I've heard aquarius women are boring/cold/deatached in bed is that right ?

Posted by crazysioux
I'm a Cap and I lost my virginity to an Aqua woman. Our relationship only lasted 7 months (3 months online, 4 months together), but we had sex just about every night (and sometimes in the morning before work/school). She didn't have any steamy white hot passion, but she was the initiator every time and intuitively knew what pleased me. She was the innovator, too. She also had ways of telling me what pleased her (i.e. scratching, vocalizing) which I only had a problem with the latter (she was too loud). This was all 20 years ago, and I can still say to this day that our sex was pleasant enough to still hold in high regard. But if it wasn't for the mental connection (Caps and Aquas are more similar than they are different), the experience would've been as dull as dish water.

They require the mind boner / brain erection. And they have more of an emotional stake in the foreplay and fetishism than the intercourse itself. To them, foreplay and fetishism is the main course while the actual sex act is the dessert. As she used to say, "Sex when good is REALLY good, but even when it's bad ... it's still kinda good."
That's funny that you said that, I have actually looked up the signs of the girls I watch in porn, and I noticed every aqauarius I've watched sounds horrifble as fuck in bed, to where you have to almost break the mute or fast forward button. They scream at the top of their lungs, some even grunt like a man. Huge boner kill.