YEAH Jolana! - the FIRST time I've heard another female who has the same mindset as I do about Aqua males. They are after all just a human being like we are, so why treat them badly or play games just to get a reaction out of them? I just treat them the same way that I want to be treated, and so far that has worked for me also. He's definitely different from anyone I've ever known before as in it's taken me a lot longer to figure him out, but then I look at that as a good thing since all the other men that were in my life are all EX's!!! I'm doing as you said and enjoying every little thing and every single moment and just smiling as I look forward to yet another day that I will spend enjoying the mystery that is my Aqua male. Perhaps I'm just as big of a mystery to him since I'm an Aqua female?!! Who knows, but maybe that's what helps make this work. Oh, and just for the record...he's awesome!!! PEACE & LOVE
P.S. Just wanted to add that ALL my Aqua guy friends are the BEST!!! Luv u guys!!! : )