the first girl he EVER cared about and he f***ed it up" and so when i came back to the car where they were he pulled me aside and told me he apologizes for what he did and that he doesnt want me to hate him, so i forgave him buh hes still with the girl he was talkin to. APPARENTLY shes the type of girl to be on his d"ck so he felt i wasnt showin enough affection so im guessin thats y he went to her. BUT since then we've been friends but then 2 MORE months after that happened he came to me sayin he wanted to be with me but i wasnt to sure about it because i was scared he'd do the same thing again. sooo AGAIN he thought i was being very distant and he juss left it alone nd went along his way with the other girl. BUT i felt he was being distant with me because he went to be with her and he juss didnt want to have anything to do with me. But i found out from my friend that he said he would NEVER stop talking to me which makes me think that there is still somethin there. recently i started to talk to another guy which was a friend of his and the CANCER guy sends me a text message saying "yur foreal eh?"
and i was shocked because he has a girlfriend y does he care of who i choose to get involved with or maybe he was jealous i dunno. I no longer talk to his friend tho... and again the saga continues of he and i not speaking. and my birthday past a few weeks ago nd i havent seen him in 2 months and randomly pops up out of no where and says happy b-day which was nice of him nd then 2 days later he starts to have a convo with me again...nd all i keep thinkin is that this is juss RANDOM...unno i juss keep thinkin to myself that in all this time of sayin to myself that i dun feel ANYTHING for him here he comes again and pops up out of nowhere...i no i cant do much about n e thing cuz hey he has a girl all i no is that my feelings for him wont change.... i juss dun know what to do I dunno if i should talk to him back...i dunno cuz i cant stop thinking about him and i really care for him buh i dun think he knows it.
I'd lay off since he still has a girlfriend. I wouldnt exactly pursuit him but if you do manage to have a conversation with him you should put yourself out there and see what happens. Let him know your aware of his relationship and sa that you respect it and you just wanted to clear the air so to speak.
If al works out in your favor. He should let the other girl go eventually and you two can pursuit things on the right foot.
ya that works cuz i AM aware he has a girlfriend and i would NEVER disrespect that....its juss not how i was raised its juss the back and forth thing that juss gets to me

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