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Nov 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 27
once we make our minds up that we love someone its extremely hard to let it go...
even though we realize weve been screwed over and the person we love isint treating us how we deserve....
and every single person we know is telling us we NEED to get over it. And we ourselves know we NEED to get over it. But its still this feeling.....that we picked this person. And how could we be wrong? so it takes forever to get over it and move on?
or is it just me =/
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Of course, Aquas take it very hard when things with the love THEY picked out doesn't work. We spend so much time building from 0 to 100% that when we finally get someone & determine that they deserve our heart (rare), we don't want to let it go. It's like selling the house you built by hand or giving the government 10% of the lottery winnings you just sucks. When Aquas are dating, it takes them a while to love, & to actually KNOW that they should stay in that place for a long time. We can be so detached, so unemotional, so frank & so intolerable of things...but the minute we wear our hearts on our sleeves, the only thing we're capable of giving IS love. Once we're in love, we look past alot of faults & negativity because all we're worried about is keeping & preserving what we earned & worked hard for. So hell yeah it's hard for us to let go. We hate to invest in something that doesn't have good LONG term benefits for us.
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 13
I dated a Gemini man off and on for nearly 2years. He was HOT then COLD all the time. He would make plns with me and not even call me to break them he just wouldnt call nor answer any of my calls. I was head over heels in love with this guy...I've never loved someone soo deeply, for soo long...I just couldnt understand why it wasnt working out between us. I do knw that Ive been told that Im very stoic and most men say that they cant tell if Im n2 them or not. So with this Gem fella, I would go outta my way to let him know how I felt about him...I didnt want him to get away, I didnt want anyone else to have him either. I loved him, and only him. The feelings werent reciprocated...I eventually gave up and felt as though outta all the sh*t he'd taken me through...and all the sh*t I allowed...there was no way this situation could ever turn into a beautiful love story....Soo now, I almost resent him...when he calls I just look at the phone in disgust...Of course Im upset with myself for allowing this type of behavior to go on and on for 2years...and Im also wondering why does he all of a sudden have such an interest in "ME"....when we do speak to one another, I can tell by the tone in his voice that he's if he's walking on egg shells...He's far more attentive and concerned about me now...WTF?? Almost like he half-way cares about me....STRANGE...I kinda feel as though I let him run me over too many times to even consider dating him again. But of course the Aqua within me just wants to be friends.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
"But its still this feeling.....that we picked this person. And how could we be wrong? so it takes forever to get over it and move on?
Yes, its gets worst depending upon the amount of effort you've placed into the situation (in getting to know the person and coming to trust them)..which is usually alot of time/effort if we come to that point. I think we can physically move on rather quickly, but mentally its still there, left to be analysed.
Aquarius' also get fixted on their "first love" even if it is someone they never actually had a relaitonship with, but simply had a crush on or loved from afar.
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Feb 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 12
I hate being wrong. I hate having to reverse an impression I think I've gotten about somebody. It gets easier, though.
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 13
I agree with ElctroA...
I sometimes am afraid that my deep feelings for someone may scare them away...However, when I DONT express my feelings to and for this person they end up leaving anyways saying that im too cool and nonchalant...
I often times just try n wait on the guy to become vocal with me, then Ill let him in on how im feeling....
I also have had a huge problem with guys not being able to trust me...its kinda funny though...
After my last bf...about four years ago...Ive adopted this frame of mind that seems to work for me and does a good job keeping me from getting hurt too much...
I kinda feel as though unless im married...then Im SINGLE...
meaning I can date whomever I choose to without any restraints...hey no one owns me...Im my own woman, unbought and unbossed...
I dont have a problem telling a guy that Im intersted in, that im dating someone else....why should I??
So the fact that im soo open and truthful makes men feel as though they cant trust me...I dont get it....
Why miss out on someone special because you have a bf?? That sounds kinda like highschool to me. Bf doesnt equal Husband to me...I will be no mans concubine....
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May 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 116 · Topics: 12
The solution is honesty & forgiveness... for ourselves and others. It's difficult... but as long as we can remember to forgive (number 1) ourselves for allowing our selves to believe we love someone when we don't, and (number 2) our counterparts for not wanting to be subjected to our confusion in feelings and rejecting it.
Even if you genuinely have compassion for someone from the core of your being (not the mind) and they reject, it probably wouldn't bother you because you know it stemmed from self honesty and that person could not handle or possibly fears honesty. Bottom line is, only worry about things you can control, not the things you can't.
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Nov 11, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 384 · Topics: 58
My Aqua ex was like that with his ex who had his always felt that he hadn't healed from that experience, and he had venus and mars in Pisces. And whenever we see each other he's always really needy about his emotional issues. He was the one who told me he loved me first and I didn't reciprocate for a few weeks, and I've asked him if he really did love me..this was his response; 'No...Yes I did, very much so'. So weird, he confuses me. And he talks about the fatal attraction we have, which cofuses me even more!
Aw xoxo, I am truly sad that you are having such a rough time -- and weekends are worse than weekdays when these things occur.
1. Go get yourself plenty of chocolate...good chocolate and see if any of your friends are around.
2. In reponse to your wondering what is happening with your emotional reactions to this man and the painful lesson occurring, have you been able to fully look at your entire natal chart and if possible also his? He must be activating some sensitive point in your chart with particular placements in his chart.
At the same time, God/the Universe (whatever you can relate to) would also give you something as a means to get through whatever is happening ad be able to move onto a good man.
Send me your chart or birth details if you would like to do so and I will email you.
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
I would like some info on my chart.
It seems many virgals get really in this stuff.
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Feb 07, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 12
I don't know why you don't like your guy anymore, but if you lean to your logical side, you can help yourself out.
My problem is when I find out, after say 3 months, that the guy is not the person I originally thought he was. I overlook A LOT of stuff, unintentionally, because I am one-track minded, independent, and in my own world. This really sucks after you have half-way fallen in love with someone, but I've learned my lesson in taking things slow, slow, slooooooow, because once you find out they are not who they have presented themselves to be you can logically extract yourself and talk yourself out of it. "The person I was in love with does not exist. This is his real substance. If I had known this at the beginning, I would not have fallen for him." Then go find a rebound and move on.