
This topic was created in the Aquarius forum by aquapixie on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 and has 20 replies.
Do any Aquarians out there who have dated other Aquarians have any advice? Words of wisdom?
It's just weird. No wait, it's can't describe it. Strange.
I guess some people would say "Are you getting what you want?" but I don't want anything. I feel like I should be worried about something or maybe I should do something, but what? I love my space. He loves his space. We've only been seeing each other for 2 months so it's not serious or anything. But then again my definition of "serious" is weird anyway. Is anything ever REALLY serious? Isn't the definition "serious" different for different people, and can't the meaning of the word differ?
Seriously guys, I'm so Aquarian it's not even funny. Is this what it means to be detached? I don't think I know how to be anything BUT detached and I guess I'm wondering if an Aqua man needs someone a little less detached. But, I AM honest, I haven't played games, I make sure to tell him I like him back after he tells me he likes me (he tends to repeat that a lot, he's really quirky) and he's stated, numerous times, that what he likes about me is that I seem to really mean what I say, that I don't play games. And that is true, I mean what's the big deal in letting someone know you like them back? It doesn't mean you want to crawl up their butt and live. So I guess he gets verbal acknowledgement from me but I tend to ignore him a lot. Is that bad? Lady_M help me out here! You always have good advice!
LOL, You sound like the voices in my head. smile
Form the lot of aqua guys I've encountered ones I've liked or just platonic friends...they all seem to be extremely lovable, more so than moi.
Between two aquas...the detachness can keep the relationship from blossoming or going any further usually. Or it just takes REALLY long time to get anywhere Tongue Its very comfortable, but too comfortable can be boring, ya know. We tend to get bored easily.
From what Ive experienced and observed you gotta let them chase, they love it and appreciate the fact that whatever is going on its a challenge. BUT as aquas we also love being chased...more so than the relationship SadTongue
I think you should continue being yourself; he seems to like it. If not, discuss the issue with him. Randomly ask, "Are you happy?". Im sure you know how to have and handle a discussion with an aqua to get answers out of them.
You know I have a 'relationship' with a pisces guy who seems to be the opposite of me and what I actually want for some reason. I dont know why I like him...partly b/c he makes me laugh and thats major to me; he's just a really sweet guy. I dont have fabulous intellectual convos with him tho...which I sometimes want. Aqua/pisces attraction is very weird UC...but it happens ALOT. They are always somehow one of our first loves so to speak (plenty of dxpers aqua or pisces can attest).
I tend to get viewed as reserved and prudish...I'm okay with that. Most dont know me on any other level so its cool. I have NO difficulty flirting...I'm really good at it gets me in a bit of trouble sometimes, nothing I cant handle though. Following through tends to be the issue.

Ooohhh, I'm an Aqua. So cool and detached. Being detached makes me cool. Others tread beneath me.
Hating is so unbecoming...yet you wear it well smile
"sometimes we don't know how serious a relationship is until someone defines it for us--and then we're like, "Oh okay, I get it now.""
lol! Do you know how many times this has happened to me?? Some I didnt know I was even dating. smile
I'm a gemini and i'm going through the same thing with my Aqua, he's so detached, i can be too at times, but not like him, at times i would go a week without calling him, and whenever i call, i don't let his detachment bother me. But OMG, it's been a week and I texted him today, he replied "what's up?" I said, " Later i'll call you when you get off work. Drive safely & have a pleasant day!"

I just called him, becuz he gets off work at 11pm so I gave him time to get home, relax and eat something. Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! I called NO answer...

What can I do in this situation? Help Please!
I'm confused. I don't see a situation.
the situation is that he's aloof... i give him his space, yet still his distant is unbearable, we used to talk constantly, now we don't........... PERIOD!

i'm confused myself

lol, I thought pisces men have homo tendencies fact the one Im with I used to think he was gay. He isnt flamboyant, he just isnt macho/alpha male and has alot of female friends....but I know now its just their thing.
I find alot of aqua men asexual and perhaps the women get the same critique.

I dont find social types fascinating at all. Im very social myself...when I feel like it, or with people I find of interest. I prefer the quiet 'mysterious' men. Although, my pisces guy thinks I'm anti-social. Absurd! He wouldnt even know me if I hadnt been the one to bugger him with tons of questions and such...I had no interest in him at the time though. He grew on me. I am the one that attracts the pisces man...I have no idea why. I want an aries goddammit! lol.
lol, what?
I think I can handle it...I just want to try it once. To add to my list of experiences Tongue
I'm an aries riser and mars, so it shouldnt be too bad.
Most rams I know are family members, no love interests. Im okay with them. I dont let people get to me...if so, Im really good at ignoring.
I just cant shake the pisces men away, ugh.Tongue
Whoa! You guys are all over it! smile
I don't know why I posted it really, just rambling. I mean, my mercury is in Aquarius too, know...oh hell don't get me started.
We had a great date last night. He is more emotional than I, and out-talks me, but it balances out well. We are going to be great friends, I can tell.
I think I was just putting my thoughts into words, just seeing if any other aquas had stories or whatever of dating other aquas themselves.
Very true starfish...the lines of sexuality are a little blurred these days. I usually just ask them. lol. I can be a tad blunt.
UC, it's not always about the sun sign. I have venus in Aries, I am the queen of impish flirtation, and with a Sagittarius moon I bask in all things romantic. I truly, truly feel those things, I just RELATE different than YOU do. You are "feeling" oriented, I am "knowledge" oriented. I'm kind of up in the air, spacey, but it doesn't mean I'm not flirtatious, ultra-feminine, or romantic. You can be all of that without being uber feeling-oriented, I know for a fact because my best friend has ALL of the same planets/sun as me, except for our mercury and moon, and she is the SAME way.
thank you Starfish, this distance thing gets unbearable at times. I just sent him a pic of a stripper shoe i bought, asking him when he's gonna let me model them for him LOL
i hope that works.

I've read up that Aquarians & Geminis make great frineds, lovers and playmate, i soooooooooooooooo wanna be his best friend likewise him being mines and us sharing a bed.

Oh BTW, we've been dating since October of last year, so it's still fresh in is head, i kinda like that he's reserved and shy, so funny, but it's just gets unbearable...
Oh my I sooo get the whole "oh we're in a relationship? Ok cool" thing. So glad other people get it.
Lady, I wonder if your cancer moon would have anything to do with you digging a Pisces?
I am blunt to a fault. Sometimes blunt is good, though. The other person always knows where they stand. Communication is key.
oops ^^^ his head
I dont dig them, per se. They dig me!
I just tend to dig men period. smile
I like height and good personalities...thats all I ask for.
Ive dated a cancer...never again. There unbearable and overwhelming. *deep breath*
I have a good cancer male friend, whom I like to call mr. dramatic. We are great friends, but Im so happy I'm not his girlfriend...he's with a crazy scorpio chick, they work well two crazies in one asylum.
Trust me I know, but two things, gotta have alot of life of your own..And also when you are connected to a Aqua man and HE IS Connected to you he is not distant at all. You can feel his presence around you rather he calls or not, they just have a way of staying conncected to the woman he loves cares about ect.ect..Now if you cant
really feel that then either you are not connected to him or perhaps he is not connected to you and well then you may wanna worry..Other then that its all good..
You are ABSOLUTELY right about the connection, i so can feel it as though he's here with me... weird but yes, i do telepath is feelings for me.

WOW, i'm learning by the minute about these strange creatures called Aquarius Men, love him anyways..
That's funny UC, I know a scorpio man married to an aqua woman. She rules that roost with an iron fist.
I truly think moons, venus, etc. have a BIG, BIG, impact that a lot of people don't always take into consideration. My best friend (aqua) will not date aqua men because her ego can't take it. She has a leo moon. She absolutely must feel in control, like she is running things, and that venus in aries adds to that too.