Posted by MondayMorning@MyStarsShine would give you her stories about aquas, xmas, pub, food and bin lol
It's interesting on the Aqua / Scorpio match question.
I have dated a lot of signs and I find the Cancers and Scorpios feel very familiar and intense but also maybe too much of the same thing. I got on very happily with Taurus but I also feel like it lacked a mental electricity.
I dated one Aqua when I was much younger, and we were very deeply in love. It was definitely an old skool romance kind of situation and I think part of me was always a mystery to him and vice versa but the connection was ethereal in a way. We would just sit in silence and the eye contact would tell us all we needed to know. I think he found safety in me and drowned a little in my emotions. I was patient and compassionate with him in a way I am not naturally so with others. We broke up because we were so young at the time, but it took both of us 10 years or more to get over it. I saw his Mom last year and she said to me "gosh, you were so, so in love it took him so long to ever get over it". I felt the same. He actually married a Scorpio woman 17 years later so maybe it was the same kind of connection.
This Aqua is different because the connection is there but the willingness is lacking. I do have that same sense of gentle patience with him though. I am very tolerant of him in ways I would not normally be and I find that an interesting observation. Quite often over the past year it's amazed me that after the circumstances we have been in it's kind of weird that we even still talk much less connect! Yet, he seems to continually make a special exception for me and vice versa.
It can be an amazing, soul level match but I think only if you can overcome the initial hurdle and it requires both to compromise. He has to accept my emotional intensity and outbursts of feeling and emotionally laden analysis and love those things about me and I have to patiently tolerate his wandering soul and welcome it back without anger.
It has potential to be beautiful I think.
With any relationship though it always starts with a choice!
Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are to expand
Posted by GeminiGirl052388Yes, Im beginning to notice some of this in his words and actions. Do aquas ever test u to see how much you trust them or how you handle space? I’m probably overthinking things. I know he’s incredibly busy with work lately. I just wonder if this is a relationship test for both of us. To see if we can handle it because he probably will be busy for awhile.Posted by pinkbird03Honestly, dont believe Saweetz. Lol she doesnt know what shes talking about. She didnt grow strong from meeting the aqua. if she was, she wouldnt be taking crap from the man.Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
On the other hand, compy was right that they love strong women. Women with a life that revolves outside of the relationship. Have a career of your own, friends of your own. And well, be prepared because if he feels weak as a man, he will turn to you for comfort and pull strength and excitement from to expand
Posted by pinkbird03i think if they're men, and if they have capricorn they have a plan for their future.Posted by GeminiGirl052388Yes, Im beginning to notice some of this in his words and actions. Do aquas ever test u to see how much you trust them or how you handle space? I’m probably overthinking things. I know he’s incredibly busy with work lately. I just wonder if this is a relationship test for both of us. To see if we can handle it because he probably will be busy for awhile.Posted by pinkbird03Honestly, dont believe Saweetz. Lol she doesnt know what shes talking about. She didnt grow strong from meeting the aqua. if she was, she wouldnt be taking crap from the man.Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
On the other hand, compy was right that they love strong women. Women with a life that revolves outside of the relationship. Have a career of your own, friends of your own. And well, be prepared because if he feels weak as a man, he will turn to you for comfort and pull strength and excitement from to expand
Posted by lisabethur8Mine is Capricorn cusp and he’s committed to mePosted by pinkbird03i think if they're men, and if they have capricorn they have a plan for their future.Posted by GeminiGirl052388Yes, Im beginning to notice some of this in his words and actions. Do aquas ever test u to see how much you trust them or how you handle space? I’m probably overthinking things. I know he’s incredibly busy with work lately. I just wonder if this is a relationship test for both of us. To see if we can handle it because he probably will be busy for awhile.Posted by pinkbird03Honestly, dont believe Saweetz. Lol she doesnt know what shes talking about. She didnt grow strong from meeting the aqua. if she was, she wouldnt be taking crap from the man.Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
On the other hand, compy was right that they love strong women. Women with a life that revolves outside of the relationship. Have a career of your own, friends of your own. And well, be prepared because if he feels weak as a man, he will turn to you for comfort and pull strength and excitement from you.
i dont know about other types.
for me i notice that my man needs more space than i do, and that's fine for me. but he's always with me kind of thing.
so basically no "cramping my style " kind of thing.
like being all up into your butt 24/7 your own thing even when you're committed.
they say do your own thing when the guy hasn't committed and is out there and you're waiting for him...
but then i dont believe that saying because how the hell is he gonna commit to you? he's never gonna cause he to expand
Posted by GeminiGirl052388That’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll suggest a date night soon. But not yet. Right now is an important time I think. He explained some of it to me but I think I’d honestly have to shadow him at work to see exactly how his life is because it’s complicated. He explained that he’s a completely different person at work than he is when he’s not there. Sooo I need to just be patient and not get the weekend blues lolPosted by pinkbird03Some people call it a test. For me its more like getting comfortable from his side that he didnt think he needs to be always be there and available for his partner. I did have that issue at one point and I threw tantrums lol I was young and the relationship was new. Not good. What I learned though, was asking my aqua ex first if he is ok. After that he asked me why i am asking and I said I just felt like he has been too busy lately and sometimes I miss us having time to spend together. I mentioned that if he is definitely busy at work, I understand but please consider maybe a date night or vacation together so we can catch up with each other. Not forcing him ofcourse. Aqua men like their space and they can be quite competitive too so at work, they wanna focus. But of course being in a relationship, it cant always be like that. So managing time for each other is something that should also be taken care of.Posted by GeminiGirl052388Yes, Im beginning to notice some of this in his words and actions. Do aquas ever test u to see how much you trust them or how you handle space? I’m probably overthinking things. I know he’s incredibly busy with work lately. I just wonder if this is a relationship test for both of us. To see if we can handle it because he probably will be busy for awhile.Posted by pinkbird03Honestly, dont believe Saweetz. Lol she doesnt know what shes talking about. She didnt grow strong from meeting the aqua. if she was, she wouldnt be taking crap from the man.Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
On the other hand, compy was right that they love strong women. Women with a life that revolves outside of the relationship. Have a career of your own, friends of your own. And well, be prepared because if he feels weak as a man, he will turn to you for comfort and pull strength and excitement from you.
I said this before but in the end, my ex agreed that wednesday is date night no matter how busy the week is. That way he can focus 100% on his job or what he needed to do all week but Wednesday is for me. Its our time to talk, have dinner together, make to expand
Posted by MondayMorningi personally would never recommend aquarius venus and scorpio venus together.
Ha ha, he's no George Clooney.
He has some amazing personal qualities, it's a shame he doesn't choose to give people any real chance for proper connection.
Posted by pinkbird03do you have fun hobbies?? besides astrologyPosted by GeminiGirl052388That’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll suggest a date night soon. But not yet. Right now is an important time I think. He explained some of it to me but I think I’d honestly have to shadow him at work to see exactly how his life is because it’s complicated. He explained that he’s a completely different person at work than he is when he’s not there. Sooo I need to just be patient and not get the weekend blues lolPosted by pinkbird03Some people call it a test. For me its more like getting comfortable from his side that he didnt think he needs to be always be there and available for his partner. I did have that issue at one point and I threw tantrums lol I was young and the relationship was new. Not good. What I learned though, was asking my aqua ex first if he is ok. After that he asked me why i am asking and I said I just felt like he has been too busy lately and sometimes I miss us having time to spend together. I mentioned that if he is definitely busy at work, I understand but please consider maybe a date night or vacation together so we can catch up with each other. Not forcing him ofcourse. Aqua men like their space and they can be quite competitive too so at work, they wanna focus. But of course being in a relationship, it cant always be like that. So managing time for each other is something that should also be taken care of.Posted by GeminiGirl052388Yes, Im beginning to notice some of this in his words and actions. Do aquas ever test u to see how much you trust them or how you handle space? I’m probably overthinking things. I know he’s incredibly busy with work lately. I just wonder if this is a relationship test for both of us. To see if we can handle it because he probably will be busy for awhile.Posted by pinkbird03Honestly, dont believe Saweetz. Lol she doesnt know what shes talking about. She didnt grow strong from meeting the aqua. if she was, she wouldnt be taking crap from the man.Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
On the other hand, compy was right that they love strong women. Women with a life that revolves outside of the relationship. Have a career of your own, friends of your own. And well, be prepared because if he feels weak as a man, he will turn to you for comfort and pull strength and excitement from you.
I said this before but in the end, my ex agreed that wednesday is date night no matter how busy the week is. That way he can focus 100% on his job or what he needed to do all week but Wednesday is for me. Its our time to talk, have dinner together, make to expand
Posted by AerialViewHaha, and even worsePosted by MondayMorning@MyStarsShine would give you her stories about aquas, xmas, pub, food and bin lol
It's interesting on the Aqua / Scorpio match question.
I have dated a lot of signs and I find the Cancers and Scorpios feel very familiar and intense but also maybe too much of the same thing. I got on very happily with Taurus but I also feel like it lacked a mental electricity.
I dated one Aqua when I was much younger, and we were very deeply in love. It was definitely an old skool romance kind of situation and I think part of me was always a mystery to him and vice versa but the connection was ethereal in a way. We would just sit in silence and the eye contact would tell us all we needed to know. I think he found safety in me and drowned a little in my emotions. I was patient and compassionate with him in a way I am not naturally so with others. We broke up because we were so young at the time, but it took both of us 10 years or more to get over it. I saw his Mom last year and she said to me "gosh, you were so, so in love it took him so long to ever get over it". I felt the same. He actually married a Scorpio woman 17 years later so maybe it was the same kind of connection.
This Aqua is different because the connection is there but the willingness is lacking. I do have that same sense of gentle patience with him though. I am very tolerant of him in ways I would not normally be and I find that an interesting observation. Quite often over the past year it's amazed me that after the circumstances we have been in it's kind of weird that we even still talk much less connect! Yet, he seems to continually make a special exception for me and vice versa.
It can be an amazing, soul level match but I think only if you can overcome the initial hurdle and it requires both to compromise. He has to accept my emotional intensity and outbursts of feeling and emotionally laden analysis and love those things about me and I have to patiently tolerate his wandering soul and welcome it back without anger.
It has potential to be beautiful I think.
With any relationship though it always starts with a choice!click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShinei'm sure you still have more "headfvck" stories about us lol but what about the good ones?Posted by AerialViewHaha, and even worsePosted by MondayMorning@MyStarsShine would give you her stories about aquas, xmas, pub, food and bin lol
It's interesting on the Aqua / Scorpio match question.
I have dated a lot of signs and I find the Cancers and Scorpios feel very familiar and intense but also maybe too much of the same thing. I got on very happily with Taurus but I also feel like it lacked a mental electricity.
I dated one Aqua when I was much younger, and we were very deeply in love. It was definitely an old skool romance kind of situation and I think part of me was always a mystery to him and vice versa but the connection was ethereal in a way. We would just sit in silence and the eye contact would tell us all we needed to know. I think he found safety in me and drowned a little in my emotions. I was patient and compassionate with him in a way I am not naturally so with others. We broke up because we were so young at the time, but it took both of us 10 years or more to get over it. I saw his Mom last year and she said to me "gosh, you were so, so in love it took him so long to ever get over it". I felt the same. He actually married a Scorpio woman 17 years later so maybe it was the same kind of connection.
This Aqua is different because the connection is there but the willingness is lacking. I do have that same sense of gentle patience with him though. I am very tolerant of him in ways I would not normally be and I find that an interesting observation. Quite often over the past year it's amazed me that after the circumstances we have been in it's kind of weird that we even still talk much less connect! Yet, he seems to continually make a special exception for me and vice versa.
It can be an amazing, soul level match but I think only if you can overcome the initial hurdle and it requires both to compromise. He has to accept my emotional intensity and outbursts of feeling and emotionally laden analysis and love those things about me and I have to patiently tolerate his wandering soul and welcome it back without anger.
It has potential to be beautiful I think.
With any relationship though it always starts with a choice!
Gambling addiction, compulsive lying, drug addiction and more
But that is just my experience
The latest I heard of an aqua guy in the village I live in..... married a woman who is madly in love with him and told his ex he did it for tax reasons. He is still tryIng to get his ex into bed. He can't commit to save his life
He is in his 50s
He describes himself as a "headfvck"
Lolclick to expand
Posted by GeminiGirl052388True. I need to keep him on his toes!Posted by pinkbird03Yes. Getting clingy and emotional at this kind of stage wont work well. I tried it hahaha so remain calm, be a good woman and be strong. Also learn new things so there is something new that you can talk to him about. Then hes gonna start missing having you around a lot because he will get excited with the "newness"Posted by GeminiGirl052388That’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll suggest a date night soon. But not yet. Right now is an important time I think. He explained some of it to me but I think I’d honestly have to shadow him at work to see exactly how his life is because it’s complicated. He explained that he’s a completely different person at work than he is when he’s not there. Sooo I need to just be patient and not get the weekend blues lolPosted by pinkbird03Some people call it a test. For me its more like getting comfortable from his side that he didnt think he needs to be always be there and available for his partner. I did have that issue at one point and I threw tantrums lol I was young and the relationship was new. Not good. What I learned though, was asking my aqua ex first if he is ok. After that he asked me why i am asking and I said I just felt like he has been too busy lately and sometimes I miss us having time to spend together. I mentioned that if he is definitely busy at work, I understand but please consider maybe a date night or vacation together so we can catch up with each other. Not forcing him ofcourse. Aqua men like their space and they can be quite competitive too so at work, they wanna focus. But of course being in a relationship, it cant always be like that. So managing time for each other is something that should also be taken care of.Posted by GeminiGirl052388Yes, Im beginning to notice some of this in his words and actions. Do aquas ever test u to see how much you trust them or how you handle space? I’m probably overthinking things. I know he’s incredibly busy with work lately. I just wonder if this is a relationship test for both of us. To see if we can handle it because he probably will be busy for awhile.Posted by pinkbird03Honestly, dont believe Saweetz. Lol she doesnt know what shes talking about. She didnt grow strong from meeting the aqua. if she was, she wouldnt be taking crap from the man.Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
On the other hand, compy was right that they love strong women. Women with a life that revolves outside of the relationship. Have a career of your own, friends of your own. And well, be prepared because if he feels weak as a man, he will turn to you for comfort and pull strength and excitement from you.
I said this before but in the end, my ex agreed that wednesday is date night no matter how busy the week is. That way he can focus 100% on his job or what he needed to do all week but Wednesday is for me. Its our time to talk, have dinner together, make love.
click to expand
Posted by lisabethur8I was just shopping online the last hour 😁Posted by pinkbird03do you have fun hobbies?? besides astrologyPosted by GeminiGirl052388That’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll suggest a date night soon. But not yet. Right now is an important time I think. He explained some of it to me but I think I’d honestly have to shadow him at work to see exactly how his life is because it’s complicated. He explained that he’s a completely different person at work than he is when he’s not there. Sooo I need to just be patient and not get the weekend blues lolPosted by pinkbird03Some people call it a test. For me its more like getting comfortable from his side that he didnt think he needs to be always be there and available for his partner. I did have that issue at one point and I threw tantrums lol I was young and the relationship was new. Not good. What I learned though, was asking my aqua ex first if he is ok. After that he asked me why i am asking and I said I just felt like he has been too busy lately and sometimes I miss us having time to spend together. I mentioned that if he is definitely busy at work, I understand but please consider maybe a date night or vacation together so we can catch up with each other. Not forcing him ofcourse. Aqua men like their space and they can be quite competitive too so at work, they wanna focus. But of course being in a relationship, it cant always be like that. So managing time for each other is something that should also be taken care of.Posted by GeminiGirl052388Yes, Im beginning to notice some of this in his words and actions. Do aquas ever test u to see how much you trust them or how you handle space? I’m probably overthinking things. I know he’s incredibly busy with work lately. I just wonder if this is a relationship test for both of us. To see if we can handle it because he probably will be busy for awhile.Posted by pinkbird03Honestly, dont believe Saweetz. Lol she doesnt know what shes talking about. She didnt grow strong from meeting the aqua. if she was, she wouldnt be taking crap from the man.Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
On the other hand, compy was right that they love strong women. Women with a life that revolves outside of the relationship. Have a career of your own, friends of your own. And well, be prepared because if he feels weak as a man, he will turn to you for comfort and pull strength and excitement from you.
I said this before but in the end, my ex agreed that wednesday is date night no matter how busy the week is. That way he can focus 100% on his job or what he needed to do all week but Wednesday is for me. Its our time to talk, have dinner together, make love.![]()
keeping your mind busy with other stuff like sewing, painting pumpkin faces, or cleaning, cooking,....
is always good. even photoshopping on the computer. lolclick to expand
Posted by MondayMorningwhat's his moon sign?
I do think we have very similar life goals in general I think. We're compatible on politics, family, retirement, the kinds of things we both like doing. The tricky part would probably be the day to day love languages but I have figured out from knowing him that he expresses his love in a different way to me. I do it verbally, he does it by acts of service. So doing things for you and being practically supportive.
I have heard him speak to his children when they're scared or worried it and it was quite similar to how he was with me when I was sick. No flowery words, but supportive and gentle. I don't know if it would work, but I'd like to try.
I am just trying to decide whether what I need to do right now is withdraw and become unavailable from his life for a while or just remaining a steady constant with no pressure. I definitely don't want him to take me for granted and now he knows he can have me I don't want that to have a negative impact or to mess with my own head.
Posted by pinkbird03lolPosted by lisabethur8I was just shopping online the last hour 😁Posted by pinkbird03do you have fun hobbies?? besides astrologyPosted by GeminiGirl052388That’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll suggest a date night soon. But not yet. Right now is an important time I think. He explained some of it to me but I think I’d honestly have to shadow him at work to see exactly how his life is because it’s complicated. He explained that he’s a completely different person at work than he is when he’s not there. Sooo I need to just be patient and not get the weekend blues lolPosted by pinkbird03Some people call it a test. For me its more like getting comfortable from his side that he didnt think he needs to be always be there and available for his partner. I did have that issue at one point and I threw tantrums lol I was young and the relationship was new. Not good. What I learned though, was asking my aqua ex first if he is ok. After that he asked me why i am asking and I said I just felt like he has been too busy lately and sometimes I miss us having time to spend together. I mentioned that if he is definitely busy at work, I understand but please consider maybe a date night or vacation together so we can catch up with each other. Not forcing him ofcourse. Aqua men like their space and they can be quite competitive too so at work, they wanna focus. But of course being in a relationship, it cant always be like that. So managing time for each other is something that should also be taken care of.Posted by GeminiGirl052388Yes, Im beginning to notice some of this in his words and actions. Do aquas ever test u to see how much you trust them or how you handle space? I’m probably overthinking things. I know he’s incredibly busy with work lately. I just wonder if this is a relationship test for both of us. To see if we can handle it because he probably will be busy for awhile.Posted by pinkbird03Honestly, dont believe Saweetz. Lol she doesnt know what shes talking about. She didnt grow strong from meeting the aqua. if she was, she wouldnt be taking crap from the man.Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
On the other hand, compy was right that they love strong women. Women with a life that revolves outside of the relationship. Have a career of your own, friends of your own. And well, be prepared because if he feels weak as a man, he will turn to you for comfort and pull strength and excitement from you.
I said this before but in the end, my ex agreed that wednesday is date night no matter how busy the week is. That way he can focus 100% on his job or what he needed to do all week but Wednesday is for me. Its our time to talk, have dinner together, make love.![]()
keeping your mind busy with other stuff like sewing, painting pumpkin faces, or cleaning, cooking,....
is always good. even photoshopping on the computer. lol
Shopping is one of my biggest hobbies. Sometimes I go to social networking mixers, I paint, always cleaning lol, love football (went to an nfl game on the oct 15th, get my nails done, play around with photography/photo projects, dinner and drinks a lot and travel sometimes. I do so much more in the summer though. Need more fall/winter hobbies!!click to expand
Posted by lisabethur8I bought some clothes 😁Posted by pinkbird03lolPosted by lisabethur8I was just shopping online the last hour 😁Posted by pinkbird03do you have fun hobbies?? besides astrologyPosted by GeminiGirl052388That’s a good idea. Maybe I’ll suggest a date night soon. But not yet. Right now is an important time I think. He explained some of it to me but I think I’d honestly have to shadow him at work to see exactly how his life is because it’s complicated. He explained that he’s a completely different person at work than he is when he’s not there. Sooo I need to just be patient and not get the weekend blues lolPosted by pinkbird03Some people call it a test. For me its more like getting comfortable from his side that he didnt think he needs to be always be there and available for his partner. I did have that issue at one point and I threw tantrums lol I was young and the relationship was new. Not good. What I learned though, was asking my aqua ex first if he is ok. After that he asked me why i am asking and I said I just felt like he has been too busy lately and sometimes I miss us having time to spend together. I mentioned that if he is definitely busy at work, I understand but please consider maybe a date night or vacation together so we can catch up with each other. Not forcing him ofcourse. Aqua men like their space and they can be quite competitive too so at work, they wanna focus. But of course being in a relationship, it cant always be like that. So managing time for each other is something that should also be taken care of.Posted by GeminiGirl052388Yes, Im beginning to notice some of this in his words and actions. Do aquas ever test u to see how much you trust them or how you handle space? I’m probably overthinking things. I know he’s incredibly busy with work lately. I just wonder if this is a relationship test for both of us. To see if we can handle it because he probably will be busy for awhile.Posted by pinkbird03Honestly, dont believe Saweetz. Lol she doesnt know what shes talking about. She didnt grow strong from meeting the aqua. if she was, she wouldnt be taking crap from the man.Posted by saweetz1988Can you explain this some more? In what ways did you get stronger? I sort of feel like that’s what’s going on now with my bf because he’s working non-stop lately and I’m just being patient and letting him stay focused. Usually though, I’m kinda needy. I mean as a cancer, that comes natural.Posted by compyYeb this is very true. They only love strong women.... after a while don't expect that nice treatment for long hehehe ... they want to know u can handle life crisis all on your own.. they want a whole person not a half... seriously I have grown to b so omg , strong since meeting this Aqua.. the fire just keep coming coz he secretly pushes that side out of me. God knows how he did it, but Mayve now he's regretting it lol... Aqua is crazy, one min they want u to b strong the next min they r kind of sad if u r too strong or stronger than them...
They nurture you if they think you are vulnerable. They like strong women. So, don;t rely on them in the future. Be strong, for yourself. They are extra.
On the other hand, compy was right that they love strong women. Women with a life that revolves outside of the relationship. Have a career of your own, friends of your own. And well, be prepared because if he feels weak as a man, he will turn to you for comfort and pull strength and excitement from you.
I said this before but in the end, my ex agreed that wednesday is date night no matter how busy the week is. That way he can focus 100% on his job or what he needed to do all week but Wednesday is for me. Its our time to talk, have dinner together, make love.![]()
keeping your mind busy with other stuff like sewing, painting pumpkin faces, or cleaning, cooking,....
is always good. even photoshopping on the computer. lol
Shopping is one of my biggest hobbies. Sometimes I go to social networking mixers, I paint, always cleaning lol, love football (went to an nfl game on the oct 15th, get my nails done, play around with photography/photo projects, dinner and drinks a lot and travel sometimes. I do so much more in the summer though. Need more fall/winter hobbies!!
really? shopping is your hobby?you're gonna make the network shopping channel so happy
what do you buy? or do you jsut watch?
football games sound fun, my sister and her husband does that alot, they go to football games and sport games together, but not as much before they had their baby. That's what they did before when they were dating.
what do you do in the winters?click to expand
Posted by MondayMorningtoo bad there aren't any male aquas here ....with alot of sag. (i think aerialview is dominant sag but he's a double aqua with lots of pisces)
@lisabethur8 I just went to check the moon sign and realised I'd put in his birth year wrong the first time. Duh. He is actually:
Sun, Aquarius
Moon, Sag
Mercury, Cap
Venus, Sag
Mars, Sag
I have gotten quite down about it over the course of the day. I think this is probably just not going to happen because I put it out there and I haven't had a positive response on it. I think if his intention was to date me he would have said so by now.
I have a gut feeling that he has a magnetic draw and attraction to me, and a tender liking, but he doesn't see me as a future potential. I think if he did, he would have done something more about it and not be dating anyone else.
It might just be one of those things where I really care about someone but have to say goodbye and get over it!
Posted by AerialViewGreat funPosted by MyStarsShinei'm sure you still have more "headfvck" stories about us lol but what about the good ones?Posted by AerialViewHaha, and even worsePosted by MondayMorning@MyStarsShine would give you her stories about aquas, xmas, pub, food and bin lol
It's interesting on the Aqua / Scorpio match question.
I have dated a lot of signs and I find the Cancers and Scorpios feel very familiar and intense but also maybe too much of the same thing. I got on very happily with Taurus but I also feel like it lacked a mental electricity.
I dated one Aqua when I was much younger, and we were very deeply in love. It was definitely an old skool romance kind of situation and I think part of me was always a mystery to him and vice versa but the connection was ethereal in a way. We would just sit in silence and the eye contact would tell us all we needed to know. I think he found safety in me and drowned a little in my emotions. I was patient and compassionate with him in a way I am not naturally so with others. We broke up because we were so young at the time, but it took both of us 10 years or more to get over it. I saw his Mom last year and she said to me "gosh, you were so, so in love it took him so long to ever get over it". I felt the same. He actually married a Scorpio woman 17 years later so maybe it was the same kind of connection.
This Aqua is different because the connection is there but the willingness is lacking. I do have that same sense of gentle patience with him though. I am very tolerant of him in ways I would not normally be and I find that an interesting observation. Quite often over the past year it's amazed me that after the circumstances we have been in it's kind of weird that we even still talk much less connect! Yet, he seems to continually make a special exception for me and vice versa.
It can be an amazing, soul level match but I think only if you can overcome the initial hurdle and it requires both to compromise. He has to accept my emotional intensity and outbursts of feeling and emotionally laden analysis and love those things about me and I have to patiently tolerate his wandering soul and welcome it back without anger.
It has potential to be beautiful I think.
With any relationship though it always starts with a choice!
Gambling addiction, compulsive lying, drug addiction and more
But that is just my experience
The latest I heard of an aqua guy in the village I live in..... married a woman who is madly in love with him and told his ex he did it for tax reasons. He is still tryIng to get his ex into bed. He can't commit to save his life
He is in his 50s
He describes himself as a "headfvck"
Lolclick to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineuhm not enough.Posted by AerialViewGreat funPosted by MyStarsShinei'm sure you still have more "headfvck" stories about us lol but what about the good ones?Posted by AerialViewHaha, and even worsePosted by MondayMorning@MyStarsShine would give you her stories about aquas, xmas, pub, food and bin lol
It's interesting on the Aqua / Scorpio match question.
I have dated a lot of signs and I find the Cancers and Scorpios feel very familiar and intense but also maybe too much of the same thing. I got on very happily with Taurus but I also feel like it lacked a mental electricity.
I dated one Aqua when I was much younger, and we were very deeply in love. It was definitely an old skool romance kind of situation and I think part of me was always a mystery to him and vice versa but the connection was ethereal in a way. We would just sit in silence and the eye contact would tell us all we needed to know. I think he found safety in me and drowned a little in my emotions. I was patient and compassionate with him in a way I am not naturally so with others. We broke up because we were so young at the time, but it took both of us 10 years or more to get over it. I saw his Mom last year and she said to me "gosh, you were so, so in love it took him so long to ever get over it". I felt the same. He actually married a Scorpio woman 17 years later so maybe it was the same kind of connection.
This Aqua is different because the connection is there but the willingness is lacking. I do have that same sense of gentle patience with him though. I am very tolerant of him in ways I would not normally be and I find that an interesting observation. Quite often over the past year it's amazed me that after the circumstances we have been in it's kind of weird that we even still talk much less connect! Yet, he seems to continually make a special exception for me and vice versa.
It can be an amazing, soul level match but I think only if you can overcome the initial hurdle and it requires both to compromise. He has to accept my emotional intensity and outbursts of feeling and emotionally laden analysis and love those things about me and I have to patiently tolerate his wandering soul and welcome it back without anger.
It has potential to be beautiful I think.
With any relationship though it always starts with a choice!
Gambling addiction, compulsive lying, drug addiction and more
But that is just my experience
The latest I heard of an aqua guy in the village I live in..... married a woman who is madly in love with him and told his ex he did it for tax reasons. He is still tryIng to get his ex into bed. He can't commit to save his life
He is in his 50s
He describes himself as a "headfvck"
Very romantic (both the ones i was with)
Interestingly eccentric
Will that do?
For now?
click to expand
Posted by AerialViewYour poor ego ♒️ LolPosted by MyStarsShineuhm not enough.Posted by AerialViewGreat funPosted by MyStarsShinei'm sure you still have more "headfvck" stories about us lol but what about the good ones?Posted by AerialViewHaha, and even worsePosted by MondayMorning@MyStarsShine would give you her stories about aquas, xmas, pub, food and bin lol
It's interesting on the Aqua / Scorpio match question.
I have dated a lot of signs and I find the Cancers and Scorpios feel very familiar and intense but also maybe too much of the same thing. I got on very happily with Taurus but I also feel like it lacked a mental electricity.
I dated one Aqua when I was much younger, and we were very deeply in love. It was definitely an old skool romance kind of situation and I think part of me was always a mystery to him and vice versa but the connection was ethereal in a way. We would just sit in silence and the eye contact would tell us all we needed to know. I think he found safety in me and drowned a little in my emotions. I was patient and compassionate with him in a way I am not naturally so with others. We broke up because we were so young at the time, but it took both of us 10 years or more to get over it. I saw his Mom last year and she said to me "gosh, you were so, so in love it took him so long to ever get over it". I felt the same. He actually married a Scorpio woman 17 years later so maybe it was the same kind of connection.
This Aqua is different because the connection is there but the willingness is lacking. I do have that same sense of gentle patience with him though. I am very tolerant of him in ways I would not normally be and I find that an interesting observation. Quite often over the past year it's amazed me that after the circumstances we have been in it's kind of weird that we even still talk much less connect! Yet, he seems to continually make a special exception for me and vice versa.
It can be an amazing, soul level match but I think only if you can overcome the initial hurdle and it requires both to compromise. He has to accept my emotional intensity and outbursts of feeling and emotionally laden analysis and love those things about me and I have to patiently tolerate his wandering soul and welcome it back without anger.
It has potential to be beautiful I think.
With any relationship though it always starts with a choice!
Gambling addiction, compulsive lying, drug addiction and more
But that is just my experience
The latest I heard of an aqua guy in the village I live in..... married a woman who is madly in love with him and told his ex he did it for tax reasons. He is still tryIng to get his ex into bed. He can't commit to save his life
He is in his 50s
He describes himself as a "headfvck"
Very romantic (both the ones i was with)
Interestingly eccentric
Will that do?
For now?
real examples.
like good things he has done for you.
c'mon give us an appreciation
click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineI'll keep my eyes on this thread 👀👀Posted by AerialViewYour poor ego ♒️ LolPosted by MyStarsShineuhm not enough.Posted by AerialViewGreat funPosted by MyStarsShinei'm sure you still have more "headfvck" stories about us lol but what about the good ones?Posted by AerialViewHaha, and even worsePosted by MondayMorning@MyStarsShine would give you her stories about aquas, xmas, pub, food and bin lol
It's interesting on the Aqua / Scorpio match question.
I have dated a lot of signs and I find the Cancers and Scorpios feel very familiar and intense but also maybe too much of the same thing. I got on very happily with Taurus but I also feel like it lacked a mental electricity.
I dated one Aqua when I was much younger, and we were very deeply in love. It was definitely an old skool romance kind of situation and I think part of me was always a mystery to him and vice versa but the connection was ethereal in a way. We would just sit in silence and the eye contact would tell us all we needed to know. I think he found safety in me and drowned a little in my emotions. I was patient and compassionate with him in a way I am not naturally so with others. We broke up because we were so young at the time, but it took both of us 10 years or more to get over it. I saw his Mom last year and she said to me "gosh, you were so, so in love it took him so long to ever get over it". I felt the same. He actually married a Scorpio woman 17 years later so maybe it was the same kind of connection.
This Aqua is different because the connection is there but the willingness is lacking. I do have that same sense of gentle patience with him though. I am very tolerant of him in ways I would not normally be and I find that an interesting observation. Quite often over the past year it's amazed me that after the circumstances we have been in it's kind of weird that we even still talk much less connect! Yet, he seems to continually make a special exception for me and vice versa.
It can be an amazing, soul level match but I think only if you can overcome the initial hurdle and it requires both to compromise. He has to accept my emotional intensity and outbursts of feeling and emotionally laden analysis and love those things about me and I have to patiently tolerate his wandering soul and welcome it back without anger.
It has potential to be beautiful I think.
With any relationship though it always starts with a choice!
Gambling addiction, compulsive lying, drug addiction and more
But that is just my experience
The latest I heard of an aqua guy in the village I live in..... married a woman who is madly in love with him and told his ex he did it for tax reasons. He is still tryIng to get his ex into bed. He can't commit to save his life
He is in his 50s
He describes himself as a "headfvck"
Very romantic (both the ones i was with)
Interestingly eccentric
Will that do?
For now?
real examples.
like good things he has done for you.
c'mon give us an appreciation![]()
Be back later when I can remember some
Hmmmmmm. 🤔click to expand
Posted by lisabethur8i don't have lots of pisces. only two.Posted by MondayMorningtoo bad there aren't any male aquas here ....with alot of sag. (i think aerialview is dominant sag but he's a double aqua with lots of pisces)
@lisabethur8 I just went to check the moon sign and realised I'd put in his birth year wrong the first time. Duh. He is actually:
Sun, Aquarius
Moon, Sag
Mercury, Cap
Venus, Sag
Mars, Sag
I have gotten quite down about it over the course of the day. I think this is probably just not going to happen because I put it out there and I haven't had a positive response on it. I think if his intention was to date me he would have said so by now.
I have a gut feeling that he has a magnetic draw and attraction to me, and a tender liking, but he doesn't see me as a future potential. I think if he did, he would have done something more about it and not be dating anyone else.
It might just be one of those things where I really care about someone but have to say goodbye and get over it!
there's only Justagirl with that much to expand
Posted by MondayMorningIf he met with you, took care of you without sex, he probably really likes you. Just maybe he has some concerns. I think he will come back once he has made up his mind. Dont panic! Keep your cool.
Appreciate any Aquas who can give me some understanding of this because I am so confused by this guy I don't know whether he is just a manipulative person or whether I am not understanding him correctly. I am a Scorpio sun / Scorpio Venus / Mars Leo. He is an Aqua sun / Aqua Venus / Mars Pisces.
Basically, we met about a year ago and dated for a few months and and off. The attraction was very strong between us (especially on his side) and we got on great in general, but basically we butted heads on the terms of our relationship. I won't lie - I think I was possessive and demanding (sorry I am Scorpio, we do this) but I think he was also a bit unreasonable in expecting total freedom at the same time as sharing my bed which I was no way going to accept.
He had a lot of angst about whether or not he could commit to exclusivity with me - for whatever reason he saw this as a HUGE deal. He said I wanted too much too soon. Maybe I did, but at the same time I am not sleeping with any guy who is dating other women and that isn't negotiable.
He was pretty vocal about his various doubts moving forward. He was worried I was too intense (I am intense I admit). He was worried our relationship was too sexual without enough connection mentally. These doubts made me a bit angry at the time - we'd been dating a few weeks and had 5 or 6 dates and he definitely avoided too much intimacy emotionally. I always felt like I was trying to get closer to him and couldn't.
In the end, we split for a month and then he came back asking to see me again, he almost committed to trying dating me exclusively but then he panicked and disappeared on me without saying goodbye. I let him go without a word - his choice!
Six months passed and he sent me a message to tell me he had treated me disrespectfully and had been "a dick" and he was sorry for it. I accepted his apology and told him I hoped he was well. He said he felt maybe we had jumped into sex because the attraction was so strong and maybe we should have been friends first. I agreed. He said he got spooked, and he was just really truly sorry for it.
Over the next six months, he kept talking to me. He opened up quite a lot and I guess we became friends. He told me he hadn't been exclusive with anyone for years and found the idea made him feel trapped. Sometimes he told me he thought about me a lot and felt "nostalgic". Sometimes he told me that he fantastized all the time about me. Sometimes he asked me out, sometimes as friends or sometimes asked me to take a romantic trip away with him for a weekend so we could get to know each other.
I refused to see him because the truth is that I actually really like him and didn't want to get hurt. I felt like he rejected me once and now all he wanted was more of the great sex. I felt pretty sure if I did agree to see him, we'd end up in bed and then he'd disappear again.
Then I was really sick one day, feeling really low and sorry for myself, and he texted me that night by chance and when I said how I was feeling he just showed up at my house (first time seeing him for a year) and he basically took care of me.
He got me hot drinks, he brought food, he cleaned up, he held my hand and let me sleep on his chest and he just kept kissing me and stroking my face and hair. He didn't try anything sexual but he was incredibly kind and affectionate. We had a really intimate talk where he opened up on lots of stuff that was very personal and I honestly felt like I was falling in love that night.
I asked him why he did that for me, given the zero possibility of sex, and he said it was because I was a "nice person" and he said caring for people practically was his way of showing he cared about them and he wanted me to know that despite him behaving like a dick generally, he did like me a lot.
During that night he asked if we could do some things together as friends - like play sports or take a trip or swim together. He literally does NOT have women friends, so it was nice he wants to hang out but I also wondered a bit if this means he is no longer attracted to me romantically! ?? We did kiss, but that's all.
Since that night, 5 days has passed and I haven't heard a word from him and it made me feel really sad and confused.
What is all this about? I am just honestly confused about what this guy wants from me. For a long time I thought it was sex, but I don't understand why he came over to play nurse only to ignore me after. Is this some kind of jerk here or am I missing something?
Posted by MondayMorning
He phoned me today to ask how I was. He told me he had a bad date last night and wasn't sleeping well.
I said to him "I actually think we would be really great together" and he said "really?" (Seemed suprised ) and i said "yes".
So first of all he weirdly didn't seem to know I wanted to be with him and second he wasn't really considering me as a potential romantically. Or it seemed that way!!
Then he said "interesting. You're a really good friend and I feel strong physical desire for you but is that enough?"
So I don't know what the heck to make of that but I guess he sees me as a friend he's attracted to but that's all.
Posted by lisabethur8Posted by MondayMorningtoo bad there aren't any male aquas here ....with alot of sag. (i think aerialview is dominant sag but he's a double aqua with lots of pisces)
@lisabethur8 I just went to check the moon sign and realised I'd put in his birth year wrong the first time. Duh. He is actually:
Sun, Aquarius
Moon, Sag
Mercury, Cap
Venus, Sag
Mars, Sag
I have gotten quite down about it over the course of the day. I think this is probably just not going to happen because I put it out there and I haven't had a positive response on it. I think if his intention was to date me he would have said so by now.
I have a gut feeling that he has a magnetic draw and attraction to me, and a tender liking, but he doesn't see me as a future potential. I think if he did, he would have done something more about it and not be dating anyone else.
It might just be one of those things where I really care about someone but have to say goodbye and get over it!
there's only Justagirl with that much to expand
Posted by saweetz1988Posted by lisabethur8Posted by MondayMorningtoo bad there aren't any male aquas here ....with alot of sag. (i think aerialview is dominant sag but he's a double aqua with lots of pisces)
@lisabethur8 I just went to check the moon sign and realised I'd put in his birth year wrong the first time. Duh. He is actually:
Sun, Aquarius
Moon, Sag
Mercury, Cap
Venus, Sag
Mars, Sag
I have gotten quite down about it over the course of the day. I think this is probably just not going to happen because I put it out there and I haven't had a positive response on it. I think if his intention was to date me he would have said so by now.
I have a gut feeling that he has a magnetic draw and attraction to me, and a tender liking, but he doesn't see me as a future potential. I think if he did, he would have done something more about it and not be dating anyone else.
It might just be one of those things where I really care about someone but have to say goodbye and get over it!
there's only Justagirl with that much sag....
Omg Aqua with that much sag? The two most signs who r very hard to pin down. Girl just run now. I don't think he can ever give u want you crave and desire ever. . you can do so much better. Good luck!click to expand
Posted by lisabethur8Hahaha lol. OMG Justin Timberlake? Drool . Haha. His wife is all air? Yeah air n sag go well togheee. I like the combo.Posted by saweetz1988Posted by lisabethur8Posted by MondayMorningtoo bad there aren't any male aquas here ....with alot of sag. (i think aerialview is dominant sag but he's a double aqua with lots of pisces)
@lisabethur8 I just went to check the moon sign and realised I'd put in his birth year wrong the first time. Duh. He is actually:
Sun, Aquarius
Moon, Sag
Mercury, Cap
Venus, Sag
Mars, Sag
I have gotten quite down about it over the course of the day. I think this is probably just not going to happen because I put it out there and I haven't had a positive response on it. I think if his intention was to date me he would have said so by now.
I have a gut feeling that he has a magnetic draw and attraction to me, and a tender liking, but he doesn't see me as a future potential. I think if he did, he would have done something more about it and not be dating anyone else.
It might just be one of those things where I really care about someone but have to say goodbye and get over it!
there's only Justagirl with that much sag....
Omg Aqua with that much sag? The two most signs who r very hard to pin down. Girl just run now. I don't think he can ever give u want you crave and desire ever. . you can do so much better. Good luck!
he almost got justin timberlake's placements.
except justin has capricorn venus and his wife is all air, except for sun pisces. lol
so i can not to expand
Posted by MondayMorningSounds like Aquarius alright. Scared of commitment, emotionally distant, and hospitable when you need it.
Appreciate any Aquas who can give me some understanding of this because I am so confused by this guy I don't know whether he is just a manipulative person or whether I am not understanding him correctly. I am a Scorpio sun / Scorpio Venus / Mars Leo. He is an Aqua sun / Aqua Venus / Mars Pisces.
Basically, we met about a year ago and dated for a few months and and off. The attraction was very strong between us (especially on his side) and we got on great in general, but basically we butted heads on the terms of our relationship. I won't lie - I think I was possessive and demanding (sorry I am Scorpio, we do this) but I think he was also a bit unreasonable in expecting total freedom at the same time as sharing my bed which I was no way going to accept.
He had a lot of angst about whether or not he could commit to exclusivity with me - for whatever reason he saw this as a HUGE deal. He said I wanted too much too soon. Maybe I did, but at the same time I am not sleeping with any guy who is dating other women and that isn't negotiable.
He was pretty vocal about his various doubts moving forward. He was worried I was too intense (I am intense I admit). He was worried our relationship was too sexual without enough connection mentally. These doubts made me a bit angry at the time - we'd been dating a few weeks and had 5 or 6 dates and he definitely avoided too much intimacy emotionally. I always felt like I was trying to get closer to him and couldn't.
In the end, we split for a month and then he came back asking to see me again, he almost committed to trying dating me exclusively but then he panicked and disappeared on me without saying goodbye. I let him go without a word - his choice!
Six months passed and he sent me a message to tell me he had treated me disrespectfully and had been "a dick" and he was sorry for it. I accepted his apology and told him I hoped he was well. He said he felt maybe we had jumped into sex because the attraction was so strong and maybe we should have been friends first. I agreed. He said he got spooked, and he was just really truly sorry for it.
Over the next six months, he kept talking to me. He opened up quite a lot and I guess we became friends. He told me he hadn't been exclusive with anyone for years and found the idea made him feel trapped. Sometimes he told me he thought about me a lot and felt "nostalgic". Sometimes he told me that he fantastized all the time about me. Sometimes he asked me out, sometimes as friends or sometimes asked me to take a romantic trip away with him for a weekend so we could get to know each other.
I refused to see him because the truth is that I actually really like him and didn't want to get hurt. I felt like he rejected me once and now all he wanted was more of the great sex. I felt pretty sure if I did agree to see him, we'd end up in bed and then he'd disappear again.
Then I was really sick one day, feeling really low and sorry for myself, and he texted me that night by chance and when I said how I was feeling he just showed up at my house (first time seeing him for a year) and he basically took care of me.
He got me hot drinks, he brought food, he cleaned up, he held my hand and let me sleep on his chest and he just kept kissing me and stroking my face and hair. He didn't try anything sexual but he was incredibly kind and affectionate. We had a really intimate talk where he opened up on lots of stuff that was very personal and I honestly felt like I was falling in love that night.
I asked him why he did that for me, given the zero possibility of sex, and he said it was because I was a "nice person" and he said caring for people practically was his way of showing he cared about them and he wanted me to know that despite him behaving like a dick generally, he did like me a lot.
During that night he asked if we could do some things together as friends - like play sports or take a trip or swim together. He literally does NOT have women friends, so it was nice he wants to hang out but I also wondered a bit if this means he is no longer attracted to me romantically! ?? We did kiss, but that's all.
Since that night, 5 days has passed and I haven't heard a word from him and it made me feel really sad and confused.
What is all this about? I am just honestly confused about what this guy wants from me. For a long time I thought it was sex, but I don't understand why he came over to play nurse only to ignore me after. Is this some kind of jerk here or am I missing something?
Posted by MondayMorningWords, words, words
Justin Timberlake?! ha ha.
Okay so, another day passed and there was a shift in him and he started to speak to me very affectionately, calling me by the same pet names he uses for his grown up daughter. Affection is something I have only ever seen him demonstrate to his children, he is usually a pretty cold fish so this felt authentic.
He called to thank me for being there for him and speaking to him, and this is really unlike him. When we dated we barely spoke about anything "important" or "deep" and if I tried he ran a mile and didn't call me for a week so this is a new version of him where I think we are actually becoming proper friends and that makes me feel good.
He said he has booked in time with his therapist. This is kind of amazing. A year ago I was telling him the way he lived his life was kinda sad and he was reacting in total denial about it and now he's agreeing with me and wants to change it.
I feel like he's letting his walls down completely around me, and it feels nice because he would never do that before.
Anyway, he asked me if I would go on a date with him this week, so we have one booked this week. Not saying it will work out, maybe he does just want to be friends I really don't know but I feel better about it anyway.
Posted by MyStarsShinethat's awful.Posted by MondayMorningWords, words, words
Justin Timberlake?! ha ha.
Okay so, another day passed and there was a shift in him and he started to speak to me very affectionately, calling me by the same pet names he uses for his grown up daughter. Affection is something I have only ever seen him demonstrate to his children, he is usually a pretty cold fish so this felt authentic.
He called to thank me for being there for him and speaking to him, and this is really unlike him. When we dated we barely spoke about anything "important" or "deep" and if I tried he ran a mile and didn't call me for a week so this is a new version of him where I think we are actually becoming proper friends and that makes me feel good.
He said he has booked in time with his therapist. This is kind of amazing. A year ago I was telling him the way he lived his life was kinda sad and he was reacting in total denial about it and now he's agreeing with me and wants to change it.
I feel like he's letting his walls down completely around me, and it feels nice because he would never do that before.
Anyway, he asked me if I would go on a date with him this week, so we have one booked this week. Not saying it will work out, maybe he does just want to be friends I really don't know but I feel better about it anyway.
Been there twice
Don't fall for it
An astrologer friend of mine told me, in her experience most men, if they don't get a handle on themselves by their Uranus return (mid life crisis), they rarely do
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Posted by bittercupcakei remember reading the article on Justin Timberlake when he asked Jennifier out on a date, they were NOT friends...
Just be patient with him. Realize that Scorpios want a lover first, friend second. Aquarius want a friend first, lover second. You're coming at different angles and if you want total control (without him realizing it) of this relationship, then come at him through his perspective and in time, he will come at you with yours.
Aquarius aren't afraid of intensity or passion. We can actually handle it very well, I think the issue is coming on too strong when the Aquarius least expects it. We like small doses and when the time calls for it.
Posted by bittercupcakeyeah i meant jessica. smh. lolPosted by lisabethur8Jennifer.? Or Jessica? But they had actually met before, they just weren’t friends. If we have our eyes set on you and we know we want you, sure. But most of the tim we need to ease up on things. Plus he has Sag moon so it makes him very forward.Posted by bittercupcakei remember reading the article on Justin Timberlake when he asked Jennifier out on a date, they were NOT friends...
Just be patient with him. Realize that Scorpios want a lover first, friend second. Aquarius want a friend first, lover second. You're coming at different angles and if you want total control (without him realizing it) of this relationship, then come at him through his perspective and in time, he will come at you with yours.
Aquarius aren't afraid of intensity or passion. We can actually handle it very well, I think the issue is coming on too strong when the Aquarius least expects it. We like small doses and when the time calls for it.
she turned him down several times but he was persistent. lol he really liked her energy i bet.
and she finally said yes. lol
so, no, if you read closely and notice, that other signs do this, and sometimes aqua doesn't.
my husband and i weren't friends at all, we met through company, and then hit it off, ops, meaning he asked me, cause he liked alot.
forgot to add, and friends stay in the FRIEND to expand
Posted by pinkbird03jesus...what does he do when he has to work 14 hours day??
It worked! I gave him space for the most part. Just an occasional text here and there. Never bother him about working 14 hour days, not texting, and not calling. Then yesterday he talked to me throughout the day a little bit (which made me happy) and superisingly at night we actually talked two hours straight. His responses were instant. Well I may have used a little sexuality to prompt him.... it worked lol he was flirty and made sweet compliments and gave me the reassurance I was looking for!
Posted by aquarius_manBut i was talking about men in general, not particularly Aquarius onesPosted by MyStarsShinenah. as an aqua man myself, i will say its around the age of 30 that aqua males either get their shit together & grow up. or at all. 30 is not quite mid life crisis, is it.
An astrologer friend of mine told me, in her experience most men, if they don't get a handle on themselves by their Uranus return (mid life crisis), they rarely do
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Posted by aquarius_manPosted by pinkbird03Well I may have used a little sexuality to prompt him.... it worked lol he was flirty and made sweet compliments and gave me the reassurance I was looking for!yea. keep fishing for reassurance and see how far this gets to expand