I've heard aquarius women are boring/cold/deatached in bed is that right ?

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by dewiklaessen26 on Monday, December 4, 2017 and has 49 replies.
So I've heard from Sagittarius and Leo men that they say aquarius women are boring in bed they are not initiative and mostly very distant even in long Relationships.

my best Leo friend that I've known for 9 years has been with an aquarius for 4 years only had sex every 2 months he said that she told him that sex is not that important to her she would always be dry. same for the Sagittarius friend I've known for many years he had several aquarius women and he's always attracted to them but when they hit to the bedroom its all of a sudden not interesting anymore. also would she blackmail him with not getting sex where as it was not even good and boring he stayed simply because she was beautiful. why I bring this up is because I always hear that aquarius women are the most kinky women and are the most freaky that they are men stealers and often the reason of divorce. that nobody can handle an aquarius woman because they are the best...

or they think they are the best I don't know.

for as far as I've seen many aquarius woman have been cheated on themselves (my Leo and Sagittarius friends did) also my grandma who's an aquarius is still with her man who cheated on her for years and she never said a thing while she knew it all along.

I just wanna know can you trust aquarius women?
Posted by edgelord
Posted by justagirl
you're sag dominant though which means-

-actually i don't need to know what that means. Tongue
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Sooo? What does being Sag dominant have to do with my lol?

I found this thread itself to be funny. A placement does not dictate how someone is in bed.. lmao
Posted by justagirl
lol double.

actually, Dewikk....i wouldnt just go on "sex" for a deeper relationsihp.

if that's all the guy wants and needs, i dont want him.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by justagirl
lol double.

actually, Dewikk....i wouldnt just go on "sex" for a deeper relationsihp.

if that's all the guy wants and needs, i dont want him.
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hmm ok a question if you had sex one of was great and you would still want something but the other person doesn't feel the same how do you respond to that? If it was not only sex but also mental connection

Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by justagirl
lol double.

actually, Dewikk....i wouldnt just go on "sex" for a deeper relationsihp.

if that's all the guy wants and needs, i dont want him.
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of is time

Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by dewiklaessen26
So I've heard from Sagittarius and Leo men that they say aquarius women are boring in bed they are not initiative and mostly very distant even in long Relationships.

my best Leo friend that I've known for 9 years has been with an aquarius for 4 years only had sex every 2 months he said that she told him that sex is not that important to her she would always be dry. same for the Sagittarius friend I've known for many years he had several aquarius women and he's always attracted to them but when they hit to the bedroom its all of a sudden not interesting anymore. also would she blackmail him with not getting sex where as it was not even good and boring he stayed simply because she was beautiful. why I bring this up is because I always hear that aquarius women are the most kinky women and are the most freaky that they are men stealers and often the reason of divorce. that nobody can handle an aquarius woman because they are the best...

or they think they are the best I don't know.

for as far as I've seen many aquarius woman have been cheated on themselves (my Leo and Sagittarius friends did) also my grandma who's an aquarius is still with her man who cheated on her for years and she never said a thing while she knew it all along.

I just wanna know can you trust aquarius women?
They are lousy lays. I opened a topic about it in Aqua thread. But you can trust them

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are aquarius women homewreckers? because I've heard many stories and I don't judge but I really heard it a bit too min

Posted by TheCapNi
Idk about that. I heard about my twin cousins getting caught in the bathroom doing their thing.

I depends on which Aquarius you're dealing with.

You just gave me an idea of a thread to make. It's going to be stupid.
Twin cousins sexing each other??
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by justagirl
lol double.

actually, Dewikk....i wouldnt just go on "sex" for a deeper relationsihp.

if that's all the guy wants and needs, i dont want him.
of is time

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you had a topic a while back on "How can i tell and predict if my man is gonna cheat, or how will a man cheat'

i forget the title, since i am not gonna dig up the topic

you usually close it anyway.

but you seem to be AFRAID of your own man gonna cheat on you.

so what if he does?? you'd be just super insecure and holding on controlling his actions and maybe having lots of sex to keep him.

uh uh...you can't keep a man by sex.

i know lots of stories, true stories of women whose husbands /boyfriends cheat on them all the time and they give up the sex LOTS.

even their SO were having sex with both the mistress and the wife.



hmm i wonder your intention of this topic. heehee.

trying to find tips on HOW to keep a man?? Tongue
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by justagirl
lol double.

actually, Dewikk....i wouldnt just go on "sex" for a deeper relationsihp.

if that's all the guy wants and needs, i dont want him.
of is time

you had a topic a while back on "How can i tell and predict if my man is gonna cheat, or how will a man cheat'

i forget the title, since i am not gonna dig up the topic

you usually close it anyway.

but you seem to be AFRAID of your own man gonna cheat on you.

so what if he does?? you'd be just super insecure and holding on controlling his actions and maybe having lots of sex to keep him.

uh uh...you can't keep a man by sex.

i know lots of stories, true stories of women whose husbands /boyfriends cheat on them all the time and they give up the sex LOTS.

even their SO were having sex with both the mistress and the wife.


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no i am not insecure and no i know you can't keep a man with sex and i am not like that i value love more then sex respect appreciation etc i know how to keep a man that's not the problem and it's not about me

Posted by lisabethur8

hmm i wonder your intention of this topic. heehee.

trying to find tips on HOW to keep a man?? Tongue
I know how to keep a manLaughing so again no hahaha i just have many questions i always want to know everything

Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by lisabethur8

hmm i wonder your intention of this topic. heehee.

trying to find tips on HOW to keep a man?? Tongue
I know how to keep a manLaughing so again no hahaha i just have many questions i always want to know everything

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hm i see. lol

Posted by Capmercury87
As an Aquarius you sound like your not smart and you believe that the whole batch of apples is bad because one apple is rotten.

Which is not wise, or smart.

If it makes you feel better some of us are Gods in bed, but you won't know cause your out there basing your life on two stories.

Good luck.

Feeling offended damn so salty I am asking a question I am not criticizing maybe you should learn to read before you talk because that shows how smart you are. I am a Virgo woman asking about aquarius women. As I can read you're very full of yourself maybe that's why men get turned off by aquarius women because you think you're better then anybody else


well my man has Leo and Sagittarius, and he says i'm so boring. Tongue

No. Just no.
Posted by wellpaintedpassion
Posted by Aquarelle

Detached in bed? I just need the right stimulation AND a great connection. Some people can bring it out in me while others can't. So it's basically a reflection of the person I'm with.

Definitely this.

If you can’t stimulate me enough though, yeah.. I’m going to come off as cold/detached

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100000% agree here!!

That's always the case, some people can bring it out, and for those who can't it almost feels like there's no libido at all. And I do reflect the other person as well in that case
lmao@ comments.

there was an astrologer that said between an Aries man Aquarius woman...

that if the aries male gets with aqua woman, it's the best he'll EVER have.


i thought jesus chrsit. that's hilarious.

i mean what motivated her to write that??? that mars men are gonna go insane but they had a low rate score.

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Bull shit.

Aquarius sun with a leo mars in 5th will be the exact opposite of 'cold'.

only "lucifer" types can make aqua HOT.


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where'd OP go?
My libido is high and very passionate about sex in general. If the D is small, then I will be the worst “lay” ever.
Posted by aquarius_man
Yes, they are dead fish in bed. And so are Virgos.
i was not attacking aquarius women that's what i have heardLaughing i am everything but boring never ! i am fire dominant and virgo is one of the biggest closet freaks and sensual signs.

I have my venus in leo in the 8th house my mars in the 9th house in libra i like to experiment and i crave deep love so you're wrong there Big Grin

Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by aquarius_man
Yes, they are dead fish in bed. And so are Virgos.
i was not attacking aquarius women that's what i have heardLaughing i am everything but boring never ! i am fire dominant and virgo is one of the biggest closet freaks and sensual signs.

I have my venus in leo in the 8th house my mars in the 9th house in libra i like to experiment and i crave deep love so you're wrong there Big Grin

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some virgo women can keep fiery men....

the trick is...

is to keep young even in old age..

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see this woman??

she's much older, but she got herself a rocking hot man. you're only in your 20s, so better keep looking young till your 70s. lol

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Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by aquarius_man
Yes, they are dead fish in bed. And so are Virgos.
i was not attacking aquarius women that's what i have heardLaughing i am everything but boring never ! i am fire dominant and virgo is one of the biggest closet freaks and sensual signs.

I have my venus in leo in the 8th house my mars in the 9th house in libra i like to experiment and i crave deep love so you're wrong there Big Grin

some virgo women can keep fiery men....

the trick is...

is to keep young even in old age..

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see this woman??

she's much older, but she got herself a rocking hot man. you're only in your 20s, so better keep looking young till your 70s. lol

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I saw a video a few days ago they are madly in love with eachother i didn't know she was a virgo Tongue

I have my moon in the 1st house i honestly am most afraid to get old i am only 26 but i start to feel old already. i don't wanna look ugly wrinkled and be unattractiveLaughing i will always stay young i think it also said first house moons become younger as they get older as their soul

Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by aquarius_man
Yes, they are dead fish in bed. And so are Virgos.
i was not attacking aquarius women that's what i have heardLaughing i am everything but boring never ! i am fire dominant and virgo is one of the biggest closet freaks and sensual signs.

I have my venus in leo in the 8th house my mars in the 9th house in libra i like to experiment and i crave deep love so you're wrong there Big Grin

some virgo women can keep fiery men....

the trick is...

is to keep young even in old age..

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see this woman??

she's much older, but she got herself a rocking hot man. you're only in your 20s, so better keep looking young till your 70s. lol

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I saw a video a few days ago they are madly in love with eachother i didn't know she was a virgo Tongue

I have my moon in the 1st house i honestly am most afraid to get old i am only 26 but i start to feel old already. i don't wanna look ugly wrinkled and be unattractiveLaughing i will always stay young i think it also said first house moons become younger as they get older as their soul

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madonna has 1st house moon!!

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just have alot of money and have alot of dramatic effects, lol

and lots of young hot men.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by aquarius_man
Yes, they are dead fish in bed. And so are Virgos.
i was not attacking aquarius women that's what i have heardLaughing i am everything but boring never ! i am fire dominant and virgo is one of the biggest closet freaks and sensual signs.

I have my venus in leo in the 8th house my mars in the 9th house in libra i like to experiment and i crave deep love so you're wrong there Big Grin

some virgo women can keep fiery men....

the trick is...

is to keep young even in old age..

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see this woman??

she's much older, but she got herself a rocking hot man. you're only in your 20s, so better keep looking young till your 70s. lol

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I saw a video a few days ago they are madly in love with eachother i didn't know she was a virgo Tongue

I have my moon in the 1st house i honestly am most afraid to get old i am only 26 but i start to feel old already. i don't wanna look ugly wrinkled and be unattractiveLaughing i will always stay young i think it also said first house moons become younger as they get older as their soul

madonna has 1st house moon!!

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just have alot of money and have alot of dramatic effects, lol

and lots of young hot men.
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omgplease not like Madonna hahha but she's a leo with alot of virgo placements right ?

Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by aquarius_man
Yes, they are dead fish in bed. And so are Virgos.
i was not attacking aquarius women that's what i have heardLaughing i am everything but boring never ! i am fire dominant and virgo is one of the biggest closet freaks and sensual signs.

I have my venus in leo in the 8th house my mars in the 9th house in libra i like to experiment and i crave deep love so you're wrong there Big Grin

some virgo women can keep fiery men....

the trick is...

is to keep young even in old age..

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see this woman??

she's much older, but she got herself a rocking hot man. you're only in your 20s, so better keep looking young till your 70s. lol

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I saw a video a few days ago they are madly in love with eachother i didn't know she was a virgo Tongue

I have my moon in the 1st house i honestly am most afraid to get old i am only 26 but i start to feel old already. i don't wanna look ugly wrinkled and be unattractiveLaughing i will always stay young i think it also said first house moons become younger as they get older as their soul

madonna has 1st house moon!!

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just have alot of money and have alot of dramatic effects, lol

and lots of young hot men.
omgplease not like Madonna hahha but she's a leo with alot of virgo placements right ?

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yeah lol

this was her many years ago...with hot young men lol

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i dont know what she's gonna be like in her 70s though.

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They're more awkward than anything. True story. I feel asleep on an ex Aquarius girl while making out with her once. I shit you not.

Definitely not the best lay.
Posted by crazysioux
I'm a Cap and I lost my virginity to an Aqua woman. Our relationship only lasted 7 months (3 months online, 4 months together), but we had sex just about every night (and sometimes in the morning before work/school). She didn't have any steamy white hot passion, but she was the initiator every time and intuitively knew what pleased me. She was the innovator, too. She also had ways of telling me what pleased her (i.e. scratching, vocalizing) which I only had a problem with the latter (she was too loud). This was all 20 years ago, and I can still say to this day that our sex was pleasant enough to still hold in high regard. But if it wasn't for the mental connection (Caps and Aquas are more similar than they are different), the experience would've been as dull as dish water.

They require the mind boner / brain erection. And they have more of an emotional stake in the foreplay and fetishism than the intercourse itself. To them, foreplay and fetishism is the main course while the actual sex act is the dessert. As she used to say, "Sex when good is REALLY good, but even when it's bad ... it's still kinda good."
That's funny that you said that, I have actually looked up the signs of the girls I watch in porn, and I noticed every aqauarius I've watched sounds horrifble as fuck in bed, to where you have to almost break the mute or fast forward button. They scream at the top of their lungs, some even grunt like a man. Huge boner kill.

lol@ falling asleep.

well i'll be truthful...

my husband does like to sleep ON me...he actually LOVES it.

like this...

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Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by crazysioux
I'm a Cap and I lost my virginity to an Aqua woman. Our relationship only lasted 7 months (3 months online, 4 months together), but we had sex just about every night (and sometimes in the morning before work/school). She didn't have any steamy white hot passion, but she was the initiator every time and intuitively knew what pleased me. She was the innovator, too. She also had ways of telling me what pleased her (i.e. scratching, vocalizing) which I only had a problem with the latter (she was too loud). This was all 20 years ago, and I can still say to this day that our sex was pleasant enough to still hold in high regard. But if it wasn't for the mental connection (Caps and Aquas are more similar than they are different), the experience would've been as dull as dish water.

They require the mind boner / brain erection. And they have more of an emotional stake in the foreplay and fetishism than the intercourse itself. To them, foreplay and fetishism is the main course while the actual sex act is the dessert. As she used to say, "Sex when good is REALLY good, but even when it's bad ... it's still kinda good."
That's funny that you said that, I have actually looked up the signs of the girls I watch in porn, and I noticed every aqauarius I've watched sounds horrifble as fuck in bed, to where you have to almost break the mute or fast forward button. They scream at the top of their lungs, some even grunt like a man. Huge boner kill.

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what is your experience ?

Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by crazysioux
I'm a Cap and I lost my virginity to an Aqua woman. Our relationship only lasted 7 months (3 months online, 4 months together), but we had sex just about every night (and sometimes in the morning before work/school). She didn't have any steamy white hot passion, but she was the initiator every time and intuitively knew what pleased me. She was the innovator, too. She also had ways of telling me what pleased her (i.e. scratching, vocalizing) which I only had a problem with the latter (she was too loud). This was all 20 years ago, and I can still say to this day that our sex was pleasant enough to still hold in high regard. But if it wasn't for the mental connection (Caps and Aquas are more similar than they are different), the experience would've been as dull as dish water.

They require the mind boner / brain erection. And they have more of an emotional stake in the foreplay and fetishism than the intercourse itself. To them, foreplay and fetishism is the main course while the actual sex act is the dessert. As she used to say, "Sex when good is REALLY good, but even when it's bad ... it's still kinda good."
That's funny that you said that, I have actually looked up the signs of the girls I watch in porn, and I noticed every aqauarius I've watched sounds horrifble as fuck in bed, to where you have to almost break the mute or fast forward button. They scream at the top of their lungs, some even grunt like a man. Huge boner kill.

what is your experience ?

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I knew a couple Aquarius women. One was obsessed with me, but I didn't like her like that. I finally let her cook me the steak dinner she kept begging me for just to shut her up, and afterwards she made a move on me but I couldn't get it up for her. She's the one I fell asleep on.

I was semi friends with another one who I was attracted to, but she gave so many mixed signals I got bored and moved on. I feel like she was playing way too many head games but loved the attention. I like a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. That's definitely not an Aquarius woman, imo.

Posted by TheCapNi
Idk about that. I heard about my twin cousins getting caught in the bathroom doing their thing.

I depends on which Aquarius you're dealing with.

You just gave me an idea of a thread to make. It's going to be stupid.
The question is - why is someone with piece of wood for 4 years? 👀
Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by crazysioux
I'm a Cap and I lost my virginity to an Aqua woman. Our relationship only lasted 7 months (3 months online, 4 months together), but we had sex just about every night (and sometimes in the morning before work/school). She didn't have any steamy white hot passion, but she was the initiator every time and intuitively knew what pleased me. She was the innovator, too. She also had ways of telling me what pleased her (i.e. scratching, vocalizing) which I only had a problem with the latter (she was too loud). This was all 20 years ago, and I can still say to this day that our sex was pleasant enough to still hold in high regard. But if it wasn't for the mental connection (Caps and Aquas are more similar than they are different), the experience would've been as dull as dish water.

They require the mind boner / brain erection. And they have more of an emotional stake in the foreplay and fetishism than the intercourse itself. To them, foreplay and fetishism is the main course while the actual sex act is the dessert. As she used to say, "Sex when good is REALLY good, but even when it's bad ... it's still kinda good."
That's funny that you said that, I have actually looked up the signs of the girls I watch in porn, and I noticed every aqauarius I've watched sounds horrifble as fuck in bed, to where you have to almost break the mute or fast forward button. They scream at the top of their lungs, some even grunt like a man. Huge boner kill.

what is your experience ?

I knew a couple Aquarius women. One was obsessed with me, but I didn't like her like that. I finally let her cook me the steak dinner she kept begging me for just to shut her up, and afterwards she made a move on me but I couldn't get it up for her. She's the one I fell asleep on.

I was semi friends with another one who I was attracted to, but she gave so many mixed signals I got bored and moved on. I feel like she was playing way too many head games but loved the attention. I like a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. That's definitely not an Aquarius woman, imo.

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lol you dont know if you dont try one of those single aqua ladies...cause it's obviously true you are attracted and are attracted to one, or else you wouldnt be near any.

besides it's sooo obvious you make an account just because you desperately need to tell peeps about a couple of aqua women, one who made you steak enough to make you sleep

and the other is an indecisive lady. lol

we all know the truth.

you just wanted the steak!!!

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Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheCapNi
Idk about that. I heard about my twin cousins getting caught in the bathroom doing their thing.

I depends on which Aquarius you're dealing with.

You just gave me an idea of a thread to make. It's going to be stupid.
The question is - why is someone with piece of wood for 4 years? 👀
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wood? Confused
My brother has had a few but around 300 woman aand says this...

Virgo and aquas get nasty.

Scorps are all hype

Libras get attached too quick
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheCapNi
Idk about that. I heard about my twin cousins getting caught in the bathroom doing their thing.

I depends on which Aquarius you're dealing with.

You just gave me an idea of a thread to make. It's going to be stupid.
The question is - why is someone with piece of wood for 4 years? 👀
wood? Confused
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Yep! Woman receiver...laying in bed as a log...lol
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by crazysioux
I'm a Cap and I lost my virginity to an Aqua woman. Our relationship only lasted 7 months (3 months online, 4 months together), but we had sex just about every night (and sometimes in the morning before work/school). She didn't have any steamy white hot passion, but she was the initiator every time and intuitively knew what pleased me. She was the innovator, too. She also had ways of telling me what pleased her (i.e. scratching, vocalizing) which I only had a problem with the latter (she was too loud). This was all 20 years ago, and I can still say to this day that our sex was pleasant enough to still hold in high regard. But if it wasn't for the mental connection (Caps and Aquas are more similar than they are different), the experience would've been as dull as dish water.

They require the mind boner / brain erection. And they have more of an emotional stake in the foreplay and fetishism than the intercourse itself. To them, foreplay and fetishism is the main course while the actual sex act is the dessert. As she used to say, "Sex when good is REALLY good, but even when it's bad ... it's still kinda good."
That's funny that you said that, I have actually looked up the signs of the girls I watch in porn, and I noticed every aqauarius I've watched sounds horrifble as fuck in bed, to where you have to almost break the mute or fast forward button. They scream at the top of their lungs, some even grunt like a man. Huge boner kill.

what is your experience ?

I knew a couple Aquarius women. One was obsessed with me, but I didn't like her like that. I finally let her cook me the steak dinner she kept begging me for just to shut her up, and afterwards she made a move on me but I couldn't get it up for her. She's the one I fell asleep on.

I was semi friends with another one who I was attracted to, but she gave so many mixed signals I got bored and moved on. I feel like she was playing way too many head games but loved the attention. I like a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it. That's definitely not an Aquarius woman, imo.

lol you dont know if you dont try one of those single aqua ladies...cause it's obviously true you are attracted and are attracted to one, or else you wouldnt be near any.

besides it's sooo obvious you make an account just because you desperately need to tell peeps about a couple of aqua women, one who made you steak enough to make you sleep

and the other is an indecisive lady. lol

we all know the truth.

you just wanted the steak!!!

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Actually, the only thing obvious about that, is that somebody asked me to tell them about my experiences with them and I told them. Otherwise you would have never known, and that would have been end of story.

Posted by Breeze
My brother has had a few but around 300 woman aand says this...

Virgo and aquas get nasty.

Scorps are all hype

Libras get attached too quick
You do?. I thought the story was Libras have a hard time deciding. So which one is it?

Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by Breeze
My brother has had a few but around 300 woman aand says this...

Virgo and aquas get nasty.

Scorps are all hype

Libras get attached too quick
You do?. I thought the story was Libras have a hard time deciding. So which one is it?

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No how each sign is sexually.

If i want to have sex with you i wont ponder. I only think if i want to fully commit

Posted by dewiklaessen26
she said that she told him that sex is not that important to her she would always be dry.
Dammm lol 😅

That sounds like a personal problem to me

Not her fault he can't get it wet

lmao@ the two venusian men

Posted by 2Moon
Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by crazysioux
I'm a Cap and I lost my virginity to an Aqua woman. Our relationship only lasted 7 months (3 months online, 4 months together), but we had sex just about every night (and sometimes in the morning before work/school). She didn't have any steamy white hot passion, but she was the initiator every time and intuitively knew what pleased me. She was the innovator, too. She also had ways of telling me what pleased her (i.e. scratching, vocalizing) which I only had a problem with the latter (she was too loud). This was all 20 years ago, and I can still say to this day that our sex was pleasant enough to still hold in high regard. But if it wasn't for the mental connection (Caps and Aquas are more similar than they are different), the experience would've been as dull as dish water.

They require the mind boner / brain erection. And they have more of an emotional stake in the foreplay and fetishism than the intercourse itself. To them, foreplay and fetishism is the main course while the actual sex act is the dessert. As she used to say, "Sex when good is REALLY good, but even when it's bad ... it's still kinda good."
That's funny that you said that, I have actually looked up the signs of the girls I watch in porn, and I noticed every aqauarius I've watched sounds horrifble as fuck in bed, to where you have to almost break the mute or fast forward button. They scream at the top of their lungs, some even grunt like a man. Huge boner kill.

+ they sound manly...

Have you ever noticed the voice of an Aquarius woman?

Some of them have a very manly voice, like the manliest voice in this world...

I remember this 17 year old Aqua girl in high school, she had the manliest voice on this planet

It was scaryLaughing ! Like her voice and body don't match... When I heard her voice for the first time, it was a surprise... An horrible surpriseLaughing ! Scared the sht out of me... Big Grin 😂😂😂😂😂

+ Some of them just talk like robots, no emotions, short monotones and choppy flowLaughing lmao
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My niece talks very monotone she has an aquarius mercury and mars without emotion i've noticed it with many aquarius mainly women

Posted by dewiklaessen26
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by crazysioux
I'm a Cap and I lost my virginity to an Aqua woman. Our relationship only lasted 7 months (3 months online, 4 months together), but we had sex just about every night (and sometimes in the morning before work/school). She didn't have any steamy white hot passion, but she was the initiator every time and intuitively knew what pleased me. She was the innovator, too. She also had ways of telling me what pleased her (i.e. scratching, vocalizing) which I only had a problem with the latter (she was too loud). This was all 20 years ago, and I can still say to this day that our sex was pleasant enough to still hold in high regard. But if it wasn't for the mental connection (Caps and Aquas are more similar than they are different), the experience would've been as dull as dish water.

They require the mind boner / brain erection. And they have more of an emotional stake in the foreplay and fetishism than the intercourse itself. To them, foreplay and fetishism is the main course while the actual sex act is the dessert. As she used to say, "Sex when good is REALLY good, but even when it's bad ... it's still kinda good."
That's funny that you said that, I have actually looked up the signs of the girls I watch in porn, and I noticed every aqauarius I've watched sounds horrifble as fuck in bed, to where you have to almost break the mute or fast forward button. They scream at the top of their lungs, some even grunt like a man. Huge boner kill.

+ they sound manly...

Have you ever noticed the voice of an Aquarius woman?

Some of them have a very manly voice, like the manliest voice in this world...

I remember this 17 year old Aqua girl in high school, she had the manliest voice on this planet

It was scaryLaughing ! Like her voice and body don't match... When I heard her voice for the first time, it was a surprise... An horrible surpriseLaughing ! Scared the sht out of me... Big Grin 😂😂😂😂😂

+ Some of them just talk like robots, no emotions, short monotones and choppy flowLaughing lmao
My niece talks very monotone she has an aquarius mercury and mars without emotion i've noticed it with many aquarius mainly women

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my mother in law has aqua venus, aqua jupiter.

she has a deep deep voice.

this woman is an Aqua sun Pisces mercury, Mars Scorpio.

she's the sister of the FIENNES brothers. Joseph and Ralph fiennes.

they have two sisters who are Aquarius suns!!!

she looks closely like my mother in law.

strong and powerful women who fight for causes.

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these are her famous brothers...Joseph and Ralph.

Martha Fiennes is the other Aquarius sun SISTER...they have two ..imagine that..lol

she was the one that got married.

she's on astrotheme, the other one i had to google her, cause her bday is not on there.

This one has Scorpio moon, and she does have Aquarius mars!!
Posted by Librasetting
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by BeastModeBull
Posted by crazysioux
I'm a Cap and I lost my virginity to an Aqua woman. Our relationship only lasted 7 months (3 months online, 4 months together), but we had sex just about every night (and sometimes in the morning before work/school). She didn't have any steamy white hot passion, but she was the initiator every time and intuitively knew what pleased me. She was the innovator, too. She also had ways of telling me what pleased her (i.e. scratching, vocalizing) which I only had a problem with the latter (she was too loud). This was all 20 years ago, and I can still say to this day that our sex was pleasant enough to still hold in high regard. But if it wasn't for the mental connection (Caps and Aquas are more similar than they are different), the experience would've been as dull as dish water.

They require the mind boner / brain erection. And they have more of an emotional stake in the foreplay and fetishism than the intercourse itself. To them, foreplay and fetishism is the main course while the actual sex act is the dessert. As she used to say, "Sex when good is REALLY good, but even when it's bad ... it's still kinda good."
That's funny that you said that, I have actually looked up the signs of the girls I watch in porn, and I noticed every aqauarius I've watched sounds horrifble as fuck in bed, to where you have to almost break the mute or fast forward button. They scream at the top of their lungs, some even grunt like a man. Huge boner kill.

+ they sound manly...

Have you ever noticed the voice of an Aquarius woman?

Some of them have a very manly voice, like the manliest voice in this world...

I remember this 17 year old Aqua girl in high school, she had the manliest voice on this planet

It was scaryLaughing ! Like her voice and body don't match... When I heard her voice for the first time, it was a surprise... An horrible surpriseLaughing ! Scared the sht out of me... Big Grin 😂😂😂😂😂

+ Some of them just talk like robots, no emotions, short monotones and choppy flowLaughing lmao
Lol oh shit you're right on that, it is a masculine sign after all.
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Libra moon and Aqua sun

hit it off!!!

grace jones, taurus sun, libra moon also dated aqua sun/aries mars /sag moon actress/old model.
the men have the actor looks.lol

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the women more for causes and behind the scenes.

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Posted by 2Moon
Posted by lisabethur8
the men have the actor looks.lol

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the women more for causes and behind the scenes.

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Desperate attempt at changing the subject of this thread by throwing some random videos and pictures of "cool" AquasLaughing

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just enjoying myself online.
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by 2Moon
Posted by lisabethur8
the men have the actor looks.lol

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the women more for causes and behind the scenes.

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Desperate attempt at changing the subject of this thread by throwing some random videos and pictures of "cool" AquasLaughing

just enjoying myself online.

( Can't stop laughing irl! )

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im the ONLY aqua here who wants to enjoy herself online.

too bad the other aqua females who are single dont participate.