My two cents..

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by Jolana on Sunday, August 16, 2009 and has 4 replies.
Trust your instincts with a man. Love unconditionally and dont play games. I have loved an aqua for almost four years... its been a crazy ride for both of us- as our past relationships have been full of negative people. When I first came on this site a lot of women suggested I walk away from him that I was not playing enough games and that I needed to whip him into shape..well.... Im glad I did not. I belive everyone comes into your life for a reason- to teach you something or show you something about yourself and your path. So love yourself of course Im not saying to say in a abusive relationship but instead of worrying so about every little thing= just love him and hope that you are both headed in the same direction. Life is short - true love is very very rare- perfection and perfect relationships are in movies from 1953.... trust yourself and if he makes you smile when he calls or walks to your door- enjoy the moment... the rest will fall into place
YEAH Jolana! - the FIRST time I've heard another female who has the same mindset as I do about Aqua males. They are after all just a human being like we are, so why treat them badly or play games just to get a reaction out of them? I just treat them the same way that I want to be treated, and so far that has worked for me also. He's definitely different from anyone I've ever known before as in it's taken me a lot longer to figure him out, but then I look at that as a good thing since all the other men that were in my life are all EX's!!! I'm doing as you said and enjoying every little thing and every single moment and just smiling as I look forward to yet another day that I will spend enjoying the mystery that is my Aqua male. Perhaps I'm just as big of a mystery to him since I'm an Aqua female?!! Who knows, but maybe that's what helps make this work. Oh, and just for the record...he's awesome!!! PEACE & LOVE
P.S. Just wanted to add that ALL my Aqua guy friends are the BEST!!! Luv u guys!!! : )
Jolana, I've been rooting for you! You sound like things are going great for you and for your BF. What happened? Did he finally decide to commit?
Well its nice to hear nice guys/gas don't always finish last.