Thank You Moderator

This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by MellowDee on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 and has 52 replies.
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Thanks for heeding the flags.
I'm gonna clean up my act too. Gonna stop getting into scraps with foul mouthed users. It's not gonna get me anywhere except bring me down to their level too.
Just watch your tongue like a good boy Primegen.
Actually sorry to Elly and pisces girl who started the thread initially.
Elly: move on from the aquarian guy I say. They're generally too much both and more trouble than they're worth. It'll save you a load of energy in the long run if you leave this aqua guy to stare at the wall while you move on with your life.
pisces girl: Remember try not to ask him to be more committed especially if he's an aqua. It'll only piss him off and make him stary further.
*both = bother
*stary = stray!
*fondles prime's glorious breasts one last time*
Wheels I have to say you're some woman. I think Primegen is too enraptured by your sensuous fondling to be able to pass any of his usual pleasantries right now. That's some talent you have. What's the secret?
so that's why i couldn't get any pages to load past page 4....damn, it was a good thread up till then.
lol you all sound like 5th graders
-i second that!
"I doubt you would just roll over and take it would you?"
Yep. Still kinky.
primegen, you really don't have to defend yourself. i am surprised that you two bicker so much, because, apart from that, you both seem fairly mature. no one needs to prove anything around here. even if someone judges you, you probably don't know them, nor will you ever, right?
but it's ok. your fights are funny. i can't help but wonder how the monitor person, if there actually is someone who reads things through and then deletes them, can bring themselves to do that.
ps - i don't think anyone doubts your manliness, even WITH those incredible tits.
I've always been quite a sucky mediator, so I'm not even going to attempt to fix the situation.
I agree that she does seem to instigate. But your points of view often clash. It's just the inclusion of personal insults that push it beyond a statement of disagreement. Some of the things you said to her were pretty harsh. Maybe because of that she is lashing out at you at any opportunity she can. Who knows.
Obviously you don't see any problem with the way you are handling the situation. If you feel the need to return her insults and all that, well then no one can stop you, eh? It does make it easier and more rewarding to provoke you though. Don't take that as criticism. I just calls it like I sees it.
But just think about it, prime. If you DON'T insult her, and just stay all rational and stuff, she might get even MORE pissed. Eh?
And then no one has to worry about looking like they're in 5th grade. Unless MellowDee continues to pursue, of course.
I missed the arguement . . lucky me. What thread was it? The committment one is gone, I think . . was that it?
Yeah, wouldn't it be awful to have the moderators job? How boring.
Maybe this will be a good turn in the road for the two of you.
Yes, P-Angel, it was the commitment thread Winking
"She thinks it is her mission to annoy, she said so once."
That is an interesting philosophy.
Well whateva dude. You put her right in her place. Everyone knows prime ain't takin' no smack. Maybe your last message shall be a hint...then again, maybe not.
Damn stubborn Aquarians.

I know, dearie, just a bit of wry humor Winking
Feel free to put me in my place anytime you want though. You superfreak.
By the way, congratulations on getting 3/5 of the people out. I'm not even gonna ask why the heck you would invest in a home gym. If you use it, though, more power to ya.
Congrats on getting your own inhouse gym primer. Now you work off your pair of tits.
Quit talking start pumping Primer.
The main hallway has a giant cyrstla chandaliere. It is real.
Ooh la la!
Sounds pretty snooty to me. Tongue
Are you ever afraid it's going to fall on you as you're walking under it?
Well, good. smile Because it would probably be quite painful. lol
Ya'd better be wearing a padded bra Primer for this lil contest...
thanks guys just made a trip out to check back on that thread
i just wanted alittle advice, i lost a friend-not just a boyfriend, and u guys have to go fight for nothing-i come here to feel alittle uplifted. Its not nice guys....i did not even read all the posts, i saw enough
sorry im feeling very raw today-id sent him a message last night just to say id always understood him, and sorry for pushing, just that i had missed him sometimes, and that i wish him the best.) maybe that was a doormat message - but it had not ended on nice terms. of course i have heard nothing back. i guess im my heart i had felt he would have not let me walk away, and it sucks to know i was very wrong- i did not even push him hard, i wish he would tell me he feels nothing, i need a slap in the face, for it to close and for me to move on.
Sorry Elly that your thread got terminated on account of the argument between myself and Primegen. And sorry to hear that your aquarius guy is not being that responsive to the fact that you've told him you're leaving him. But it's prob beetter to walk away as fast as you can from that than hesiitate and ask and wonder why he can't give the affection you want. Some guys are like this. That's why I'm turning my sights at water signs these days because I like men who are warm and caring.
its ok
"i did not even push him hard, i wish he would tell me he feels nothing, i need a slap in the face, for it to close and for me to move on."
You can't make people do or behave in particular ways. ie you can't control them. I think we aquarians do do this in indirect ways probably because of our fixed natures. But look your relationship with this guy in that you did and gave your best to it and look at it that way instead of being upset that he didn't make more of an effort to try to salvage the relationship.
Get over it Primer. And why don't *you* offer Elly a bit of constructive advice on how she should handle her aquarian guy. Hang on - you are being construtive - in why one shouldn't bother with aquarian men!!
And apologies to Supramike and Alienrobot and other nice aquarian men. I don't mean you obviously.
PRIMEGEN STARTED IT!!!!!! *points*
hehehe ok.
*whispers to GL* primegen started it Tongue
I know what this is about.
You're mad at me because I won't deny that you are a super-kinky sex fiend.
"Plus why do you want to waste your life on other people's sex fetishes?"
Why do YOU want to waste your life being a MEANIE? *sobs*
How am I wasting my life on it by mentioning it? Tongue
But who are you kidding, primegen; you are, too! TRULY are my hero.
Haha, umm, sure, if you wanna take it that way Winking
Primegen constantly denies that he is kinky when I broach the subject, and says I'm wasting my life, so I greatly appreciated you saying that, is all.
"...I only do normal things."
Are you SURE you're an Aqua?
this is very kinky......but i like it...keep it going...
when can we have why the aqua part 2?? smile
i ment to say that-i am very sleepy
prime-he wont speak to me-thats shows he pissed i guess, I didn't want it to end like this-i am typical aqua-to still be on speaking terms at least...maybe he'll pop up in some days..
I would never force-just dont want it left the way it is.ill sit back.
question-in eight months i have never told him i have feelings for him-nothing -zero. (niether him)Not that im planning to do that now-no way-just wondering if that has played a part in anything-
i agree. I will leave him. dont know why hes pissed, thats the only thing thats eating me.