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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 13
I dated a Gemini man off and on for nearly 2years. He was HOT then COLD all the time. He would make plns with me and not even call me to break them he just wouldnt call nor answer any of my calls. I was head over heels in love with this guy...I've never loved someone soo deeply, for soo long...I just couldnt understand why it wasnt working out between us. I do knw that Ive been told that Im very stoic and most men say that they cant tell if Im n2 them or not. So with this Gem fella, I would go outta my way to let him know how I felt about him...I didnt want him to get away, I didnt want anyone else to have him either. I loved him, and only him. The feelings werent reciprocated...I eventually gave up and felt as though outta all the sh*t he'd taken me through...and all the sh*t I allowed...there was no way this situation could ever turn into a beautiful love story....Soo now, I almost resent him...when he calls I just look at the phone in disgust...Of course Im upset with myself for allowing this type of behavior to go on and on for 2years...and Im also wondering why does he all of a sudden have such an interest in "ME"....when we do speak to one another, I can tell by the tone in his voice that he's if he's walking on egg shells...He's far more attentive and concerned about me now...WTF?? Almost like he half-way cares about me....STRANGE...I kinda feel as though I let him run me over too many times to even consider dating him again. But of course the Aqua within me just wants to be friends.