Reason why Aquarius might be afraid to fall in love

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by alexpisces1987 on Thursday, February 14, 2019 and has 36 replies.
This is just a theory of mine that I came up with after reading a lot about Aquarius and watching a lot of videos about them. I wanna check with other Aquarians if it makes sense.

When you start to like someone very much, to the point where you find yourself overthinking about that person so much that it might affect your life, is that when you decide to back off?

Could it be because you don't allow someone else to "control" you, because that would mean that person has some "power" over your and then you go on complete detach-mode, disconnection, being alone etc, in order to find yourself, regain your control and independence.

Does that make any sense to you? Does any Aquarian relate to this?
I relate to some of that.
Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
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You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄
Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄
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I want to know too 😝😝😜
What is this "love" you speak of? 😂
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I want to know too 😝😝😜
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Until the OP respond to me, you have to wait 😜😜😜😜😜😄
Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I want to know too 😝😝😜
Until the OP respond to me, you have to wait 😜😜😜😜😜😄
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Oh you are in an annoying mood today 😜 Aquas 🙄
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I want to know too 😝😝😜
Until the OP respond to me, you have to wait 😜😜😜😜😜😄

Oh you are in an annoying mood today 😜 Aquas 🙄
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But never as moody as Pisces 😜😜😜😜😜😄
Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I want to know too 😝😝😜
Until the OP respond to me, you have to wait 😜😜😜😜😜😄

Oh you are in an annoying mood today 😜 Aquas 🙄
But never as moody as Pisces 😜😜😜😜😜😄
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I am pretty sure the OP will disagree on that 😜😝
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I want to know too 😝😝😜
Until the OP respond to me, you have to wait 😜😜😜😜😜😄

Oh you are in an annoying mood today 😜 Aquas 🙄
But never as moody as Pisces 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I am pretty sure the OP will disagree on that 😜😝
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We'll see about that 😄
Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I want to know too 😝😝😜
Until the OP respond to me, you have to wait 😜😜😜😜😜😄

Oh you are in an annoying mood today 😜 Aquas 🙄
But never as moody as Pisces 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I am pretty sure the OP will disagree on that 😜😝
We'll see about that 😄
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Lol. The OP is probably a Pisces 😜
Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.
Could you please elaborate? Tongue
Posted by Antiochus

Part of it, yes.
You, as well. Care to elaborate? =)
Posted by alexpisces1987

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.
Could you please elaborate? Tongue
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I'm more concern about relationship "norm" or "rules" if I may call it.

Me as an Aqua don't follow that same path.

One example when there's a problem in my life (not particularly relationship problem), by norm people say we have to talk about it with our partner. I do talk about it but sometimes i don't and I don't see that as a big deal.

I just wanted some time to think alone to find the solution. Anymore than that is can be a distraction to me.

Hope that helps lol and you understand that.
Posted by AerialView

Posted by alexpisces1987

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.
Could you please elaborate? Tongue
I'm more concern about relationship "norm" or "rules" if I may call it.

Me as an Aqua don't follow that same path.

One example when there's a problem in my life (not particularly relationship problem), by norm people say we have to talk about it with our partner. I do talk about it but sometimes i don't and I don't see that as a big deal.

I just wanted some time to think alone to find the solution. Anymore than that is can be a distraction to me.

Hope that helps lol and you understand that.
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Rebel 😜
Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by alexpisces1987

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.
Could you please elaborate? Tongue
I'm more concern about relationship "norm" or "rules" if I may call it.

Me as an Aqua don't follow that same path.

One example when there's a problem in my life (not particularly relationship problem), by norm people say we have to talk about it with our partner. I do talk about it but sometimes i don't and I don't see that as a big deal.

I just wanted some time to think alone to find the solution. Anymore than that is can be a distraction to me.

Hope that helps lol and you understand that.

Rebel 😜
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If you say so 😜
So, AerialView, what you're saying is that when you are having an important issue going on you will put EVERYTHING else on hold until you solve that issue, even if that means potentially losing someone you're interested in?
Posted by alexpisces1987

When you start to like someone very much, to the point where you find yourself overthinking about that person so much that it might affect your life, is that when you decide to back off?

Don’t make excuses for him/her to make yourself feel better.

Someone who is interested is not going to ‘back off cause their afraid’. Period.

Example: Aquarius gf was with the same dude for over a decade. Sad ending, overdose and died. She dated plenty after that. When she met her current bf they got together moved in etc fast. No hesitation.

Aquarius gay bestie, huge man ho. Different dick on tap every day of the week. Gets bored easily.

Reconnected with an old flame and went from 0-100. So keen, all he could think and talk about. Old flame was the one who faded out. He was gutted.

Point is, despite the month someone’s born in- despite what astrology says, if an aqua wants to be with you they will be with you.

Don’t excuse fboi behavior and explain it away on ‘aqua traits’. Your just prolonging your disappointment.
Posted by alexpisces1987

So, AerialView, what you're saying is that when you are having an important issue going on you will put EVERYTHING else on hold until you solve that issue, even if that means potentially losing someone you're interested in?
It doesn't mean by doing that I will have to lose the relationship. But yes I've lost some relationship cause of that.

But i never think that as my fault. I was just being me.

That is why I reject relationship norms most people or books followed.

Don’t make excuses for him/her to make yourself feel better.

Someone who is interested is not going to ‘back off cause their afraid’. Period.

Point is, despite the month someone’s born in- despite what astrology says, if an aqua wants to be with you they will be with you.

Don’t excuse fboi behavior and explain it away on ‘aqua traits’. Your just prolonging your disappointment.
You're absolutely right. I am also very understanding and I try to understand the situation than blame them.

However, again, you are right and I should not make these excuses. I know I deserve someone who truly appreciates me for what I am, but sometimes that's just easier said than done.
Accurate but I do agree with @ladyneptune that if we do like someone we don’t just fall off the face of the earth. We still communicate and let our presence be known. Our interest definitely shows without looking desperate.
That is my experience with Aquarius too. When they love you they don’t disappear.
Beats me I haven't met an aqua that was afraid to fall in love yet. I'll agree to somewhat we kinda move at our own pace and that, at times, can be detrimental to the relationship.

The detaching is beyond me. I'm more under the assumption when aquas detach it's usually them working themselves out for whatever reason but I usually place that in the category of "they're not sure about you yet" rather than "they've fallen in love with you".

The Control part? yeah I don't know about that. Every aqua I've met does their own thing regardless if it pisses people off. YOU AINT MAH MOM
He texts me everyday

Sometimes he cant talk but I at least get some sort of contact.

When he isn’t running in every direction he is attentive and direct with me.

when you’re in love you become the other, you change to please the other, all making you lose yourself. so there’s a fight between wanting to love and love and still keep your freedom
what I'm talking about is also explained in this video after 10:10:

Posted by alexpisces1987

what I'm talking about is also explained in this video after 10:10:

This is exactly how Aquarius are.

What you are saying they do it in the very beginning when they are not sure. Just being there without giving them pressure or trying to go too fast will make them relax. They need to know that they are not going to loose their individuality because of you. If you are the right person they will come and be totally there for you, in an Aquarius way.
Posted by alexpisces1987

what I'm talking about is also explained in this video after 10:10:

I can relate a lot to this. I used to date him for 2 months and it moved too quickly. Broke up but stayed present in each other’s life. He was super detached for a year. Now he’s talking to me, slowly becoming comfortable, and letting me in, but fighting it at the same time. It’s been a slow gradual process.
Posted by alexpisces1987

When you start to like someone very much, to the point where you find yourself overthinking about that person so much that it might affect your life, is that when you decide to back off?

This is a very small segment of a decision process. It indicates the aqua in question is trying to mentally in her/his head work out the logistics of the relationship and how it will affect the freedom loving, carefree life. Because as soon as you have a SO, you can't be thinking just about yourself, but you have to think about the other person as well.

All that said.....this phase doesn't last long if them person in question is "deemed worthy".

If this phase goes on for too long, you are simply not the best option at the moment, or better put the most optimal option in her/his eyes and if she/he comes back to the person it's either settling in 95+% of cases or some epiphany was reached along the lines of "oh i was so stupid she/he is so perfect for me". But that doesn't happen a lot.

When you start to like someone very much, to the point where you find yourself overthinking about that person so much that it might affect your life, is that when you decide to back off?

Does that make any sense to you? Does any Aquarian relate to this?

Yes, Im that intense too. lmao! But I dont back off cuz the other person has any type of control or power over me, but bc ... I think we need to have our minds clear before give our 100% .. An aquarius they say we are aloof and unemotional we are not.. deep inside, our love is very intense... when we decide to give it to someone we give it our all...

We need to be in control of what we feel..... it has nothing to do w the other person... i think.
Im not an Aquarian. But I do have Jupiter in Aquarius... I understand how you all feel.

Its not about losing your independence and control.

Its about love being a burden on your way of life.
Posted by Mariposa_

The emotions go soooo intense that I’m day dreaming about the person.

“Dreaming with my eyes open”

As an aqua, I’m suppose to go into detach mode after this happens, but unfortunately my pisces Venus kicks in and ill start wrapping myself around their lives, trying to make them happy, taking care of them, being clingy or obsessive, learning about their lives, and adoring who they are.
This is so adorable. As a heavy pisces I relate to this, where the part of detaching myself is acted in some way of telling myself I don't deserve that person. A way of fooling myself, to protect myself.

Pisces in Aquarius territory here, sorry folks.
THere are so many aqua with strong heavy Pisces influence !
Posted by rmactavish

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I want to know too 😝😝😜
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Sorry 😜
Posted by rmactavish

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by rmactavish

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

Posted by pisceswoman123

Posted by AerialView

I relate to some of that.

Which some? 😄😜
You're not the OP 😜😜😜😜😜😄

I want to know too 😝😝😜
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Sorry 😜
I've experienced enough Third Wheeling in my life already so please... 🙄 Get a room you two 😏
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Cmon it’s Pisces season 💙 Love is in the air