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the cancer guy i've dated for less than 2 months told me he wanted to cut if off because of our different views of relationship and many things(e.g i told him one of my dating rules is that i only have sex with the one who's my bf, not just date). for him
Our boss, start to retrograding tomorrow? so watch out for a bumpy ride, Virguys, Virgirls and Virgays?.! Virchristian, Virmuslims Virjews.. should also take notice?.
I've entertained the thought for years now of being with one aqua guy, but never was sure what he feels. we don't live in the same country any longer, but since we are both trevelers and move often, I never saw this as a problem in the future, since I alw
Okay fellow scorps, I just want to know if I'm the only one, or if it's a scorp thing... Do you ever persue something to the point of mastery, and then get bored and have to move on? Whether it's a relationship- I'll find someone I'm interested in, make