Posted by Klh1203ITs the Aqua thing . coming close then backing off but if he was truly interested he wud have messaged you n won't dissapear that often though.
I’m just confused by this man i met him one time but I didn’t give him my number because I wasn’t initially interested we spoke over social media then as we got closer I asked him to take my number down and he did but disappeared after. When he came back I confronted him about it and told him that he still hasn’t text me, so he text me but by then I had a different number so I asked him for his number so I can text him and he said one second then dissapeares again.
But before that he was telling me how beautiful he thinks I am, and that he could see me being the type he marries and just asking me what would make me a good wife etc the conversations were boring on his side but overall they were fine and relaxed we had a lot of laughs but the moment I want to contact his number it’s a problem so I just assume he has a girlfriend I don’t know
I told him I’m coming off social media and I wouldn’t want to lose contact with him, I’ve come off social media now so it’s his loss but I really am dissapointed because I did like him a lot and I thought he felt the same too, he helped me get over my past relationship and now I can just see myself going back to my ex Taurus because it’s knocked my confidence down ALOT.
It’s like why get so close and then as soon as I say something you back off?
Posted by Aquarius3189Mmm yeah you know now I think when I talk to him he does listen n he has those dreamt bloody Pisces eyes too hehe they r kind of sweet and cute n dreamy. For sure... what I find is, if the convo is done over text he doesn't really pay much attention but if it's face to face he's actually prettyggood at remembering and listening. But I will really try it. He used to ask me to talk in person one time when I refused n he says u noe I don't do this often. So let's talk I wanna listen. It was serious stuff.. hahaha.... what I find with Aqua . His fav word * that's the idea * lol n I think that's the problem. Too many ideas running around his ahead and too much day dreaming not really knowing when to get back to the reality world hahahahPosted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189Wowwww oh my god you are on to something here !!!!! I will def try these tricks this time asking him what I just said. I don't know he seems to be the best listener of all time. Out of any man I ever dated! Seriously . He seems to intensely listen when I talk!!? But let me try these tricks. You know what's interesting is that, he gets annoyed if I ever ask him something that he's ever told me about. Lol he will b like * but I already told you, you need to listen!!! * lol... eyes roll! lol you have a Scorpio girlfriend too???? What with these Aqua with Scorpio partners lol.... so randomPosted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Capmercury87Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Capmercury87I also do think the forgetfulness is the Aqua thing. From one year experience with them omg I laugh it off how much he forgets it's crazy! One time we talked about his ex including her name and a lot about her n even share photos n her ex current bf. Fast forward months and months later I mentioned her name n he's like. How did u know her name? ... I was like you got to b kidding hahahaha he wudnt believe me. His memories are like a gold fish. we discuss something fun n exciting n the next day he forgets... ok, we discussed the fetish thing... the dominant role or wharvee n that we should try... meanwhile I am doing my intense resech for days later he says! Oh wait I already forgot about that... hahaha it's really horrible. Is it really an Aqua thing????Posted by Klh1203Posted by Capmercury87I still don’t know his birthday it’s so frustrating, he ignored me when I asked him for his birthday LOLPosted by Klh1203Posted by Capmercury87See, I read somewhere online that it’s actually hard to tell whether an Aquarius likes you or not lmao.
Actually you will never know
This Aquarius Man who has distanced himself from me and ignored my messages has been watching my videos that I post and always like the first to watch them then he will post something similar to catch my attention and if I give it him he’ll be cold or just ignore my message 😩 I give up Lol !
He leaves you on read? 😩
What's his mercury
Then the next day I messaged him he said sorry he was working and he forgot what I said
He always leaves me on read ALL THE TIME
What mercury do you think he could be 😩
I would excuse the forgetfulness im an aqua and I do this alot, its just memory problems not deliberate.
I feel like he might have a scorpio mercury
Maybe Aries...
If you know how old he is I can do a guestimate birth chart
Yeah it is.
I always joke about how I only have one brain cell.
Even though people tell me I'm smart and funny I always feel bad about my memory because I've had people get mad at me, like scream and yell at me over my memory.
There's little things about my bf that I forget about that I feel every partner should remember because its some one you care about, but he assures me its ok cause his memory is bad too..not as bad tho.
This one time I ate breakfast walked to the front door and said to myself wow I should eat breakfast and I made another bowl of cereal, and it didn't dawn on me until I saw my dirty bowl in the sink.
I've taking supplements to help but nothing helps. Although I have good memory for a few things.
Oh my gooooooodddddd the breakfast thing??? Holly crap!!! I wonder why Aqua is so forgetful!! Like what goes on in that head. I think I will send him tons of fish oil for Christmas it gets annoying honestly. Coz I love Sharing stuff with him like articles n things we talk about. N the next day he forgets. It's like omg u were so fun in the moment. Hahaha I think when Aqua talk or their ideas come up they r like air.. they come n go very quickly lol
you dont wanna know whats going on in our heads,we wont tell either coz only a few can understand and not weirded out by it,a lot of aquas has insomnia its really hard to sleep if you have a lot on your mind thinking god knows what😂,and yes the forget small things yup its our trait,its like this we dont give attention to small things we always think of the bigger picture already so we left out all the not important things,people get pissed at me for being forgetful even my gf still isnt used in me being like that
Hey hey hey the bigger picture thing maybe we are on to something. Come on spill it out, what kind of bigger picture? Are you busy planning and visualising your life 1-2 years from now while discussing small things just to please the person u r talking to? lol do u take supplements? IMAo
lol no i dont take supplements,kind of visualising but more of thinking a lot of things its very hard to explain,my aqua friend usually thinks her whole day before going to bed and planning her next step,while i think not just the whole day but also the past,present,future,analyzing things just what our mind zap in at the moment and we dont have a control over it,thats why i dont like small talks my mind will literally wonder off if your not making sense or you cant keep my attention with the topic you have started,i may be looking at your eyes and nodding and responding but my mind is already elsewhere thinking something with much depth and what makes sense to us,i was gonna say if you want to know if we are listening ask us what you have just said but im used to thinking while talking to someone i can repeat it but you woudnt know that im not 100% listening(blame my scorp gf i have to develop those skills coz its hell when she is pissed😂),but when we were starting thats how she knew i wasnt listening and all hell would Break loose,something you folks can use with us aquas if you wanna know if we are really listening😉I like how you actually visualise eveything !!!! It's crazy.... do you visualise ur life 1 year from now????
yes i do visualize my life ahead of time but that could be my pisces ascendant😄people usually think im not listening while infact i really am because i have this dreamy eyes,we only let people think we are listening but our mind is elsewhere most of the time😂,tell me when you try it if he really is listening,one thing you will know if we like you is when we are listening and paying attention to you and will remember details about you,because our mind are always floating.i know an aqua with a leo partner,i attract scorp maybe because of my 8th house i dont know*shrugs*click to expand
Posted by aquarius_manEverybody can think of themselves talkative, when they are not. He is talkative in new surroundings, because he needs to have the focus on him. Otherwise, he is mute as a fish.Posted by compy
It needs a lot of effort to keep interest in someone if there is no mutual feeling. Because Aquas are boring and quiet. Pair this with someone similar and you will end up in long, quiet nights at home. No words. But without anything else, you start to feel the need for freedom.
no, dude. you just met some gay-ass aquas.
boring and quiet was your aqua, not us talkative, flamboyant aquasclick to expand
Posted by halalbaelol
Im reading this thread to learn how to make an Aqua uninterested in me.
Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189Mmm yeah you know now I think when I talk to him he does listen n he has those dreamt bloody Pisces eyes too hehe they r kind of sweet and cute n dreamy. For sure... what I find is, if the convo is done over text he doesn't really pay much attention but if it's face to face he's actually prettyggood at remembering and listening. But I will really try it. He used to ask me to talk in person one time when I refused n he says u noe I don't do this often. So let's talk I wanna listen. It was serious stuff.. hahaha.... what I find with Aqua . His fav word * that's the idea * lol n I think that's the problem. Too many ideas running around his ahead and too much day dreaming not really knowing when to get back to the reality world hahahahPosted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189Wowwww oh my god you are on to something here !!!!! I will def try these tricks this time asking him what I just said. I don't know he seems to be the best listener of all time. Out of any man I ever dated! Seriously . He seems to intensely listen when I talk!!? But let me try these tricks. You know what's interesting is that, he gets annoyed if I ever ask him something that he's ever told me about. Lol he will b like * but I already told you, you need to listen!!! * lol... eyes roll! lol you have a Scorpio girlfriend too???? What with these Aqua with Scorpio partners lol.... so randomPosted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Capmercury87Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Capmercury87I also do think the forgetfulness is the Aqua thing. From one year experience with them omg I laugh it off how much he forgets it's crazy! One time we talked about his ex including her name and a lot about her n even share photos n her ex current bf. Fast forward months and months later I mentioned her name n he's like. How did u know her name? ... I was like you got to b kidding hahahaha he wudnt believe me. His memories are like a gold fish. we discuss something fun n exciting n the next day he forgets... ok, we discussed the fetish thing... the dominant role or wharvee n that we should try... meanwhile I am doing my intense resech for days later he says! Oh wait I already forgot about that... hahaha it's really horrible. Is it really an Aqua thing????Posted by Klh1203Posted by Capmercury87I still don’t know his birthday it’s so frustrating, he ignored me when I asked him for his birthday LOLPosted by Klh1203Posted by Capmercury87See, I read somewhere online that it’s actually hard to tell whether an Aquarius likes you or not lmao.
Actually you will never know
This Aquarius Man who has distanced himself from me and ignored my messages has been watching my videos that I post and always like the first to watch them then he will post something similar to catch my attention and if I give it him he’ll be cold or just ignore my message 😩 I give up Lol !
He leaves you on read? 😩
What's his mercury
Then the next day I messaged him he said sorry he was working and he forgot what I said
He always leaves me on read ALL THE TIME
What mercury do you think he could be 😩
I would excuse the forgetfulness im an aqua and I do this alot, its just memory problems not deliberate.
I feel like he might have a scorpio mercury
Maybe Aries...
If you know how old he is I can do a guestimate birth chart
Yeah it is.
I always joke about how I only have one brain cell.
Even though people tell me I'm smart and funny I always feel bad about my memory because I've had people get mad at me, like scream and yell at me over my memory.
There's little things about my bf that I forget about that I feel every partner should remember because its some one you care about, but he assures me its ok cause his memory is bad too..not as bad tho.
This one time I ate breakfast walked to the front door and said to myself wow I should eat breakfast and I made another bowl of cereal, and it didn't dawn on me until I saw my dirty bowl in the sink.
I've taking supplements to help but nothing helps. Although I have good memory for a few things.
Oh my gooooooodddddd the breakfast thing??? Holly crap!!! I wonder why Aqua is so forgetful!! Like what goes on in that head. I think I will send him tons of fish oil for Christmas it gets annoying honestly. Coz I love Sharing stuff with him like articles n things we talk about. N the next day he forgets. It's like omg u were so fun in the moment. Hahaha I think when Aqua talk or their ideas come up they r like air.. they come n go very quickly lol
you dont wanna know whats going on in our heads,we wont tell either coz only a few can understand and not weirded out by it,a lot of aquas has insomnia its really hard to sleep if you have a lot on your mind thinking god knows what😂,and yes the forget small things yup its our trait,its like this we dont give attention to small things we always think of the bigger picture already so we left out all the not important things,people get pissed at me for being forgetful even my gf still isnt used in me being like that
Hey hey hey the bigger picture thing maybe we are on to something. Come on spill it out, what kind of bigger picture? Are you busy planning and visualising your life 1-2 years from now while discussing small things just to please the person u r talking to? lol do u take supplements? IMAo
lol no i dont take supplements,kind of visualising but more of thinking a lot of things its very hard to explain,my aqua friend usually thinks her whole day before going to bed and planning her next step,while i think not just the whole day but also the past,present,future,analyzing things just what our mind zap in at the moment and we dont have a control over it,thats why i dont like small talks my mind will literally wonder off if your not making sense or you cant keep my attention with the topic you have started,i may be looking at your eyes and nodding and responding but my mind is already elsewhere thinking something with much depth and what makes sense to us,i was gonna say if you want to know if we are listening ask us what you have just said but im used to thinking while talking to someone i can repeat it but you woudnt know that im not 100% listening(blame my scorp gf i have to develop those skills coz its hell when she is pissed😂),but when we were starting thats how she knew i wasnt listening and all hell would Break loose,something you folks can use with us aquas if you wanna know if we are really listening😉I like how you actually visualise eveything !!!! It's crazy.... do you visualise ur life 1 year from now????
yes i do visualize my life ahead of time but that could be my pisces ascendant😄people usually think im not listening while infact i really am because i have this dreamy eyes,we only let people think we are listening but our mind is elsewhere most of the time😂,tell me when you try it if he really is listening,one thing you will know if we like you is when we are listening and paying attention to you and will remember details about you,because our mind are always floating.i know an aqua with a leo partner,i attract scorp maybe because of my 8th house i dont know*shrugs*click to expand
Posted by aquarius_manI have lived with one of you for two years. So, yeah... I don't know you. I got intoxicated by one. But it was an ambivert one. My bad. I am introverted.Posted by compy
Everybody can think of themselves talkative, when they are not. He is talkative in new surroundings, because he needs to have the focus on him. Otherwise, he is mute as a fish.
no, dude. i m a chatterbox and and an entertainer and a story-teller. i create worlds with my words.
i am talkative and interesting to listen to. like another aqua dude in this thread has already pointed out - you don't really know/ get to expand
Posted by aquarius_manOh Jesus, are these your models? Damn!Posted by compy
I have lived with one of you for two years. So, yeah... I don't know you. I got intoxicated by one. But it was an ambivert one. My bad. I am introverted.
yes, one of us. but knowing one doesnt mean you know us all. its not like gemini, for instance - u meet one u met them all. im always the extrovert.
plus, there's a this big difference among aquas temselves - is he saturn-ruled? uranus-ruled? because there's a hell of a difference between christian bale and ashton kutcher or justin timberlakeclick to expand
Posted by aquarius_manPosted by compyyes, they are my idols. and you know fuck-all about aquas. sorry.
Oh Jesus, are these your models? Damn!click to expand
Posted by Aquarius3189He has moon mars and venus in Pisces lol...!!! Yay eyes are very dreamy and if for example we were in a big group of people sitting opposite each other we were talking with our eyes...they r pretty sweet and intense and sometimes myPosted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189Mmm yeah you know now I think when I talk to him he does listen n he has those dreamt bloody Pisces eyes too hehe they r kind of sweet and cute n dreamy. For sure... what I find is, if the convo is done over text he doesn't really pay much attention but if it's face to face he's actually prettyggood at remembering and listening. But I will really try it. He used to ask me to talk in person one time when I refused n he says u noe I don't do this often. So let's talk I wanna listen. It was serious stuff.. hahaha.... what I find with Aqua . His fav word * that's the idea * lol n I think that's the problem. Too many ideas running around his ahead and too much day dreaming not really knowing when to get back to the reality world hahahahPosted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189Wowwww oh my god you are on to something here !!!!! I will def try these tricks this time asking him what I just said. I don't know he seems to be the best listener of all time. Out of any man I ever dated! Seriously . He seems to intensely listen when I talk!!? But let me try these tricks. You know what's interesting is that, he gets annoyed if I ever ask him something that he's ever told me about. Lol he will b like * but I already told you, you need to listen!!! * lol... eyes roll! lol you have a Scorpio girlfriend too???? What with these Aqua with Scorpio partners lol.... so randomPosted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Capmercury87Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Capmercury87I also do think the forgetfulness is the Aqua thing. From one year experience with them omg I laugh it off how much he forgets it's crazy! One time we talked about his ex including her name and a lot about her n even share photos n her ex current bf. Fast forward months and months later I mentioned her name n he's like. How did u know her name? ... I was like you got to b kidding hahahaha he wudnt believe me. His memories are like a gold fish. we discuss something fun n exciting n the next day he forgets... ok, we discussed the fetish thing... the dominant role or wharvee n that we should try... meanwhile I am doing my intense resech for days later he says! Oh wait I already forgot about that... hahaha it's really horrible. Is it really an Aqua thing????Posted by Klh1203Posted by Capmercury87I still don’t know his birthday it’s so frustrating, he ignored me when I asked him for his birthday LOLPosted by Klh1203Posted by Capmercury87See, I read somewhere online that it’s actually hard to tell whether an Aquarius likes you or not lmao.
Actually you will never know
This Aquarius Man who has distanced himself from me and ignored my messages has been watching my videos that I post and always like the first to watch them then he will post something similar to catch my attention and if I give it him he’ll be cold or just ignore my message 😩 I give up Lol !
He leaves you on read? 😩
What's his mercury
Then the next day I messaged him he said sorry he was working and he forgot what I said
He always leaves me on read ALL THE TIME
What mercury do you think he could be 😩
I would excuse the forgetfulness im an aqua and I do this alot, its just memory problems not deliberate.
I feel like he might have a scorpio mercury
Maybe Aries...
If you know how old he is I can do a guestimate birth chart
Yeah it is.
I always joke about how I only have one brain cell.
Even though people tell me I'm smart and funny I always feel bad about my memory because I've had people get mad at me, like scream and yell at me over my memory.
There's little things about my bf that I forget about that I feel every partner should remember because its some one you care about, but he assures me its ok cause his memory is bad too..not as bad tho.
This one time I ate breakfast walked to the front door and said to myself wow I should eat breakfast and I made another bowl of cereal, and it didn't dawn on me until I saw my dirty bowl in the sink.
I've taking supplements to help but nothing helps. Although I have good memory for a few things.
Oh my gooooooodddddd the breakfast thing??? Holly crap!!! I wonder why Aqua is so forgetful!! Like what goes on in that head. I think I will send him tons of fish oil for Christmas it gets annoying honestly. Coz I love Sharing stuff with him like articles n things we talk about. N the next day he forgets. It's like omg u were so fun in the moment. Hahaha I think when Aqua talk or their ideas come up they r like air.. they come n go very quickly lol
you dont wanna know whats going on in our heads,we wont tell either coz only a few can understand and not weirded out by it,a lot of aquas has insomnia its really hard to sleep if you have a lot on your mind thinking god knows what😂,and yes the forget small things yup its our trait,its like this we dont give attention to small things we always think of the bigger picture already so we left out all the not important things,people get pissed at me for being forgetful even my gf still isnt used in me being like that
Hey hey hey the bigger picture thing maybe we are on to something. Come on spill it out, what kind of bigger picture? Are you busy planning and visualising your life 1-2 years from now while discussing small things just to please the person u r talking to? lol do u take supplements? IMAo
lol no i dont take supplements,kind of visualising but more of thinking a lot of things its very hard to explain,my aqua friend usually thinks her whole day before going to bed and planning her next step,while i think not just the whole day but also the past,present,future,analyzing things just what our mind zap in at the moment and we dont have a control over it,thats why i dont like small talks my mind will literally wonder off if your not making sense or you cant keep my attention with the topic you have started,i may be looking at your eyes and nodding and responding but my mind is already elsewhere thinking something with much depth and what makes sense to us,i was gonna say if you want to know if we are listening ask us what you have just said but im used to thinking while talking to someone i can repeat it but you woudnt know that im not 100% listening(blame my scorp gf i have to develop those skills coz its hell when she is pissed😂),but when we were starting thats how she knew i wasnt listening and all hell would Break loose,something you folks can use with us aquas if you wanna know if we are really listening😉I like how you actually visualise eveything !!!! It's crazy.... do you visualise ur life 1 year from now????
yes i do visualize my life ahead of time but that could be my pisces ascendant😄people usually think im not listening while infact i really am because i have this dreamy eyes,we only let people think we are listening but our mind is elsewhere most of the time😂,tell me when you try it if he really is listening,one thing you will know if we like you is when we are listening and paying attention to you and will remember details about you,because our mind are always floating.i know an aqua with a leo partner,i attract scorp maybe because of my 8th house i dont know*shrugs*
lol he has pisces,yep my gf like my eyes too she said i have this look in my eyes i dont know what that is though,i dont pay much attention in texting and messaging too i like it in person coz i always forget that someone just messaged me😂im more of a dreamer and a day dreamer too,its just hard that we have so many ideas but the people around us woudnt understand the concept and whats really behind that idea,we find it hard to express ourselves😧click to expand
Posted by aquarius_manDo not worry about me. I know everything about him. And perhaps you as well. We don't resonate and that's all. Accept it.Posted by compyPosted by aquarius_manPosted by compyyes, they are my idols. and you know fuck-all about aquas. sorry.
Oh Jesus, are these your models? Damn!
This made me smile.![]()
cool beans. but im beginning to think despite your infatuation with our kind, you still havent figured out a way to 'decipher' us and i feel a bit sad for you
click to expand
Posted by aquarius_manThen stop saying thatPosted by compy
Do not worry about me. I know everything about him. And perhaps you as well. We don't resonate and that's all. Accept it.
i don't worry, i pity you. you know nothing about people like me, to expand
Posted by aquarius_manIt will always be filtered through the eyes of the beholder. What's so unusual about it? We talk from experience, as you talk from experience. Your own life. My own life. This site is about statistics. No one is entitled to make generalisations. But shared experiences might help people. Fights, as well. They speak novels about us, PEOPLE. Everything you post here, is read, filtered and processed. Some like you, some, hate you. You are exposed. But you as an individual, not you as an Aquarius. Keep this in mind!Posted by compythat you know fuck-all about me? but you do
Then stop saying that![]()
and your understanding of aquarius is so heavy filtered through your libra's artistic eye that we can safely assume it's 'aquarius as seen by a libra female', but not 'aquarius' per se. you're talking about our sign with the authority of someone who can't quite keep an aqua focused, interested and, ultimately, around.
click to expand
Posted by aquarius_manPosted by compyblah blah
It will always be filtered through the eyes of the beholder. What's so unusual about it? We talk from experience, as you talk from experience. Your own life. My own life. This site is about statistics. No one is entitled to make generalisations. But shared experiences might help people. Fights, as well. They speak novels about us, PEOPLE. Everything you post here, is read, filtered and processed. Some like you, some, hate you. You are exposed. But you as an individual, not you as an Aquarius. Keep this in mind!
''filtered through'' spoils the idea of objectivity. and you did claim you know more about me, as an individual, than i can admit. but i assure you you don't. i had real psychologists wonder. so, yes..everyone's entitled to make generalizations - you make them, i make them, everybody does. but this doesn't mean you are right.
one of the main things libra does utterly wrong in regard to aqua is assuming that aqua believes in mutuality and mirroring like libra and gemini do. that since libra can adapt, aqua will adapt, too. just no. aqua is an individual, he doesn't need to be with someone in order to feel complete or fulfilled. aqua does his own thing. your outlook on the world doesn't impress him. he is what he is, not what you make him to be. libras really assume their opinions and dreams are something aqua takes into account. no, we don't. or, better yet, i don't. when libra starts making plans for us both, it's when i start thinking: ''oi, who do you think you are to pull me into your world?'' libras believe in 1+1. aqua only believes in himself. he's a shooting star. a wandering one. a maverick. not a puppy-eyed dude whose mission in life is to cater to the needs of others or listen to their boring to expand
Posted by aquarius_manYou ended up your arguments so insulting is what you have left with. That's a pity. I feel sorry for you.Posted by compysure you do
Which means there is no intention to mingle those worlds. Stay away, please. You are not special until I say so.. boring ass libra can t keep an aqua entertained and gets butt-hurt when you tell her she's common people. im more special than special olympics, love. we're not all simpletons like you
click to expand
Posted by aquarius_manPosted by compy
This shows your true self. I am good at that.
yeah, you go and be all you can be. the catalyst, the litmus test etc.
but someone who gets aquarius you are not. i am saying this in my capacity of aquarius male, if you really want me to resort to ad to expand
Posted by aquarius_manI'd rather you show up maturity. There was nothing wrong I said about your sign, I love your sign and I ignored the bad signs. Everybody needs a genuine chance. I love your sign and I love my Aquarius. No matter what, you will remain my weakness. But bringing unevolved Aquas up, that's my side jobPosted by compy
Thank you! And please, grow up!
right, right
id rather you shut the fuck up about my to expand
Posted by aquarius_manI would have not expected otherwise. You are good at poisonung threads. Please find me on private messaging. Thank you!Posted by compywe don't need groupies like yourself, all am saying.
I'd rather you show up maturity. There was nothing wrong I said about your sign, I love your sign and I ignored the bad signs. Everybody needs a genuine chance. I love your sign and I love my Aquarius. No matter what, you will remain my weakness. But bringing unevolved Aquas up, that's my side job. You are still loved and appreciated, because you are my other self and it helps me a lot. Now grunt as you please
i personally find your forum persona boring
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Posted by aquarius_manYou like to think so. With no water, there;s nothing to condiment. Have you ever eaten salt and pepper, plain? Opened your mouth and just poured in? Can you stand yourself?Posted by compyim salt and pepper, u're tepid water.
I would have not expected otherwise. You are good at poisonung threads. Please find me on private messaging. Thank you!click to expand
Posted by aquarius_manMake apologies to the OP. Somehow, we keep hijacking threads. You can always PM me for more, as I have said many time before.Posted by compyyes im pretty self-sufficient. but ill stop here coz i hijacked the topic and it wasnt my intention 2 do so. apologies, continuez tout droit.
You like to think so. With no water, there;s nothing to condiment. Have you ever eaten salt and pepper, plain? Opened your mouth and just poured in? Can you stand yourself?click to expand
Posted by aquarius_manI know. You are too important. Public display is better.Posted by compy
Make apologies to the OP. Somehow, we keep hijacking threads. You can always PM me for more, as I have said many time before.
PM you? I dont PM ppl, ppl PM to expand
Posted by aquarius_manPublic means nothing to you. Affection is private. We are talking about different matters.Posted by compyyes am one of those mature aquas who aint afraid of public displays of affectionPosted by aquarius_manI know. You are too important. Public display is better.Posted by compy
Make apologies to the OP. Somehow, we keep hijacking threads. You can always PM me for more, as I have said many time before.
PM you? I dont PM ppl, ppl PM to expand
Posted by aquarius_manPlease, stop doing that. Thank you!Posted by compyim just being ironic and youve got flies in ur eyes and cant seePosted by aquarius_manPublic means nothing to you. Affection is private. We are talking about different matters.Posted by compyyes am one of those mature aquas who aint afraid of public displays of affectionPosted by aquarius_manI know. You are too important. Public display is better.Posted by compy
Make apologies to the OP. Somehow, we keep hijacking threads. You can always PM me for more, as I have said many time before.
PM you? I dont PM ppl, ppl PM to expand
Posted by aquarius_manPosted by halalbaestop paying attention to him if you want to lose himPosted by aquarius_manThat probably works for you to get rid of people, but it never does for mePosted by halalbaejust be yourself
Im reading this thread to learn how to make an Aqua uninterested in me.![]()
You got it easy... so unfair
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Posted by saweetz1988Yeah I agree he’s definitely not interested now then, I’m gonna keep him on my instagram and every time I post a story he can carry on watching it. Don’t know why he needs to watch it though but can’t reply to my message lol👋🏽🤔Posted by Klh1203ITs the Aqua thing . coming close then backing off but if he was truly interested he wud have messaged you n won't dissapear that often though.
I’m just confused by this man i met him one time but I didn’t give him my number because I wasn’t initially interested we spoke over social media then as we got closer I asked him to take my number down and he did but disappeared after. When he came back I confronted him about it and told him that he still hasn’t text me, so he text me but by then I had a different number so I asked him for his number so I can text him and he said one second then dissapeares again.
But before that he was telling me how beautiful he thinks I am, and that he could see me being the type he marries and just asking me what would make me a good wife etc the conversations were boring on his side but overall they were fine and relaxed we had a lot of laughs but the moment I want to contact his number it’s a problem so I just assume he has a girlfriend I don’t know
I told him I’m coming off social media and I wouldn’t want to lose contact with him, I’ve come off social media now so it’s his loss but I really am dissapointed because I did like him a lot and I thought he felt the same too, he helped me get over my past relationship and now I can just see myself going back to my ex Taurus because it’s knocked my confidence down ALOT.
It’s like why get so close and then as soon as I say something you back off?click to expand
Posted by Klh1203Honestly if the other can't take a hint with the cold shoulder, we'll blatantly say it to your face...if needed. lol.Posted by saweetz1988It’s not really about my situation I was just researching about Aquarius because I haven’t really come across much, me and my dad were very close and he was one but I can’t really base my knowledge of them off my dad. This was just a question because on the internet I see a lot of women say they have had issues with Aquarius men becoming distant and disappearing then coming back because they want their own space. I asked my mother about her experience dating my dad and she said the same thing, so it lead to me ask how would you know then if an Aquarius is uninterested in you? Because if they do this to people they are interested in then how would you know if they aren’t lolPosted by Klh1203Can u explain ur stories again? I think if he totally cut u off. Stop responding. Being completely cold... n not wanting to compromise at all., my thoughts only.. but these things r better to check in person. They r much better face to face.. thats when u noe where u truly stand in their life .... their eyes say a lot I find
This whole distant thing seems common, so how would he show he just not that in to you?click to expand
Posted by Aquarius3189
@saweetz1988 Awww thats amazing so thats why you get each other because his sun is your moon just like mine,her sun is my moon thats why she aint scared shit when i transform into hulk😂she is the only one who saw my dark side but didnt run for the hills,they say that aquas are expressive through our eyes i know this thats why i know how to mask it,but when im pissed you better run😬,hmm lets see,its more on the field of business(mercury in cap)every aqua is different and im more of a visualizer,lets say for example im in this company as an employee i can already visualize where im headed in the company by the way they run things,i know if im going to grow their or not,if not im out,and i do believe that it only takes 5 years for an individual to stay at the job or what their doing if in those years your still not successful or your still not reaching your dream its time to change what your doing because its not working,and what you change and decide now you will see it in 5years time
Posted by Klh1203Aqua is very very curious being. Those stories keep him wondering. I suggest you post something that spark his interest more and then just dissapear all together. Make sure u post something like crazy self development stuff. Something u achieved or done. Something amazing. They love strong women.Posted by saweetz1988Yeah I agree he’s definitely not interested now then, I’m gonna keep him on my instagram and every time I post a story he can carry on watching it. Don’t know why he needs to watch it though but can’t reply to my message lol👋🏽🤔Posted by Klh1203ITs the Aqua thing . coming close then backing off but if he was truly interested he wud have messaged you n won't dissapear that often though.
I’m just confused by this man i met him one time but I didn’t give him my number because I wasn’t initially interested we spoke over social media then as we got closer I asked him to take my number down and he did but disappeared after. When he came back I confronted him about it and told him that he still hasn’t text me, so he text me but by then I had a different number so I asked him for his number so I can text him and he said one second then dissapeares again.
But before that he was telling me how beautiful he thinks I am, and that he could see me being the type he marries and just asking me what would make me a good wife etc the conversations were boring on his side but overall they were fine and relaxed we had a lot of laughs but the moment I want to contact his number it’s a problem so I just assume he has a girlfriend I don’t know
I told him I’m coming off social media and I wouldn’t want to lose contact with him, I’ve come off social media now so it’s his loss but I really am dissapointed because I did like him a lot and I thought he felt the same too, he helped me get over my past relationship and now I can just see myself going back to my ex Taurus because it’s knocked my confidence down ALOT.
It’s like why get so close and then as soon as I say something you back off?click to expand
Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189
@saweetz1988 Awww thats amazing so thats why you get each other because his sun is your moon just like mine,her sun is my moon thats why she aint scared shit when i transform into hulk😂she is the only one who saw my dark side but didnt run for the hills,they say that aquas are expressive through our eyes i know this thats why i know how to mask it,but when im pissed you better run😬,hmm lets see,its more on the field of business(mercury in cap)every aqua is different and im more of a visualizer,lets say for example im in this company as an employee i can already visualize where im headed in the company by the way they run things,i know if im going to grow their or not,if not im out,and i do believe that it only takes 5 years for an individual to stay at the job or what their doing if in those years your still not successful or your still not reaching your dream its time to change what your doing because its not working,and what you change and decide now you will see it in 5years time
Wowww ! Sorry for the delayed response my Aqua moon got side tracked lol.. so ur partner is Scorpio sun and u have moon in Scorpio? Omg that's perfect. Yeah exactly that's whe to mean. It's hard to explain that to others , but I do really get him. Like sometimes my Taurus sun comes in n be like omg he's so doing things so crazy lol but then my moon idea will come and tell him even crazier ideas and we just nod heads and laugh it off. when we went out one time, we wanted everyone to have an amazing time and have fun n party . u noe, that's the Aqua thing. We love friendships and give a lot to our friends . Sometimes he annoys me with his detachment towards his family . But then I rembee how I become like that too towards my family. T_T it's like, the closer I am to the person the less I give much efforts so I need to start changing that about myself before I get annoyed at him) secretly Ofcoz) he mirrors me in many ways but I use it to improve myself. if u noe what I mean? n wow he also has mercury in cap like yourself!!! And yes he has the same mind set as you like working at a company n giving it the best shot etc. that's pretty normal though!! Give me more crazy things n see if I get it hahahahaclick to expand
Posted by saweetz1988I did just that and blocked him, he got his friend to add me and watch what I was doing lol. That’s what he loves about me , it’s the fact I work hard and make my own money have my own independence he always admires it lolPosted by Klh1203Aqua is very very curious being. Those stories keep him wondering. I suggest you post something that spark his interest more and then just dissapear all together. Make sure u post something like crazy self development stuff. Something u achieved or done. Something amazing. They love strong women.Posted by saweetz1988Yeah I agree he’s definitely not interested now then, I’m gonna keep him on my instagram and every time I post a story he can carry on watching it. Don’t know why he needs to watch it though but can’t reply to my message lol👋🏽🤔Posted by Klh1203ITs the Aqua thing . coming close then backing off but if he was truly interested he wud have messaged you n won't dissapear that often though.
I’m just confused by this man i met him one time but I didn’t give him my number because I wasn’t initially interested we spoke over social media then as we got closer I asked him to take my number down and he did but disappeared after. When he came back I confronted him about it and told him that he still hasn’t text me, so he text me but by then I had a different number so I asked him for his number so I can text him and he said one second then dissapeares again.
But before that he was telling me how beautiful he thinks I am, and that he could see me being the type he marries and just asking me what would make me a good wife etc the conversations were boring on his side but overall they were fine and relaxed we had a lot of laughs but the moment I want to contact his number it’s a problem so I just assume he has a girlfriend I don’t know
I told him I’m coming off social media and I wouldn’t want to lose contact with him, I’ve come off social media now so it’s his loss but I really am dissapointed because I did like him a lot and I thought he felt the same too, he helped me get over my past relationship and now I can just see myself going back to my ex Taurus because it’s knocked my confidence down ALOT.
It’s like why get so close and then as soon as I say something you back off?but don't make it seem so over the top but judtnfocus on urself nnwork hard n eventually he might come around if not it's not ur lost anyway. Good luck
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Posted by Aquarius3189Oh my goddddd I am so sorry I got sidetracked again imaoooooo.... wow you pretty much described me too. My sun falls into 8th scorp so i get ur whole birth and rebirth thing. Wow, reading this makes me cringe coz I dissapeared to do some inner work. And hooray 2 weeks and now I'm learning to be very attached to my family and the moment I feel the need to detach I try to change it and it's been working really well!!!! 😬 Wow you described the detachment thing with family and loved ones very very interesting !!! The part where you don't have to hide that side of yourself etc... you don't wanna hear my crazy ideas lol ...!!!Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189
@saweetz1988 Awww thats amazing so thats why you get each other because his sun is your moon just like mine,her sun is my moon thats why she aint scared shit when i transform into hulk😂she is the only one who saw my dark side but didnt run for the hills,they say that aquas are expressive through our eyes i know this thats why i know how to mask it,but when im pissed you better run😬,hmm lets see,its more on the field of business(mercury in cap)every aqua is different and im more of a visualizer,lets say for example im in this company as an employee i can already visualize where im headed in the company by the way they run things,i know if im going to grow their or not,if not im out,and i do believe that it only takes 5 years for an individual to stay at the job or what their doing if in those years your still not successful or your still not reaching your dream its time to change what your doing because its not working,and what you change and decide now you will see it in 5years time
Wowww ! Sorry for the delayed response my Aqua moon got side tracked lol.. so ur partner is Scorpio sun and u have moon in Scorpio? Omg that's perfect. Yeah exactly that's whe to mean. It's hard to explain that to others , but I do really get him. Like sometimes my Taurus sun comes in n be like omg he's so doing things so crazy lol but then my moon idea will come and tell him even crazier ideas and we just nod heads and laugh it off. when we went out one time, we wanted everyone to have an amazing time and have fun n party . u noe, that's the Aqua thing. We love friendships and give a lot to our friends . Sometimes he annoys me with his detachment towards his family . But then I rembee how I become like that too towards my family. T_T it's like, the closer I am to the person the less I give much efforts so I need to start changing that about myself before I get annoyed at him) secretly Ofcoz) he mirrors me in many ways but I use it to improve myself. if u noe what I mean? n wow he also has mercury in cap like yourself!!! And yes he has the same mind set as you like working at a company n giving it the best shot etc. that's pretty normal though!! Give me more crazy things n see if I get it hahahaha
sidetracked?oh god thats so aqua😂atleast you get it,i think we tend to get detached to those closest to us because we know we can be ourselves around them we dont need to hide that side of us,i tend to change myself a lot too so people get confuse but the one thing i didnt change is when i say something even if you ask me the same question again in months it will still be the same because i dont want to come off as superficial even though i change a lot but for the better version of me(scorp moon to my 8th house-rebirth thing i think) everytime i get wounded i lick it but stand much stronger than before that you hardly knew me,to be honest my ideas are mostly in the moment thing depends on the situation but i tend to keep it to myself then let it drain in the gutter since its no use because i didnt let myself be heard😂give me some of your crazy ideasclick to expand
Posted by Klh1203lol yes i thought so.Posted by saweetz1988I did just that and blocked him, he got his friend to add me and watch what I was doing lol. That’s what he loves about me , it’s the fact I work hard and make my own money have my own independence he always admires it lolPosted by Klh1203Aqua is very very curious being. Those stories keep him wondering. I suggest you post something that spark his interest more and then just dissapear all together. Make sure u post something like crazy self development stuff. Something u achieved or done. Something amazing. They love strong women.Posted by saweetz1988Yeah I agree he’s definitely not interested now then, I’m gonna keep him on my instagram and every time I post a story he can carry on watching it. Don’t know why he needs to watch it though but can’t reply to my message lol👋🏽🤔Posted by Klh1203ITs the Aqua thing . coming close then backing off but if he was truly interested he wud have messaged you n won't dissapear that often though.
I’m just confused by this man i met him one time but I didn’t give him my number because I wasn’t initially interested we spoke over social media then as we got closer I asked him to take my number down and he did but disappeared after. When he came back I confronted him about it and told him that he still hasn’t text me, so he text me but by then I had a different number so I asked him for his number so I can text him and he said one second then dissapeares again.
But before that he was telling me how beautiful he thinks I am, and that he could see me being the type he marries and just asking me what would make me a good wife etc the conversations were boring on his side but overall they were fine and relaxed we had a lot of laughs but the moment I want to contact his number it’s a problem so I just assume he has a girlfriend I don’t know
I told him I’m coming off social media and I wouldn’t want to lose contact with him, I’ve come off social media now so it’s his loss but I really am dissapointed because I did like him a lot and I thought he felt the same too, he helped me get over my past relationship and now I can just see myself going back to my ex Taurus because it’s knocked my confidence down ALOT.
It’s like why get so close and then as soon as I say something you back off?but don't make it seem so over the top but judtnfocus on urself nnwork hard n eventually he might come around if not it's not ur lost anyway. Good luck
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Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189Oh my goddddd I am so sorry I got sidetracked again imaoooooo.... wow you pretty much described me too. My sun falls into 8th scorp so i get ur whole birth and rebirth thing. Wow, reading this makes me cringe coz I dissapeared to do some inner work. And hooray 2 weeks and now I'm learning to be very attached to my family and the moment I feel the need to detach I try to change it and it's been working really well!!!! 😬 Wow you described the detachment thing with family and loved ones very very interesting !!! The part where you don't have to hide that side of yourself etc... you don't wanna hear my crazy ideas lol ...!!!Posted by saweetz1988Posted by Aquarius3189
@saweetz1988 Awww thats amazing so thats why you get each other because his sun is your moon just like mine,her sun is my moon thats why she aint scared shit when i transform into hulk😂she is the only one who saw my dark side but didnt run for the hills,they say that aquas are expressive through our eyes i know this thats why i know how to mask it,but when im pissed you better run😬,hmm lets see,its more on the field of business(mercury in cap)every aqua is different and im more of a visualizer,lets say for example im in this company as an employee i can already visualize where im headed in the company by the way they run things,i know if im going to grow their or not,if not im out,and i do believe that it only takes 5 years for an individual to stay at the job or what their doing if in those years your still not successful or your still not reaching your dream its time to change what your doing because its not working,and what you change and decide now you will see it in 5years time
Wowww ! Sorry for the delayed response my Aqua moon got side tracked lol.. so ur partner is Scorpio sun and u have moon in Scorpio? Omg that's perfect. Yeah exactly that's whe to mean. It's hard to explain that to others , but I do really get him. Like sometimes my Taurus sun comes in n be like omg he's so doing things so crazy lol but then my moon idea will come and tell him even crazier ideas and we just nod heads and laugh it off. when we went out one time, we wanted everyone to have an amazing time and have fun n party . u noe, that's the Aqua thing. We love friendships and give a lot to our friends . Sometimes he annoys me with his detachment towards his family . But then I rembee how I become like that too towards my family. T_T it's like, the closer I am to the person the less I give much efforts so I need to start changing that about myself before I get annoyed at him) secretly Ofcoz) he mirrors me in many ways but I use it to improve myself. if u noe what I mean? n wow he also has mercury in cap like yourself!!! And yes he has the same mind set as you like working at a company n giving it the best shot etc. that's pretty normal though!! Give me more crazy things n see if I get it hahahaha
sidetracked?oh god thats so aqua😂atleast you get it,i think we tend to get detached to those closest to us because we know we can be ourselves around them we dont need to hide that side of us,i tend to change myself a lot too so people get confuse but the one thing i didnt change is when i say something even if you ask me the same question again in months it will still be the same because i dont want to come off as superficial even though i change a lot but for the better version of me(scorp moon to my 8th house-rebirth thing i think) everytime i get wounded i lick it but stand much stronger than before that you hardly knew me,to be honest my ideas are mostly in the moment thing depends on the situation but i tend to keep it to myself then let it drain in the gutter since its no use because i didnt let myself be heard😂give me some of your crazy ideasclick to expand