Signed Up: Nov 09, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 214 · Topics: 12
i was just curioius if this is the majority of Aqua's. I know by trait that they are not super emotional people but how do you distinguish that they really are that way or that it's actually is somewhat of their own issues that makes them that way.
Signed Up: Jan 18, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4935 · Topics: 117
I do not know the answer to your question because I am not an Aquarian however, a very good dear older Aquarian man shared with me his difficulties in relationships and for him personally he came to the conclusion that - because he is an Air sign = THINKING that for the most part, he was in his head when it came to relationships. He said he believes that one of the Aquarians lessons in this lifetime is to learn how to combine the mind and the heart together - which he said has not been very easy for him. As I said above - this is HIS opinion and may not pertain to other Aquarian creatures
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
well, i can add to head vs. heart coversation... my aqua broke up with me back in May (as most of you know) b/c he used his head too much and his head told him that it wasn't going to work between us b/c we are different... well, he also came back to me last September (as most of you also know!), and ultimately it was his heart that led him back to me. so, after a few months of being apart from me and some serious contemplation, his heart won out over his head. and i even mentioned that to him at our first meeting when we reunited...i told him to always remember that it was his heart that brought him back to me that day...
Signed Up: Nov 09, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 214 · Topics: 12
im asking because when I asked my friend awhile back if he was emotionally available before he told me that he didn't think he was and I asked why and he gave a few reasons that made sense but i was wondering if that is just a typical reponse of aqua man.
Signed Up: Oct 04, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 368 · Topics: 10
We need to trust someone completely before we open up and show our tender sensitive hearts that often makes no sense to even our own head. So intellectually we could answer that question and be honestly thinking that we're right, but the defenses are securely in place around the heart. Because when we're not involved we don't let stuff get to our us, but when are hearts turn on it's way more sensitive to even the most common thing that doesn't bother our head. There is a war where we often let our heads win and protect the heart from being hurt. Being independant is so easy. Being vulnerable... impossible without some faith and trust. I read once that an aqua will only truly love once with his or her whole heart and if it's badly hurt the stone walls that we build make us cool intellectual creatures of independance. And yes an aqua can try to love again but it's never going to be on the same level of emotional investment. We don't trust the heart.
Signed Up: Jan 18, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4935 · Topics: 117
"We don't trust the heart." Hmmm...not really sure how you meant this ladyvie - it almost sounds like you have separated your heart from your being. Your heart is you and if you do not trust your heart, you in essence are then saying that you do not trust yourself which then leads you to not trusting anyone else. guys have it rough!
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
wow, this is so weird!!! i keep on hearing about all these aqua men and how they don't say "i love you"...i have heard it from several of the girls on here...and it's usually the ones who have been dating 6 months or longer. i just find it to be very strange... my aqua tells me he loves me all the time, so i wonder if he is just an acception to the rule, a rare aqua...hmmmm. he has been saying "i love you" to me for the last 2 years or more and says it to me pretty often.
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
yes, that is true...he was always shown love by his family, especially his mother...his mother is extremely loving towards him and she brought him up very well. he is extremely curteous and considerate and has a lot of respect towards women in general...and he always, always opens doors for me and opens the car door for me every single time i get in the car, from day one of our relationship. he is very much a gentleman in that way!!! and he has no problem showing his love for me and saying "i love you" to me...but i think he still has a problem with excepting the love back or realizing that he can be loved unconditionally...
Signed Up: Oct 04, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 368 · Topics: 10
Your heart is you and if you do not trust your heart, you in essence are then saying that you do not trust yourself which then leads you to not trusting anyone else. guys have it rough!
Yes that's putting it mildly. As a female with a cancer for a mother and a scorpio for a father, I have an easier time with this. But for years I didn't even realize how easy it was to push my emotions to the side and not consider my heart. At least as a woman, I realized what I was denying myself and started to take chances to grow. But for a guy it as to be harder since they are taught not to express feelings. Really we aquas have to reach a point within ourselves to trust the heart, but it's so easy to let the brain take over and not feel if it gets too hard or too emotional.
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
yep, that's his heart fighting with his head...and since they are logical creatures, it is a lot easier for aquas to liten to their head rather than their heart...but i think that once they learn to listen to their heart...and it takes quite a while for them to do that...they will have a different outlook. i mean, it took my aqua a little over 2 years to finally listen to his heart and realize his feelings for me ran a lot deeper than he thought. it is his feelings and his heart that led him back to me, and he allowed it to happen...he didn't fight it with his head, but like i took a long time!!!
Signed Up: May 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
"Are most aquarius emotionally unavailble"
Im new to the whole "blame it on my sun sign" thing..but yes I always "felt" (mainly not felt) like I was emotionally different from everyone else. Its hard to explain though..and the more I try and figure it out...the less I "feel". Im too lazy and secretive to go into detail, but I guess the answer to the question for me personally is I said I just recently found out it was a sun sign thing.
Signed Up: Mar 15, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
one of the Aquarians lessons in this lifetime is to learn how to combine the mind and the heart together - which he said has not been very easy for him.
hes right, it aint easy but its possible, i've learned to combine my mind and heart together... i never do anything when my heart & mind aint agreein' on the issue
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
"They like attention, don't be fooled. They however don't know how to respond to attention, and that is where the problem lies. They don't how to deal with being liked" -well said...this is so true! and they REALLY don't know how to deal with being loved...
Signed Up: Dec 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 795 · Topics: 11
[ i was just curioius if this is the majority of Aqua's. I know by trait that they are not super emotional people but how do you distinguish that they really are that way or that it's actually is somewhat of their own issues that makes them that way. ] The Aquarius does not like emotional messes. Once they experience it, they try their best to stay away from it. Usually, they are not in touch with their feelings and it is most likely because of the fear of getting hurt again. That's why they try not to get emotional. It just hurts way too DAM* much. Yes, I'm aquarius. I just learned yesterday that not letting myself become vulnerable and keeping the air of aloofness just keeps me from growing. So, I might start making myself vulnerable again, but I will try to do it with tact this time.
Signed Up: Oct 04, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 368 · Topics: 10
It's funny that you say that because most people don't even see a choice in vulnerability and emotional overloads as it comes so naturally to others. But with an aqua we usually have to remind ourselves that the heart cannot be denied as we can so easily let the head and our logic rule. It's hard when your brain can almost immediately draw a conclusion to a question to avoid being hurt, but your heart hasn't had the time to even figure out what it wants or doesn't want. We can shot ourselves in the foot and push away the very ones that the heart wants us to open up to, or we can stubbornly and logically reason to stay in a situation longer than we should because our brain doesn't like admitting that our hearts are no longer there. But when everything gets aligned, we make our 'shocking' entrances or exits...
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
"I just learned yesterday that not letting myself become vulnerable and keeping the air of aloofness just keeps me from growing" -so very true...i am glad that you have come to that realization!
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
"We can shot ourselves in the foot and push away the very ones that the heart wants us to open up to" -yes!!! i think this happens way too often with aquas, especially with aqua men.
Signed Up: Oct 04, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 368 · Topics: 10
Sadly it can happen to us aqua women too when we rely on our intellect to make the decisions. We can make snap judgments that push guys away and then often we don't know how to apologize so we over do it if we do it at all. I think that i read once that the aqua woman is very likely to be the girl who never gets married because we can be independant. When the head rules the heart, things go very wrong.
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
so, do you feel that when everything is aligned (using head and heart), or when you finally listen to your heart, that you will be completely content with someone? i am asking b/c my aqua left me for his own "logical" reason, but then returned to me b/c he realized how deep his feelings ran for me, in other words...he finally listened to his heart.
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
so, i guess what i am asking is: once an aqua is comfortable with listening to his/her heart and is comfortable with being emotional, do they still run from a relationship?
Signed Up: Oct 04, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 368 · Topics: 10
I don't have an answer to your question. Hopefully when we find internal balance things are better. My interests are so varied and so different intellectually that I seriously don't know if my heart can keep up... it's a struggle for me though you have no idea how much more balanced I am once I accomplished so many intellectual ambitious goals and can see the bigger picture. The age and success of the intellect has played a role with me realizing with age that I can attach my heart to my work. (I love helping people!) I dealt with opening my heart to a guy, researching a paper that I'm writing for fun, updated myself so I'm smart when I teach something, researched a case that I'm assisting with, and so many other things that made me feel fulfilled. My intellect is working so my heart feels that it can surface.
Signed Up: Mar 20, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2764 · Topics: 36
i think that aquas need to become more of a "risk taker" when it comes to relationships, but i understand there is a lot that holds them back... but, you only live once...
Signed Up: May 21, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
"Okay lady m i dare you to go date a leo male and come back in one piece !!!!!! That is my dare to you ." I am unbreakable. "I don't think I am what you want. I am more of what you need." ...maybe thats the problem...