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Apr 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 31
So tell me why is it that you Aquas are always making big plans out loud! Whoever has read my previous posting I talked about my guy always putting me in his future plans! He is constantly doing it and it makes me feel a little confused! Yesterday we spent the whole day together shopping for furniture since we are both moving into new places... My 17 month old daughter was with us to... He took me to look at the condo he's buying next month and my daughter was playin on the stairs... He started talkin about how she was gonna know her way around his place and know where to go to find her toys! That's the part that got me thinking... What is really on his mind! Does he just say these kind of things just to be talking! He does it a lot! Big plans! U thought you guys like to take it slow!
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
They maybe hints and a way to gauge where your head is at as well. He may be looking for you to make a response of some sort when he does it. I would just keep quiet when he makes such comments.
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Apr 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 31
Oh!I definately do... I don't even really know how to respond to it...
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
I would just keep quiet when he makes such comments. ditto - unless you've processed what you want honeygirl.
Aquas also live in the future from my experience --- every now and then, you may find the need to prod him into the present.
In my experience, the men normally don't be that out loud about their plans or their future with someone unless they are absolutely sure. So he must really be feeling her!
erm, not from my experience. They may think they mean it at the time, or just saying it to test your reactions...eitherway, feelings change, if it's not what you want, then ... *shrugs*...I wouldn't build on it or overanalyse for their sake.
Signed Up:
Apr 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 31
Thing about it is the Aqua men seem to be indirect with their feelings...non agressive as well! I'm used to a man who is more agressive! Part of it is the aloofness... But because of the indirectness I was wanting to take it as his way of saying he plans on sticking around! Saying my daughter will know where to find her toys at his house!?!?
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Apr 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 31
if it's not what you want, then ... *shrugs*...I wouldn't build on it or overanalyse for their sake
Its not that I don't want that... I would just rather see action then talk... I don't want to be sold a dream if you feel me!!
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
"I don't want to be sold a dream if you feel me!!'
All the aquas I've dated have done this "future talk" thing. It's bait, its a mind game, its nothing at all in all cases I've experienced it in. I think you have the right idea, take him by his actions and don't build hope on comments like these...
Signed Up:
May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Yeah, i like this thread. My aqua is making the big plans right now...for himself apparently!! Fine, so i told him i have a one way ticket to Scotland at Christmas and the whole forever after in Argentina isnt happening.
This was the exact conversation:
He.."im starting a course that im going to use when "i" go to Argentina. Im all sorted really, there?s enough work for me there and i will have the money i need by March and all ready to go".
Me..good for you, at least i dont have to worry about saving up anymore for the airfare, it?s good that you?re thinking ahead about your future, you?re at the right age afterall" and need to think about the same things so that im ready to start over again in Scotland.
He.."so i mean, i will be out of the house, like alllll day, and you?ll just be calling me up, being all like a woman, no family, no friends, that?s not my problem, i dont want to have any problems in my life, zero"
Me.."me either. Listen, im glad that you?ve got a future planned, and in this 5 minutes, you?ve made a difficult decision for me easier. We?ll go in different directions, and when its done its done, no doors are going to be left open, there wont be a "see how it goes" scenario. So, basically we should just split up now, because i dont want to give any more of my life to you. Its not about love, or a lack of it so let?s not get into that conversation".
He.."i love you, i just want to be happy", hahahaha (im collecting his stuff from my house and telling him to go)..please, let me just think about it. I want to be with you, for the lifetime, but its so difficult. I went out, he asked me where/when/who....arrgghh.
That was yesterday. I feel so much better that my mind has cleared. Only a few days ago it was about "us, and now its all about "him"..i have no problems with any of it, but its just to make you ladies aware of the swiftness of their changability, and inability to think past themselves..i mean that ultimately. Surely you were a part of plans somewhere along the line, but the bottom line is their in whatever it is purely for themselves.
Be careful.
Signed Up:
Apr 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 31
My aqua used to say similar things all the time, then poof! two weeks ago he vanished
Vanished how? What happened?
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Apr 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 31
He is 38... We have been dating 2 months now... It is slow going... For the most part yes he does keep plans he just sometimes won't call back when he says... He'll end up going to sleep and will call me early in th am the next day... Sumtimes even in the middle of the night... I've come to learn that is just him!
Signed Up:
Apr 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 31
Oh fallen girl I read your story last week... Does he have a history of relationships gone wrong? Like he was cheated on? Sumthin must have scared him! I'm sure he'll be back he can't just not talk to you ever again without an explanation! Your a cancer too right?
Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
ohdear ohdear - this one's gonna turn into another 600+ thread ?!
honeyg, I can only speak from experience, but I do understand where coming from... aquas like air signs approach things in an intellectual manner so you won't get the aggressiveness the way you're used to assuming you haven't dealt with a lot of air signs... they communicate a lot so can say the right things but when it really matters emotionally, you're most likely not to hear it.
if it felt right, you wouldn't be asking questions.
hlg, I don't know as I never tend to look at the past. what I know is the fixed signs I know have always had an inkling of looking at parts of their lives where they haven't been successful and find it hard to let go.
funny enough the only signs I know not able to forget their 1st love are taurus, aquas and scorps. I see it as ego involvement, but from aqua pov, the first love might be a time when they were unbiased, unrestricted romantics, non-heartbreak... so idealistic romance. they may try to find that again but too fixed in the judgement from past experiences so not fully able to let go of the ideal 1st love stage...
the problem is if they try to rekindle the past, future relationships or opportunities may suffer as they may not take in the full reality of the present situation...
which takes us to the living in the future... since they're ideal, they may take in the result before fully checking the resources so have a problem with seeing through what they say. a lot of the things aquas or air signs in general may say are ideal but in reality, what is the picture? they want you to think they the best you ever had, most intelligent and all that wonderful stuff...
if you get sucked in and can't think for yourself, lol ! good luck
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
some people (don't mean you honeyg ) on the other hand seem to buy into words...and want to go calling like word collectors...
I mean it's 2008 - I thought we were all supposed to have our hopes and dreams and just find someone to walk side by side with us....
what do you care if someone talks about their future, past or present and includes you, you have yours, right ?
Signed Up:
May 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 682 · Topics: 23
I think it's just his way of letting you know that he sees a future with you...
Whether it pans out or not, right here right now he'd like it to. Don't read too much in to is he going to ask me to move in with him next week....just see it as some sort of committment from his side....he's hoping you'll be there in times to come. Aqua's are screwed up with words so they say it as best they can.